The Lone Ranger (2013)

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  • Depp's a fine actor, altho I sure haven't been a fan of all his films. I'm lookiing forward to Tarantino's Django myself.

    Totally forgot about that one, be interesting to see how that works.

    Ironically I watched the original Django and my wife said it reminded her of a Tarantino movie and that was BEFORE Django unchained was even green lit!

    That's two big westerns in 12 months coming out.
    Great news!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Yep-sure hope they're both incredible. We're way over due for some decent westerns. The shame of it is that it shouldn't necessarily take big stars, and big budgets, just decent scripts, directors, and decent actors. The bulk of the westerns made over the past 5-10 years-mainly for Hallmark or straight to rental, may have one of the ingrediants, but never even 2 of the 3.

  • Well, it doesn't look like the Lone Ranger that I grew up on, which is definitely a plus. The old TV show often had the ranger forsaking his mask and posing as a grey-bearded old prospector type, thus permitting Clayton Moore to wildly overact, like a prototype of Gabby Johnson in "Blazing Saddles" -"rarebit!".
    As Bill Cosby once observed, the trope of sending Tonto alone into town to gather information was just an excuse to have him beat to jelly by bigoted townfolk on a semi regular basis.
    Johnny Depp does seem to have mastered Jay Silverheels' voice mannerisms, but the special effects action scenes are goofy surreal. A roadrunner cartoon looks like a documentary compared to it. Wonder if the movie will refer to the William Tell Overture?

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • When I first saw the early trailers for the new film, I was looking forward to seeing it. But now, with the expanded trailers, I think I'll wait til it pops up on cable. It just appears WAAAYYYYY too overblown, and overburdoned with CGI fx, and unbelievable situations.

  • Well, from what I've read, alot of the action and stunts were done live, not CGI. Actor, Armie Hammer said in a recent article that he thought the same thing, they would act out certain parts, the rest filled in by CGI. To his surprise, that wasn't the case, the actors did their own stunts, including the ones on the train. They built a real train hub for that purpose and Hammer said it was scary at times, but if you didn't think about what you were doing and just went with what they wanted you to do, it was ok.

  • Depp is on Letterman and they say much of the film was made in Monument Valley. It was directed by Gore Verbinski who made the first 3 Pirates of the Caribbean films so I expect it's overblown just like them.

  • I find it funny that The Lone Ranger has its top billing to an Indian. I mean, with the title of movie and it stars Johnny Depp? You figure. Of course they did it with the very first Batman with Jack Nicholson as the Joker.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Equal Status, Kemo Sabe
    Johnny Depp Revises Tonto in ‘The Lone Ranger’…the-lone-ranger.html?_r=0

    Thanks for this May.

    Many folk dislike Johnny Depp,
    but as an actor he's done 'quite' well.
    I like him and enjoy his films.

    Most of his movies have been great successes,
    which is more than a lot of fading Hollywood stars can say.
    It's no wonder he takes top slot on this one.

    I hope it does well, and it looks infinitely better
    than the dreadful 'Cowboys & Aliens'

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Not getting good reviews so far, most that I've read complain about the violence and some gore. The end action has been praised tho-