Amazingly I might just be the first to welcome you to the site hope you enjoy yourself stick around and travel through the many topics.
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Amazingly I might just be the first to welcome you to the site hope you enjoy yourself stick around and travel through the many topics.
Hi lastjwfan
The Original John Wayne Message Board
where fans come to have fun!
Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.
You may find these links useful:-
John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke
Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations
thanks for joining us hope to hear more from you
Welcome to the group. You'll love your time here. A great bunch of folks here and plenty to read and do.
Hi jmac67
The Original John Wayne Message Board
where fans come to have fun!
Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.
You may find these links useful:-
John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke
Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations
Hi all, I'm Jeff and I live in Los Angeles. I've been a big John Wayne fan for years and happened to stumble upon this forum. It is awesome and I am glad to be on board and am excited to be involved in this wonderful scene. Thanks. Jeff
Hi gojeffrey
The Original John Wayne Message Board
where fans come to have fun!
Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.
You may find these links useful:-
John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke
Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations
Thanks for the warm welcome. It's a nice place here.
welcome to all our new members
Hi all, I'm Jeff and I live in Los Angeles. I've been a big John Wayne fan for years and happened to stumble upon this forum. It is awesome and I am glad to be on board and am excited to be involved in this wonderful scene. Thanks. Jeff
Welcome to the Board, Jeffrey. Where the Fans of John Wayne get together to have fun!
Did you make it to the John Wayne Auction? The Mrs. and I were down Thanksgiving week, for Disneyland, too late for the Auction.
Check out the Board, its not to hard to figure out, and have a great time !!
Hello, my name is Eddie and I am a newbie.
I was lookin thru a list of the movies that Duke has done at this address; www.angelfire.com , when I found this site. , are you familiar with it? I also am not too good on these computers so please bare with me. navigating this site is a challenge for me. I printed off the list to check which ones I had and found there was one I have which isn't on the list. It's called "The Longest Day" I think it was made in 1962 and along with Duke the cast is quite large with other actors such as Henry Fonda, Sean Connery, I think Robert Mitchum. have you heard of it and how would a person let the fella know he needs to ad this movie to his list? Thanks for any help.
Hi Eddie,
The Original John Wayne Message Board
where fans come to have fun!
Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.
You may find these links useful:-
John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke
Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations
Never heard of that site, but we certainly know about the movie.
Here is our dedicated thread
The Longest Day
Now Eddie, now that you have found us,
you have no need to look anywhere else!
Welcome to the group, Eddie. Get comfortable and stay a while. There is so much to read and so many places to join in on the discussions here. Don't be shy, jump right in.
Hi Eddie
Just to add my welcome we're a friendly group hope you enjoy yourself.
Hi , jorgea
The Original John Wayne Message Board
where fans come to have fun!
Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.
You may find these links useful:-
John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke
Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations
Welcome, Eddie. I'm a newbie myself, but it's pretty nice here. Pull up a chair and sit a spell.
hi eddie welcome to the friendlyness site going just sit back and join in. i dont know how to do the thing you have asked but there a knowlegable people here who will be able to answer that question im sure
cheers smokey
excuse my spelling was never any good with english even if it is my spoken word lol
Newbie here! Glad I found this site. John Wayne was an icon of my youth and a constant in life as I age.
Tennessee born, Marine Corps raised and still kicking it at 52!
Welcome to the group, Dave. Don't be afraid to jump in anywhere. Glad you found us.
Hi DaveTibbals,
The Original John Wayne Message Board
where fans come to have fun!
Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.
You may find these links useful:-
John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke
Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations
Welcome aboard the best John Wayne site. Big Jim