General age of John Wayne fans at the JWMB poll

There are 8 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 18,448 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • In what decade does your birth year fall in? 40

    1. [1900-1910] (0) 0%
    2. [1911-1920] (0) 0%
    3. [1921-1930] (0) 0%
    4. [1931-1940] (0) 0%
    5. [1941-1950] (9) 23%
    6. [1951-1960] (14) 35%
    7. [1961-1970] (10) 25%
    8. [1971-1980] (3) 8%
    9. [1981-1990] (3) 8%
    10. [1991-2000] (1) 3%
    11. [2007-2010] (0) 0%

    Okay, it's been many years since the original "General age of the fans who love Duke" was posted, in fact it was 14 + years ago. The original poll asked for age which is great for that moment but as the years tick by the poll has been skewed.

    So this new General age of John Wayne fans at the JWMB poll will ask you for your birth year. It's fun to see what the age spread is for members here at the JWMB. So please participate.

    In the poll here we are just giving year ranges [1900-1910], [1911-1920] etc. You just need to choose the decade date range that your birth year falls in.

    It'll be interesting to see how it shakes out. I'm sure it might be similar to the previous poll. :)

  • Hey,Everyone! Just wanted to say quite a bit later than I probably should that I hope the Good Lord will Rest The Soul of Our John Wayne Official Website Member,Ethan Edwards. I am 65 years old in November and I will always love John Wayne!

  • Hi there: for as long as I can remember I have been a major fan of John Wayne. While I was too young to see his earlier movies, I remember going to the show on Saturday afternoons to see the latest John Wayne movies that came out in 60s and 70s. You can imagine how thrilled I was when VHS made the scene and even more thrilled with DVDs. I now have almost all of his movies except his early ones and I derive a great deal of pleasure watching them.

  • Greetings Duke Enthusiasts!
    My family & I lived in England from 1958-1962, and we only had 2 channels on the
    TV set. I dont remember seeing many full
    length flicks during that time at all!... I was young, and I think they came on after I was sent to bed. (after 7:30pm)(Hence my inability to view my first and one of my very favorite JW movies).
    Programming at that time : Mostly News, a few Sitcoms, Variety Shows, soccer(aka football there) and golf.
    My first flick (after returning to the States)happens to be one of my favorites:
    Sands of Iwo Jima"(1949). I saw it at age 10 in 1962..
    It made such a lasting impression on me.
    A heroine that was shot in the line of duty. Watching one of his squad members climbing Mt Surabachi to ensure The American Flag was raised in Victory!
    He was nominated for an Academy Award.
    I have owned the movie for many years, and have watched it dozens of times!

  • Like others I was introduced to the Duke by my dad at different times of the year. When I was young I remember watching Duke war movies on and around memorial day, and the 4th of July. Duke westerns on or around Thanksgiving and Christmas. That was the hook, and it was set at a young age. :P