Monument Valley...

There are 10 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 3,878 times. The latest Post () was by DCtheQuietMan.

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  • My wife and I took a tour of Monument Valley...was at Goulding's Lodge...John Ford Point...and the John Wayne Cabin which was used as Capt. Nathan Brittles' quarters in the movie She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. Monument Valley is an incredible place...if anyone wants to see why movie crews came there to film...the beauty and expanse of the pace is awe-inspiring.




    Here's the John Wayne Cabin behind Goulding's Lodge...


    Here's me standing where Duke stood...


    "It was me...I shot Liberty Valance."

  • Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing!


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

    • Official Post

    There is a book on Amazon that lists all of Dukes filming locations. I hope to do the entire tour someday.

    If your talking about the book, John Wayne Was Here by Roland Schaefli, it is a great read. The author is a member on this forum and goes by the name Itdo. I highly recommend buying it.


  • Thanks for advertisting, Mark!

    So they finally put a sign on Nathan Brittles' cabin - I liked it better the way it was... might give people the wrong idea that this was the cabin JW slept in during filming.