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There are 1,696 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 680,004 times. The latest Post () was by FanoftheDuke67.

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  • Hi y’all,
    It’s taken me awhile to get here. I’m old and slow. Finding it a little difficult to navigate these pages. I absolutely adore John Wayne, am actually obsessed with him as a person, an actor and a wonderful man. He certainly had his faults, he was human after all, but he was at heart- a good man, loyal, loving, generous and honest. I just started reading the Roberts and Olson book: John Wayne: American. I’ve read several other books but I understand this is a well documented and highly regarded volume. I have a question about a photo I found on the internet. I don’t know where it was taken or when- it’s really cute and I’d like to know the source. Anyone know how I can find out? Thanks!!!

  • Hello Margp. If you post the picture here, someone may be able to help you. As far as books go, John Wayne: American is the best one out there, in my opinion. It gets a little tedious in some sections but overall a great read.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Howdy y’all! As it says by my name, I’m the tenderfoot around these here parts but coming up on 64 yo, pardners, these feet ain’t been tender in awhile!!!!
    It’s just cause I’m new around here but it doesn’t make me any less a Duke fan!! I’ve been watching the Duke since my Daddy told me to change channels to watch his movies (before they were colorized!).
    I love this site and have snuck on here as a guest for answers and a laugh for many times and just plain a#% forgot I signed up in 9/2020!!!
    You guys (and gals?) have been great reads and I certainly have appreciated all the answers and ends to controversies about the best actor and American in Hollywood. My husband and I love Duke movies and have watched 2 that have been mentioned here today; Fort Apache and McClintock. I will be back! Thanks, guys!!!
    Alicat56, Tenderfoot

  • I yust became a member of
    this fansite.
    I am a Dutchman (50 +) and have
    been a John Wayne fan since my
    youth. Thanks to the German
    Television programmes,
    (that's how I also became
    familiar with the German language)
    I have seen a great deal
    of his films since I was a kid.

  • Howdy fellow JW fans. I am new here but not new to the Duke. I enjoy collecting John Wayne films and tv shows etc. Also really enjoy the many images of him from stills and home etc. Really looking forward to touching base with many othe JW fans here! I am from the UK and really enjoy the old fashioned American style too.

  • Welcome to the forum, wayne.allington. If you love images of John Wayne, you came to the right place. We have a mamber, Lasbugas, who has collected many, many images and stills over the years and has a vast collection. He has generously shared them here with all us fans, and continues to add to them. You will find most inside each thread of the many films Duke made over his many years in Hollywood. I hope you enjoy looking around, and feel free to jump in anywhere.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hello and welcome to the forum, samdhprint. I'm glad you found us. We have members from all over the globe. Please feel free to join in anywhere.

    On another note, I use to be a printing pressman myself. I spent 30+ years in the business. I operated both sheet fed and web presses over the years.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "