Our local forecast is actually a Mexican Weather Forecast: Chilli Today, Hot Tomale. :lol::lol:
How's The Weather
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After many days of (way) above average temps, we had rain yesterday, and lots of rain today.
A cold front has moved through, and the temperature swing is 30 degrees or more!
-6 this morning, 21 F, defo expecting some serious snow soon!
-6 this morning, 21 F, defo expecting some serious snow soon!
Must be the same here,
but we don't usually get the snow, or will we?? -
Cold frosty but dry, initially the forcast was for the Beast from the east but that seems to have been revised to just rain and very strong winds by Friday.
Keep everything crossed
Still chilly but feeling warmer today.
Slightly warmer tonight,
because guess what, it's raining. -
Foggy as anything here, can't see further tan the end of your nose!
Cool and grey
From all the propaganda surrounding British weather (movies, plays, and songs), I thought it was ALWAYS foggy there!
Rapidly warming and expected to be back in the mid 80s by Thursday.
Cold and horrible
and yet another day of Cold and horrible
Cold, frosty and lovely!
Cold and waiting for the rain that supposed tocome tomorrow
Still slightly cool and looking forward to the next """cold front""" to blow in and NOT stay cold long
Cold, fireplace doing double time!
Wet! Wet! Wet!
hot---- & humid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rained all day and rained all night