Posts by ejgreen77

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    Just wondering if there is any update as to the status of the ranch.
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    Hi E.J, I am. I was going to order it today but didnt get back here in time. Deep Discount has it for about $8 bucks and some change ;-0) Im also going to order a 2 Pack which has Battle Beneath the Earth w/ Kerwin Matthews. I remember seeing h=that movie a long time ago-I dont recall it being very good but-I was younger and dumber then ;-)) The main reason im getting that one is because in order to get Yul Brynner in The Ultimate Warrior-this one comes along with it. Im also thinking of getting that Errol Flynn Adventures box set-since I have all of his other box sets and there are 4 movies ive been waiting to get my mitts on for so long ;-))

    Do you have to pay shipping when ordering from Amazon? I cant remember since its been at least 5 years since I last ordered something through them.

    Im going to make sure though, before i order from Deep Discount-that the copy of Telemark is the one you gave me the link to ;-)) Oh and, they told me that they have those "On Demand" titles too. They are slightly cheaper than TCM is.

    Amazon gives free shipping on orders of $20 or more. You should check out the individual sites for the Warner Archive Collection, MGM Limited Edition Collection, Columbia Classics Collection, and Universal Vault Collection. I know the Warner Archive Collection will periodically run deals on movies, back on Black Friday I took advantage of their 5-movies-for-$50 promotion that was going on and ordered a whole bunch of stuff. It at least brings the price down to a (somewhat) reasonable level.

    I remember when Liz Taylor and Maureen O'Hara appeared before congress in behalf of John Wayne to have a congressional medal in his image. John Wayne American. Thanks Liz. Rest in Peace.:angel:

    I believe Duke had visited her in the hospital when she had her tracheotomy, and she had always remained grateful to him for that. When she and Maureen appeared before congress to appeal for Duke's gold medal, I believe she was married to U.S. senator John Warner (R-VA) at the time. That probably didn't hurt any in terms of getting Duke's resolution passed.

    Agreed, she really got exposed for a lack of talent, big time. The Star Spangled Banner is a tough song to sing, and if you don't have the chops to sing it, leave it alone. And then she repeated the words? Lame.

    Not to brag, but we here in Buffalo have, in my opinion, the best anthem singer currently singing anywhere in the country, and as far as I know, the only one I've ever heard who still sings to live organ accompaniment. His name is Doug Allen and he sings the anthems for the Sabres games. No frills, no American Idol nonsense, just classic.

