Posts by ladybug

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    My brain and I have problems remembering movie and song titles. What was the name of Mr. Wayne's movie where his friend George (I believe) was at the claim site working the camp and Mr. Wayne had to go get his girlfriend and ended up bringing the french girl back with him on the boat? Then the mayhem was unleashed. I have always enjoyed that - he was very funny in that movie - and the young singer was his little brother. Good one.

    Shameful. These people are worried about a statue of a soldier doing his duty defending them and us while holding his service riffle scaring their children - when they really need to be worried about little Johnny's friend with the bookbag and his dad's stolen gun getting ready to shoot the teacher. :cry2:

    Do you all have the yellow or pink marshmallows shaped like ducks and something that resembles a rabbit? They are called Peeps. You either love them or hate them.

    gt12pak, I am in hog heaven. This is actually the very first time I have ever signed up for a message board of any kind and to have it be on Mr. Wayne and to have read all of the excellent posts that I've had a chance to read. I am amazed. Keep in touch. I'm looking forward to a long time here.

    This is the movie that I have watched the most. If I see it listed - no one can touch the TV. I can't agree more that this could not have been cast any better...Mr. Douglas was the villian that he should have been, the Aussie was funny, the son was weak (I don't think they could have gotten away with casting someone strong), I'll always have a soft heart for Mr. Fonda and Mrs. O'Neal's work with Mr. Wayne - it was just as if they were really married and experiencing it personally. The end was perfect.. when Mr. Wayne look up with the lost expression and called....Maggie? That is what it is all about. Acting. He was the best!

    As a newbie to this site, I have to say that I was particularly riveted with this whole discussion. Most of you on this site are far more knowledgeable than I when it comes to Mr. Wayne and the others mentioned and I am humbled by that fact. Just wanted all of you to know that it was very interesting for a first timer to read.

    This is good stuff.

    I am a hillbilly from West (by gosh/almost heaven) Virginia. A little town called Nitro. And yes, it got its name from the plant that produced nitroglycern(?). I have been transplanted to the state of South Carolina, but West Virginia will always be home. As they say, you can take the girl out of the mountains, but you can never take the mountains out of the girl!

    Hello everyone. Well after a little delay from registration I am finally in! Whew! As many of you probably did, I stumbled onto this site and have been fascinated with it since about 1:00 a.m. this morning.

    My father started me on black and white movies at a very young age (when people actually acted) and I have been hooked ever since. John Wayne is my all time favorite actor. His screen presence is like no other before or after him. Not to mention, he's pretty darn good lookin' too. When he was on screen he commanded your attention without even speaking.

    I am so looking forward to being a new member of this site. There were so many different topics that I want to respond too. Yea, new blood!!!

    Unfortuneatly my visit tonight will have to be cut short because Charlton Heston is staring in the Ten Commandments as we speak.

    Tis the season!