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  • Hi

    On this Day 6th October

    13 years ago the actress Natalie Moorhead died aged 94

    68 years ago thwe actress Dawn Bender was born, she only appeared in a handful of pictures but one of them was Island in the Sky

    102 years ago the actor Earl Hiodgins was born, his final role was as Clute Dumphries in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

    32 years ago the actor Buddy Roosevelt died age 75, and Sidney Blackmer also passed away on the same day. The first was in the occasional John Wayne western, the second in The high and The Mighty.

    41 years ago Theodore von Eltz died aged 70 he appeared in California Straight Ahead.

    and lastly- 52 years ago Porter Hall died aged 65 he was in Dark Command.

    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 7th October

    76 years ago the actor Joseph Sirola was born he was in The Greatest Story Ever Told.

    100 years ago Andy Devine was born in Flagstaff Arizona, a great hit in Stagecoach and also in Island in the Sky, A keen flyer in the later picture it is amazing that he could get into the cockpit of some of those planes.

    118 years ago the actor Jack Mulhall was born he was in I Married A Woman.

    18 years ago the Swedish actress greta Granstead died aged 80 she played a desk clerk in A Man Betrayed.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 8th October

    118 years ago in Quebec Canada the actor Huntley Gordon was born. He appeared in Idol of the Crowds.

    1 year ago the actress Irina Demick died aged 67. Darryl Zanucks girl friend at the time he was casting The Longest Day she was given the part of the resistance leader in the film.

    27 years ago the actor Karl Swenson died aged 70, he played the bartender in he Sons of Katie Elder.

    7 years ago the Producer Lindsley Parsons died, he was one of the trio usually involved in the making of John Wayne's Lone Star pictures at Monogram.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 9th October

    52 years ago Fort Apache was released in West Gemany:-

    [Beaufort is addressing a group of new recruits]
    Sgt. Johnny Beaufort: Did any of you men serve in the Confederate army during the late unpleasantness?
    Recruit: Yes sir. I had the honor of serving with General Nathan Bedford Forrest.
    Sgt. Johnny Beaufort: I would like to shake your hand. You are now an acting corporal. I hope you have the honor of buying me a drink on your next payday.

    23 years ago Michael Wayne attended the First of a two day Covered bridge Festival in Winterset.

    74 years ago The British actor Anthony Booth was born, the father in law of British Prime minister Tony Blair he also appeared in Brannigan.

    111 years ago the actor Al Kikume was born he was in Operation Pacific.

    118 years ago the actor Harry Tenbrook was born among many films he was in Red River.

    2 years ago the actress Ruth Hall died she was with John Wayne in The Man From Monteray.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 10th October

    67 years ag I Ciover the War was released in Denmark.

    23 years ago Michael Wayne was attending the 2nd day of the Winterset Covered Bridge Festival and attended the dedication of his fathers birthplace.

    79 years ago Richard Jaeckel was born he appeared in Sands of Iwo Jima and Chisum.

    89 years ago the actor Bensen Fong was born better known for his part in the series Kung Fu he was also in Back to Bataan.

    26 years ago the stuntman Fred Graham died aged 70 he appeared in among others The Alamo.

    28 years ago Helen Gibson died aged 85 he final screen appearance was in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

    65 years ago the actor Berton Churchill died he played Gatewood in Stagecoach.

    20 years ago Yul Brynner died aged 70.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 11th October:

    72 years ago Central Airport was released in Finland.

    42 years ago The Fighting Kentuckian was released in Denmark.

    121 years ago the actor Sig Ruman was born.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 12th October

    74 years ago Three girls Lost was released in the UK.

    38 years ago The War Wagon was released in Mexco

    Lomax: You caused me a lot of embarrassment! You're the only man I shot, that I didn't kill

    109 years ago the actor Dick Botieler was born he was in War of the Wildcats

    26 years ago Rene A Gagnon died aged 54. one of the original raisers of the flag on Iwo Jima he also appeared in the picture.

    38 years ago Nat pendleton died aged 72 he was in College Coach.

    12 years ago Leon Ames died he was in They Were Expendable.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 13th October:

    88 years ago the actress Larrain Day was born , she appeared in The High and the Mighty

    92 years ago the actress Leonore Bushman was born. A member of a famous acting family her films were few but she did appear with Duke in Red River Range.

