Posts by colkid60

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    Ringo Kid- Waterford,Ireland
    I was in Ireland in June -2007. Went to Cong and looked for "Quiet Man" places. Had a wonderful time, the Irish are very nice people and Duke made one of his best movies

    "When the Earps first enter Tombstone, a grave marker can be seen in the cemetery that reads "Here lies Lester Moore, Four slugs from a .44, No Les No more." There is an actual tombstone in Tombstone, Arizona that has that epitaph."
    I first saw this saying on a tombstone at Virginia City, Nevada in the
    early 1970's and other places, I can't remember since. Does anybody know where it was originally put on a Tombstone?
    The saying is so good, it's no wonder that many people put in their

    They remake classics to make money and screw up the TV listings. I go to it and see it
    is a remake, like they remade Stagecoach? with willie nelson? There otta be a law.

    I also went to winterset,Ia one, they closed the door on the house at 5p.m,
    We arrrived about 5:15, walked around and looked in the windows. Bought some
    gas and talked to several of the locals. The town tried to get Duke to come back
    and visit,but he never did.
    We go to minneapolis every year, so go by on the freeway, winterset is about
    15 miles off and a small nice little town.

    I was born in '42 and grew up. Now with all the Cd's and statellite. I watch Duke's
    movies over and over. Visted Newport Beach in 1994. Took a tour and they pointed out
    his round house, three of his yacht's, including the minesweeper. Also,where some of
    the "Sands of Iwo Jima" was filmed, all houses by then.
    I just bought "There rode a legend", tells and show his ranch in Arizona. I really
    enjoyed Patrick Wayne in the movies.
    In 2007 went to Ireland, to Cong a nice place to visit, took a Quiet Man tour", really
    enjoyed it. It was June and salmon were running there. Also saw the bridge and the train station. The bar building was not a bar yet, but they said it was going to be.
    Bought Maureen O'hara's bio., good and a book on the making of "The Quiet Man"
    Don't remake it, that's all they will show on TV from then on. Like that awful stagecoach by willie nelson.
    God Bless Duke's family, with faith in God and long happy lives,