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    Just got back for CA first thing I had to do it find John Wayne's grave it really meant a lot to me to pay my respects I was only 8 when he passed but he has and all ways will be a big part of my life and how I live it he was bigger then life and as excited as I was to be there I was shocked that he is in the third row down in the middle of nowhere why wouldn't his family want a family plot? Also I'm sorry to report someone has attached to the bronze a coin right below the horses head it does have JESUS on it but still too attach it permanent come on people also people have been setting coins on the bronze for years it looked like...

    Wayne M.

    Sorry to here about your engagement I wish you luck, personally I wish i would of had that kind of problem about 14 years ago LOL. when i'm down and want to forget for the day I lock my self in my bedroom and watch John Wayne Movies all day I have every JW that is on dvd since 1930 I find it interesting to see him when he was so young he was in his 60's when i was born so that is the age i'm most use to. I just finished watching his 1964 circus world for the first time I prefer his westerns but i still really liked the movie.

    Jessie, you say you don't want to spoil your memories of JW version I have seen both liked the new version the old one is still my favorite but ask your self this how do you think the duke would feel about the film their is no doubt in my mind he would be honored to have his film remade I look at it as being a honor to our hero so in honor of the big guy i went to the film you should to its not like your going to hate the original version if you go and as a bonus if WE are all lucky with how well the ntg is doing and hopefully with your help maybe Hollywood will get off there ass and start making more westerns. you have heard a lot on this site about what people think you deserve the right to form your own informed opinion go see the movie and come back hear and give me your thoughts if you hate the film I will send $20 for you time and ticket cost!!!

    I would be interested to know your take on the stars of the show I personally was not crazy about matt damon (but I have never caried for him as a actor) Jeff bridges done very well but it would have been great to see RobertDuvallplay the part considering as we all know we played lucky Ned Pepper in the original.

    I would like to see hell fighters remade JW filmed part of that movie in my home state of Wyoming about 100 miles from where i live. JW made great westerns but he also made some really great war films I just watched MCQ last night for the first time in 20 years I really liked it...

    Stumpy, you are a wise man and 100% correct I think we will all agree JW was a great actor and I believe if he were still with us today he would openly welcome remake of his films. The NTG was not bad, I personally would have like to see someone other then Matt Damon in the film I have never cared for him as a actor. Mr Bridges did fine like some one stated earlier JW played the role lite hearted and Bridges was more serious and he does play a good drunk I would have liked to seen is a little less serious but it was a overall good film.

    consider this if you have decided not to go see the movie its only 2 hours out off your life then and only then can you come back hear and give us your thought and feelings on the movie!!! I bet the Duke would have went and seen it!!!


    It would be nice to see more westerns made, there there have been very few off the top of my head the last one i can think of is Unforgiven, I am a sci-fi fan as well and I saw a preview for a new Harrison Ford movie called Cowboys and Alien's I thought it looked interesting,

    I saw the movie it was ok kind of it was really hard watching the movie without Wayne in it and Matt Damon should never never be in another western he just stunk. The only good thing i can see that came from it is that it reminded people of John Wayne almost every time i seen any thing on the new True Grit they would add a remake of the john Wayne etc.