How's The Weather

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  • 0 degrees, 32 F, today. First proper morning of scraping the car windscreen

    At 4:30am when I let one of my dogs out, there was no frost and it was about 35 degrees.......3 hours later, thick frost and 22 degrees....hard for my fire to really keep the house warm when it gets down there, but at least it knocks the chill off. Getting time to use the insulated coveralls for more than just hunting, LOL! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • What in the world is a poxy car, pray tell?
    Bit cool all day after a 24 degree night. Supposed to warm up into the 60s days and only mid 40s at night.....saving on firewood!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • What in the world is a poxy car, pray tell?
    Bit cool all day after a 24 degree night. Supposed to warm up into the 60s days and only mid 40s at night.....saving on firewood!

    LOL! Poxy Car:

    Crappy, stupid, dumb
    "Look at this poxy new CD by Britney Spears."

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • POXY....I will have to try to remember to use that...Folks will put me in the looney bin. Where in the world does it come from? KEITH Cool but still no fire in the fireplace.

    Neighbor brought me a huge load of tree limbs just the right diameter for me. Now, have to finish chain sawing them to fit the fireplace. Should finish and have them all stacked on the second story back porch in a couple of days.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE