Stagecoach (Criterion Collection) Bluray vs DVD

There are 3 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 4,872 times. The latest Post () was by mccflo99.

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  • I just bought the bluray version of the criterion collection version of Stagecoach. I also have the DVD version. I compared the two and to me, they seem like the same transfer. Not sure if it's just my eyes, but the small comparison I did, some parts of the bluray seemed to even be a bit darker, and therefore not as good of a picture as the DVD version. Additionally, there are letterbox bars on the right and left on the bluray version that are not present on the DVD version, which fills the entire screen. I noticed on the back of the bluray box, it makes no reference to this being a new transfer, but does say that it has uncompressed audio, which the DVD did not have.

    Can anyone comment on this that has knowledge of the bluray transfer. Kind of feel like I've been hoodwinked by the studio on this one.


  • Not sure if i'm the right man to comment here, I own the dvd version but have yet to watch it however I have seen the Blu Ray version which I don't own and I thought the quality was breathtaking for a film from that early, sure it was black and white but it looked wonderfully crisp and the sound was clear as day. I'm not one who generally finds much difference between the formats as i'm not very fussy on quality as long as it's watchable but I was impressed with the Stagecoach blu-ray.

  • Thanks for the update Chris, I have to agree with most, that I also find it difficult
    to see the difference, but then my eyesight, is not what it was !!!

    I have also copied your posts over to the dedicated thread

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi Irish,

    Yep, I don't deny the quality of the transfer is good. I was just disappointed that the bluray was no improvement and I just spent $20 (again) to upgrade the bluray. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this.
