The JWMB Trivia Game #12

There are 30 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 14,822 times. The latest Post () was by dukefan1.

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  • Thanks Kevin and Ethan. The significance from that video for those unfamiliar is it illustrates private John Steele who landed on the church top of the first village in Normandy liberated by the United States.

  • Thanks Kevin and Ethan. The significance from that video for those unfamiliar is it illustrates private John Steele who landed on the church top of the first village in Normandy liberated by the United States.


    Cryptic Clue

    From silk comes metal, that then becomes red!!

    From the parachute (Silk), hung John Steele (metal)
    that the becomes red (Red Buttons, played the part)

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thanks Ethan. That was a terrific question because until you quizzed me on silk's relation to the war, it all went right over my head. And that church was a nicely hidden trivia sight as well because it's most noted moment (iconic as it is) takes place at night so the image doesn't resonate like say Monument Canyon in John Ford movies. Thanks for keeping the faith in me. I was a slow study on that one.

  • Well,we finally got there, and all the answers are in.
    Great fun with this one, particularly Question 1!!

    1./ Where is this, and what happened here?


    Normandy, France

    A famous incident involved paratrooper John Steele of the 505th PIR,
    whose parachute caught on the spire of the town church,
    and could only observe the fighting going on below.
    He hung there limply for two hours, pretending to be dead,
    before the Germans took him prisoner.
    Steele later escaped from the Germans and rejoined his division
    when US troops of the 3rd Battalion, 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment
    attacked the village capturing thirty Germans and killing another eleven.
    The incident was portrayed in the movie The Longest Day by actor
    Red Buttons.

    Congratulations to Rooster52 and Kevin for getting this one

    2./ What was the Movie?

    The Longest Day

    3./ Who is this?

    John Qualen

    4./ The actor above, appeared with Duke in 9 Movies, name at least two!

    Any two of
    The Sons Of Katie Elder
    Donovan's Reef
    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
    North to Alaska
    The Searchers
    The Sea Chase
    The High and the Mighty
    The Shepherd of the Hills
    The Long Voyage Home

    Congratulations to Kevin for selecting -The Searchers + The Shepherd of the Hills

    5./ In which movie did Duke say this??

    "It would break my heart if I had to put a bullet in your back"

    The Comancheros

    Congratulations to Rooster52

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited once, last by ethanedwards ().