Posts by erthomp143

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    Plains, trains and automobiles... is a great movie...
    Pink panther movies are always great...

    My favorite movie is a toss up between Raising Baby, Father Goose, and Operation Petticoat...

    Others that I enjoy... The villain, yes it's a bad movie, but funny. Undercover blues, and Big Trouble.

    Are you ready for some football!!

    Yep what I do every weekend during football season...

    TV in working order... check
    Snacks... check
    soda... check
    Comfy chair.... check
    things for the kids to do so they wont bother dad... check

    yep all set....

    Oh and happy fourth Birthday to little Ringo!! hope you all have a great day...

    Quite man (My personal favorite JW movie)

    In Old California (I picked this one because I read somewhere that this was JW favorite role because he played a pharmacist like his father.)

    The Shootist

    Not sure how it would do with CAD and it depends on the game... I have an Acer Aspire 5517 with the AMD tf-20 (single core) and it just runs Call of Duty 2 and Borderlands ... so the system you're looking at should do everything that you want...

    My favorite author is Douglas Adams, I just love his humor and have read all his books. I've read all the "classics" but just never found a genre that I enjoyed reading...

    The truth is that no one person can take credit for what the government does, there are just to many people involved for that to happen... But because they are the leader, they get to take the credit for any success, just as they get all the blame for any failure. The truth is the leader is just a reflection of the people under him... congress does a crappy job and the President takes the fall... if the congress does a good job the President gets to take the credit... We need to stop looking for the one person that is going to fix this mess and get our hands dirty...

    Hey Eric, give thanks you don't live in Texas. Where I live in north Texas we've had 100 degrees plus for almost 3 months straight. And all this with less than an inch of rain since about April. I may move to Seattle. :wink_smile:

    Well all I can say is that Seattle is a good place to be FROM... lol

    I lived in Austin for a year back in 97 and Houston for four years when I was around ten, did basic in San Antonio through July and August, but none of that was as hot as the three months I was in Tempe...

    I do enjoy the fact that the weather is mild here, not to hot, to cold, to windy, to stormy, to wet, or to dry... for that I pay lot's of taxes, high fuel, high rent, and every once in a while the Earth decides to shake it's back... oh yeah not to mention all the liberal nut cases out here that think they know how to take better care of me than I do... oh wait that should be held for a different thread... lol

    With all of that said I will be praying for a temp break and some rain for you guys.... be safe and stay cool....

    We are in our typical summer weather pattern here... Cool foggy mornings, hot dry afternoons... okay hot to me... lows are comfortable 60's, highs are uncomfortable upper 80's low 90's... with a few 100 degree days tossed in there, now and again...

    Hey erthomp143, what is the origin of that quote about the turd in powdered sugar?

    You know I don't really remember, I think it was a public official talking about one of the Government health plans... I will do a little searching and see if I can find it....