    128 years ago the actor Wheaton Chambers was born he worked in Tall in the Saddle.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 14th October:

    We said farewell to:

    28 years ago Bing Crosby aged 74

    9 years ago Laura La Plant aged 91

    22 years ago Jon Wayne's friend and mentor Paul Fix aged 82.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 15th October:-

    126 years ago the actress Jane Darwell was born. A regular performer for John Ford she appeared in many of his pictures including Three Godfathers with John Wayne.

    57 years ago Flame of the Barbary Coast was released in Finland.

    60 years ago Back to Bataan was released in Sweden.

    52 years ago John Wayne and Chata were in court trying to settle the question of his maintenance payments.

    35 years ago Jon Ford tripped over a laundry basket and was taken to hospital with a fractured pelvis.

    105 years ago the director Mervyn LeRoy was born. Among his films was Without Reservations with John Wayne. He took over from John Ford to try to repair Mr Roberts, and he was also aske to keep a watching brief on Duke when he made the Green Berets.

    68 years ago the actor James A Marcus died aged 70 he appeared in The Lonely Trail.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 16th October:-

    2 years ago I joined this Board, thanks everyone for making it great.

    62 years ago Christopher Mitchum was born. Happy Birthday Chris.

    69 years ago Irina Demick was born she appeared in The Longest Day

    93 years ago Berry Kroeger was born in San Antonio Texas he played Old Feng in Blood Alley

    102 years ago the actor Rex Bell was born he appeared in Salute before leaving films to become the Lieutenant Governor of Nevada.

    126 years ago the actor Clem Bevans was born thin, balding he appeared as a crotchety old man sitting in a chair in numerous films including Tall in the Saddle.

    30 years ago Don Barclay died aged 82 he had appeared in Pitsburgh

    27 years ago the fine actor, singer and dancer Dan Dailey died aged 64 he played 'Jug Head' Carson in Wings of Eagles.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Happy 2nd Anniversary, Arthur!

    You've been a great joy to be here.

    Keep up the great work!

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Happy anniversary, Arthur,
    We are lucky to have you here. For me it is fantastic that you know all these things and share your knowledge with us.
    Keep it going.
    All best wishes,

  • Boy, the board really got active over the weekend. Not the least of events is your anniversary here, Arthur. Congratulations - your "On This Day" always provides nuggets of information that, I'm sure, you must take some time to correlate before posting. This is just to let you know that I enjoy reading them as I think many of the members do also.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hi

    Thanks for your kind remarks.

    On this day 17th October:-

    53 years ago In Old California was released in West Germany

    50 years ago Flame of the Barbary Coast was released in West Germany

    58 years ago Tall in the Saddle was released in Finland

    77 years ago the actor Don Collier was born, he featured in The Undefeated.

    79 years ago Julie Adams was born, a feature in a number of 50's westerns she was in the Jimmie Stewart Show and also appeared in McQ.

    85 years ago Mongomery Clift was born. See him in Red River.

    87 years ago Rita Hayworth was born her only film with Duke was The Magnificent Showman.

    92 years ago Robert Lowery was born. Playing the circus owner in the Mickey Dolenz series Circus Boy, he was the governor in McLintock (I think I've spelt that right Mike)

    105 years ago Jean Arthur was born she was the star of A Lady Takes A Chance.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 18th October (A very quiet day)

    90 years ago Victor Sen Yung was born he appeared in Blood Alley.

    30 years ago Al Leittieri died aged 47 he was in McQ.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur,
    Seems like, if you were gonna be famous,
    today was not the best day to be born!!
    However, on second thoughts,
    at least you'd have got noticed!!


    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi Ethan

    Yes you're right of course there are many famous people born on this day. It's just they didn't work with John Wayne.

    On this day 19th October

    63 years ago The Spoilers was released in Sweden

    52 years ago John Wayne and Chata's divorce trial began Chata was first up and her evidence lasted two days.

    36 years ago The John Ford Chapel (formerly the Photo Field Unit) was dedicated at Woodland Hills when The Quiet Man was shown.

    122 years ago Jim Carey was born he appeared in Old California and should not be confused with Jeff Carey who played the baddie in True Grit.

    27 years ago the actor Gig Young was found dead from the effects of a shot gun wound, near him lay the body of his newly married bride also killed with the same gun. The verdict was suicide but why is anyones guess or is it ??????



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    122 years ago Jim Carey was born he appeared in Old California and should not be confused with Jeff Carey who played the baddie in True Grit.

    Or not to be confused with the goofball from Liar Liar, Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumberer, etc........... :lol: :lol:

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne