The Big Trail (1930)

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  • I found there is a colourised version on youtube, but it isn't very good quality. It looks more sepia than colour.

    I would love to see a high quality colourised version one day. It's been my favourite western since I was a teenager.

    • Official Post

    While seeing an older B&W film colorized is a neat novelty, I find that I prefer the original in most cases. I've seen more bad colorization jobs than good ones. But it really is to each his own. For your sake, I hope they do a high quality colorization one day.


  • While seeing an older B&W film colorized is a neat novelty, I find that I prefer the original in most cases. I've seen more bad colorization jobs than good ones. But it really is to each his own. For your sake, I hope they do a high quality colorization one day.


    I usually prefer Laurel & Hardy in the original black & white, but sometimes it's nice to watch the colourised versions too.

  • I usually prefer Laurel & Hardy in the original black & white, but sometimes it's nice to watch the colourised versions too.

    I thought at first you were talking about the Biden/Harris show in DC...but I realized you were talking about the original Laurel & Hardy! :)

  • I love The Big Trail for it's incredible cinematography, but the acting is pretty bad. You can definitely see what Wayne will become, his presence is immediate even though he is "wooden" in many scenes. I did like Tully Marshall's performance as Zeke. For fans of this movie, there are a couple of videos on YouTube of silent, behind the scenes footage shot during the production with closeups of all the main cast members:


    Big Trail (1930) Behind the Scenes Part 2 of 2 - YouTube

    Amazing video, too bad no sound.

  • I love The Big Trail for its incredible cinematography, but the acting is pretty bad. You can definitely see what Wayne will become, his presence is immediate even though he is "wooden" in many scenes.

    An account here of Duke working with a drama coach on this film:

    John Wayne admits he was frustrated to go to drama coach in first role
    John Wayne abandoned what his The Big Trail director demanded of him in great frustration.