Posts by Priceless1

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    Whatza "brain"? Don't think I ever seen one except out of a cow or on my plate with scrambled eggs! Haven't ever used one cause I heard they were dangerous! But a I hear the term "half a brain" used a lot but haven't figured that out either! If someone has a spare good one, send it and I'll try it out! Oh yea, please send instructions for installation and usage!:stunned::shades_smile:

    Chester, I guess I was letting my age show in the above post! It should have said: "About a year before her death...."! They went to Las Vegas to watch me race on Thanksgiving day, 2006 and she passed away in January, 2008. Sorry, I can see how it might have confused folks!:wink_smile:

    I'll try and do that when Duane gets back in town! We don't like to work on it anymore that is necessary and have tried to make it as "bulletproof" as possible so that we don't have to work on it so much. Regular maintenance is important though! Maybe I can get the wife to take a picture of us as long as our "quarter slots" aren't showing! She avoids watching us work on the car as she hates "hair crack ups" and both of us tend to let our pants droop a little as what we are working on takes priority over keeping our pants pulled up and cinched tight!:thumbs_up::shades_smile:

    Well, we didn't win at 1320X but think we will be appearing on Speedvision some time in the future in the grudge race I had with another friend! They interviewed the two of us and they are always interested in talking with those of us with a few wrinkles! It will probably be a couple of months before anything shows up on the Speed Channel!:shades_smile:

    No. 6? That's the highest I have rated in years in anything! And I didn't have to react to a starting line christmas tree or play head games with anyone to attain that position like I do when I race! It is indeed a privelage and an honor to be among folks who are great fans of the "Duke" and the "Old West" of which I have been a part of for the greater part of my life. And its all because of my friendship with what is apparently a long lost son of the "Duke", Duane, who has helped me greatly with my racing since I retired and he retired in 2007. Both of us worked at the same company. I was controller and he was a fabricator and welder in our shop but we had racing ties and those lead us to real friendship. A year or so before his death and the day after he got out of the hosptial from having a hear attack, he and his wife drove to Las Vegas the day before Thanksgiving to be with me while I raced. That is real friendship!:thumbs_up::teeth_smile:

    Trouble with Nascar and all those other roundy-round cars is they have to keep going in circle trying to find the finishline! We drag racers have no problem finding it and it's only an 1/8th or 1/4 mile away!:wink_smile::shades_smile:

    We will be racing at Speedworld Dragstrip on the west side of Phoenix this Saturday and Duane will be with me! Probably the nearest airport would be Glendale Airport around 115th Avenue and Glendale Avenue. I don't think the Air Force would be too keen on you landing at Luke AFB but then you gotta lotta pull! Duane wasn't doing too good today as his back has been bothering him a lot since the accident and it isn't helping his heart condition any. We will be getting out to the track around 7:30 a.m. on Saturday. If you need Duane to pick you up or something I'm sure we can unhook my pickup from the trailer and he could run in and pick you up. You can call me, if you like, on my cell at 602-790-5653 up till around 10 at night as that is when I go out in the barn and fall in the hay!:hyper::shades_smile:

    We will be racing at Speedworld Dragstrip west of Phoenix on Saturday November 1 at a program called "1320X" which is an offshoot of the now famous "Pinks" show on the Speed Channel. I am sure you will see us (Duane & I) on that show when it airs (which we don't know when that will be) as I have a grudge race with a friend of mine scheduled to take place at that event! It will be a daytime event so I should be wide awake this weekend!:wink_smile::shades_smile:

    Even though I just won the first round Saturday night and lost the second round (cause I fell asleep at the light) Duane and I didn't get home until around 3 in the morning! I waited til after noon to call him as I knew it was gonna take a couple of days for him to get back in shape after that late night. Our work proved to be well done as new brakes work well and car was deadly consistent! I dialed a 10.17 the second round and ran 10.174. Now, if I could drive as "talently" as I can "dial" I will someday be a winner, hopefully with Clan Crew Chief Duane there with me!:wink_smile::yeaahh:

    That's a good one Bill! We are not like those "roundy-round" boys going around in circles hunting for the finish line. We know where it is and we just run straight for 1/4 of mile and hope that we "chopped the tree down"! That's drag racing slang for reacting as close to perfect on the "Christmas Tree" starting system used in drag racing so as to turn on the green light rather than the red light resulting in a disqualification! A perfect light shows on the scoreboard during time runs as .000! I've had my share of those but most were in time trials rather than elimiations and have had more than my share of "red lights"! And those were on the drag strip and not down on Canal Street in Nogales, Mexico!:teeth_smile::wink_smile::thumbs_up:

    I guess by now everyone knows I am another "old coot" born in 1941 in Douglas, AZ! Been a native here all but 10 years of my life when I worked for a national farm publication outa Frankfort, IL and as a cattle consultant outa Weatherford, OK. Retired from work and spend my non-sleeping time working on or racing my 130 mph 1971 Camaro appropriately named "Priceless One Again"! I crashed "Priceless One" in Tucson on April Fool's day, 2000. Been involved in this sport for 50 years this year! Kind of a wierd sport for an old ranch boy to be taking part in I suppose but when I saw a four legged horse, that was work. When I saw 400 horsepower, that was fun! And 700 horses is a real kick in the behind! Glad to be part of the "John Wayne" Clan!:wink_smile::shades_smile: