Posts by General Sterling Price

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    Your considered active if you visit the site aleast once a month. Stay away over a month and the board sets as inactive.

    Unfortunately, I have probably been a culprit for going back and forth between active and inactive over the last four years. My responsibilities call me for to be away from the board more than a month at a time. But I always come back.


    I recently got an HP LaserJet 3055 all in one. Scan, fax, copy, print. So far, its been great! Its not a Canon, but I have never had a problem with an HP. I am still using as backup the HP DeskJet 520 I bought new in 1994. It has never given me a day of trouble.

    Good luck


    Last night we watched the Quiet Man (instead of Super-bowl). Probably like the 25th time we have seen it. My wife noticed something we never saw before, and its good reason for each of you to pull out your copy, and watch it again. In the big fight scene, Michaeleen Og Flynn is struggling to keep track of all the bets, and someone wants to put a few more pounds on Thornton, but he says its closed...however, Feeney, the little squint, approaches Michaeleen very closely...gets right up into his face and says that he wants to put two pounds on "The Yank", even though he had previously bet on Danaher. So Michaleen responds, " traiter!!" Their faces are about 4 inches apart, and if you look closely, you can see that as Barry Fitzgerald delivered that line, he accidently spits directly into the mouth of Feeney. (Yuck!)


    DukePilgrim, I agree, its better than High and Mighty. I found the passengers in H&M a little over the top...all of them except Paul Fix were basket cases. Then the end of H&M was a little anti-climatic...after all they went through in the air....the plane lands. They stand around, they go home.

    I just found the Island in the Sky to be a much richer plot, with Wayne in the role of protecting everyone, and looking out for everyone. They talked about the other crew's families etc., and then at the end, oh by the way, Dooley has a wife and six kids.


    I really enjoy this film, and think its one of Wayne's better war movies. It has a special place for me for the following reason...Please read ....

    I grew up out in the country, and the folks that lived right across the road from us were nice people. The kind that would always wave and say hello. They would stop and chat a while, they would come over to help if you had a need, and you would help them in turn. I really didn't know anything their past, but I knew the man was hard working, and never sat still. He seemed younger than he really was. When I was a ten year old kid he seemed like he would be about 50 or so, but I didn't realize he was actually already 60-something. In recent years, I was stunned to learn more about this man. It turned out that he was a World War II vet. That's nothing too unusual to discover. He was the typical vet, in that he never talked about it. Finally, in his late 80s, he told his story to my sister, a journalist. It turns out that he was a real life Flying Leatherneck. He was exactly what was portrayed in this 1951 film. His job was to run high-risk straffing missions in the South Pacific islands to blast open the enemy lines for the ground troops. He lived what you saw in the film. He flew 50 some missions, and on his last one, he could see his buddy in the plane ahead of him wrestle with the controls of his stricken plane, and hoped that he could reach the water to ditch it. His friend never made it, and he had to watch him plunge into the jungle in a ball of flame. When asked to re-enlist, he figured it was time rather to go home and be with his wife, and meet his 1 year old son. In recent years he was awarded the Silver Star in addition to his other awards previously earned. I say all this, in that I just learned of his failing health, as he is around 90 years old now. I would just ask each of you who love this country, and understand that what you see in a film like Flying Leathernecks is based on real men who sacrificed for our freedoms, to give this man a salute and say a prayer for him.


    Good points here....I will either wait to the last five seconds to put in my max bid, or put in an early bid for what I know its worth, and/or what I am willing to pay. If they want to put in a fake bid, guess what? They will experience a fake win, and have no sale. I will not do the bidding war thing. This approach punishes the seller, as they still have to pay ebay the listing fee, and then they have to re-list it. Bottom line is, the buyers, if they exercise discipline, still have control...if they follow these principles:

    1) Decide what an item is worth based on research.

    2) Bid only what its worth, and if you don't get it at that what! Another will be fore sale soon.

    3) ONLY bid on items from sellers with excellent feedback 99% and up.

    4) Never buy anything from overseas (OK, maybe Canada and the UK, but not Asia)


    Good point Robbie about Darby. I used to be kind of critical of Glen Campbell. He seemed insecure, wooden, even unsure of his lines. But the more I have watched the film, he was supposed to be insecure, wooden and unsure of himself. I too noticed that picture from page one is really from Rooster Cogburn. Its sad how old Duke looked in that film. He really aged between 1969 and 1975.

    We just watched True Grit again last night for probably about the 20th time, and my wife located a glaring blooper that wasn't listed here on page one. In the opening scenes, Frank Ross and Cheney are making preparations to depart out in front of the Ross house. Then when the camera pans to the front or the house, the sunlight is in the faces of everyone standing on the porch looking out. In fact you can clearly see that the sunlight is reaching through the open front door of the house about 10 - 15 inches. Then Frank Ross goes inside, spends about 2 minutes with Mattie, and then goes back outside to leave. When he is back outside, the sun is going in the opposite direction, and the porch is completely shaded, with the shadow line in front of the house going out at least 10 feet from the porch.

    We just love this film. My wife has tromped all over that part of Colorado as her family regularly vacationed there when she grew up. She even found a tree, that the locals had pointed out, where Wayne had carved his name.

    We would like to get back there someday.
