Posts by Baby Sister

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    Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Apr 6 2006, 11:12 AM
    Chilibill - you must be doing a good job. There hasn't been a sign of the girls on this topic for a while. They must be hiding out while you stand guard! :lol:
    Cheers - Jay :D


    He's the best.... :wub: but I can't take anymore to this good girl stuff I've got spring fever. I'm sneaking out to play, where are all you bad boys? Meet me in town at the Longbranch it is party time. :jump:

    Chilibill...guard duty is over, come to the Longbranch with us...your drinks are on me.

    Baby Sis


    This week has been typical Kansas weather. First starting last thursday it started raining measurable amounts. The first since Dec., this continued all weekend. :jump: Then the begining of the week the snow came.(my personal favorite) Some parts of the state received 12-14 inches, but no one is complaining about the wet or the cold. Hopefully it is enough to save the wheat crops some but don't if it is enough to pull us out of our drought. Anyway at least it is finally cold and muddy.

    Baby Sis


    This is so typical of some actors in Hollywood. They get a some success under their belts and they do just like Ringo points out, they try to push their views on everything under the sun, right or wrong, on us and they don't care who they run over in the process. They have no respect for those who came before them and paved the road for them with hard work and dignity. Clooney just showed us how mean and IMO how immature he is. Any adult with any kind of decency knows you don't poke fun at elderly people, let alone a sick one who can't totally defend himself, it's just sick and not done. (any :cowboy: knows this)

    Baby Sis


    Snow, Hail, Lighting....what does all this stuff look or sound like. It has been so long since we have had any rain, snow or anything related to it we don't know what it is. Our whole state is under burn bans. We have had several wildfires as a result and that is a little scary because we don't normally have those unless they are lightning stirkes or some other freaky accident. It rains a little in any direction from Salina but even that is not enough to make any difference. I keep telling everyone the hole in the Ozone layer is right above Salina and when ever there is any weather it just goes right around us. I seriously can't tell you the last time we had any precepitation. Everyone is starting to worry about the wheat crop this year. Send any of your weather my way.

    Baby Sis
