Posts by Ringokid

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    This is one movie I would really love to see. It is the only one in my DVD collection from Republic in the 30's that needs filling :( Otherwise only pictures exist or the Movie Poster...................

    I like to think it is somewhere in a vault ...

    This movie is not one of my favorites. I watch it every so often but I cant stand Millands role in this....just a PITA... Acts like a wimp,,and very decieving himself. Goes behind the back of Wayne to steal the girl ,,over and over. "Honorable? ,not hardly. It is simple as that. Also,,Goddards character was so two faced. Id rather watch Hellfighters.... I do have RTWW though but,,not in my top 50 ...Id give it a 4.

    If I had a top 10 list of John Wayne Movies....Stagecoach usually (should say always) in the top 3 all the time.
    I have it in 4 different venues.
    First I bought it way before Video came out as a SUPER 8 Full length on 5 reels way back in the mid 70s,,,cost me about 180.00 (thats right 180.00) They also sold the Searchers but that was $360.00 because it was in color.

    I then got in on Video Disc (selectvision ,,the hard cover slide in ones), then VHS
    and now DVD.... I never get bored with that movie.....Every so often I put the big screen up and show it. This year I plan on showing it outside ,,something different...

    1. Select Video Disc

    I thought the Big Trail was a very good movie considering when it came out. Bad timing with the Depression at the same time but I have seen other movies that came out about that time,,,(Public Enemy,, Little Ceasar,,and a King Kong from 33) and the acting is pretty much the same. I got the DVD but no extras so I will be getting the 2 DVD set.... Its a favorite of mine as you got to see how he started in films and his style of acting back then. Some of the other players in that movie,, yes I agree, were horrible...... but,,most did act like that because they were mostly stage actors, which the Duke wasn't .

    hi,,, About the True Grit remake (or whatever). I do not plan to see it as I saw it already with Duke in it. I am sure Bridges is a good actor but unfortunately I will see is as he is playing a John Wayne character he made famous. They blew it with 2 different Stagecoach remakes, and James Arness tried with Red River and Alamo (both bad) and Disney a couple of years later with The Alamo,,,all not well.. Not a good streak for the re make folks..........Next thing we will see,,a Searchers disaster ?