The Green Berets (1968)

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    Photo with the courtesy of lasbugas


    Plot Summary
    Col. Mike Kirby picks two teams of crack Green Berets for a mission in South Vietnam.
    First off is to build and control a camp that is trying to be taken by the enemy
    the second mission is to kidnap a North Vietnamese General.

    Full Cast
    John Wayne .... Col. Mike Kirby
    David Janssen .... George Beckworth
    Jim Hutton .... Sgt. Petersen
    Aldo Ray .... Sgt. Muldoon
    Raymond St. Jacques .... Doc McGee
    Bruce Cabot .... Col. Morgan
    Jack Soo .... Col. Cai
    George Takei .... Capt. Nim
    Patrick Wayne .... Lt. Jamison
    Luke Askew .... Sgt. Provo
    Irene Tsu .... Lin
    Edward Faulkner .... Capt. MacDaniel
    Jason Evers .... Capt. Coleman
    Mike Henry .... Sgt. Kowalski
    Craig Jue .... Hamchunk
    Chuck Roberson .... Sgt. Griffin
    Eddy Donno .... Sgt. Watson
    Rudy Robbins .... Sgt. Parks
    Richard 'Cactus' Pryor .... Collier (as Cactus Pryor)
    Vera Miles .... Mrs. Kirby (scenes deleted)
    Yodying Apibal .... South Vietnamese soldier (uncredited)
    Charles Bail .... Sgt. Lark (uncredited)
    Jess Barker .... (uncredited)
    Vincente Cadiente .... Viet Cong soldier (uncredited)
    Walker Edmiston .... (uncredited)
    Tom Hennesy .... (uncredited)
    Frank Koomen .... Lt. Sachs (uncredited)
    Cliff Lyons .... (uncredited)
    William Olds .... Phan Son Ti (uncredited)
    James Seay .... (uncredited)
    Bill Shannon .... Sgt. White (uncredited)
    Hayward Soo Hoo .... Soldier (uncredited)
    Laird Stuart .... Lt. Olsen (uncredited)
    Ralph Volkie .... (uncredited)
    Dick Warlock .... (uncredited)
    Bach Yen .... Singer (uncredited)

    Writing Credits
    James Lee Barrett
    Col. Kenneth B. Facey
    Robin Moore novel

    Winton C. Hoch

    Makeup Department
    Dave Grayson .... makeup artist

    Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
    Joe L. Cramer .... assistant director
    Cliff Lyons .... second unit director

    Phil Adams .... stunts (uncredited)
    Charles Bail .... stunts (uncredited)
    Stan Barrett .... stunts (uncredited)
    Bobby Bass .... stunts (uncredited)
    Dick Bullock .... stunts (uncredited)
    Jim Burk .... stunts (uncredited)
    Vincente Cadiente .... stunts (uncredited)
    Hank Calia .... stunts (uncredited)
    Bill Couch .... stunts (uncredited)
    Chuck Couch .... stunts (uncredited)
    Chuck Courtney .... stunts (uncredited)
    Everett Creach .... stunts (uncredited)
    Eddy Donno .... stunts (uncredited)
    Joe Finnegan .... stunts (uncredited)
    Alan Gibbs .... stunts (uncredited)
    Tom Hennesy .... stunts (uncredited)
    John Hudkins .... stunts (uncredited)
    Yoneo Iguchi .... stunts (uncredited)
    Joe Lewis .... stunts (uncredited)
    Cliff Lyons .... stunt coordinator (uncredited)
    Cliff Lyons .... stunts (uncredited)
    Roy K. Ogata .... stunts (uncredited)
    Ernie F. Orsatti .... stunts (uncredited)
    Ed Parker .... stunts (uncredited)
    Chuck Roberson .... stunts (uncredited)
    Ronald C. Ross .... stunts (uncredited)
    George Sawaya .... stunts (uncredited)
    Bill Shannon .... stunts (uncredited)
    Hayward Soo Hoo .... stunts (uncredited)
    Jerry Summers .... stunts (uncredited)
    Dick Warlock .... stunts (uncredited)
    Robert Warner .... stunts (uncredited)

    Much of the film was shot in 1967 at Ft. Benning, Georgia, hence the large pine forests in the background rather than tropical jungle trees.

    Some of the "Vietnamese village" sets were so realistic they were left intact, and were later used by the Army for training troops destined for Vietnam.

    The colonel who ran the jump school (and who was seen shooting trap with John Wayne) was the real jump school commandant and a legendary commander of U.S. paratroopers.

    Late in the movie John Wayne can be seen to wrap his rappelling rope through a carabineer the wrong way. Called a "fatal hookup" in the Army, this would result in an immediate fall once weight was applied.

    David Janssen was working on this film when the final episode of his series "The Fugitive" (1963) aired.

    In the book "Green Berets" by Robin Moore, the main character is based on Maj. Larry Thorne (originally Lauri Törni, a Finnish soldier who moved to USA after WWII).

    George Takei missed working on the "The Trouble with Tribbles" episode of the original "Star Trek" (1966) series to work on this movie.

    WILHELM SCREAM: As enemy soldiers are thrown into the air by an exploding grenade.

    Scenes were filmed with Vera Miles as John Wayne's wife but they were cut before release by the studio. Wayne made up for this by casting Miles in his next film Hellfighters (1968).

    In 1967 John Wayne wrote to Democratic President Lyndon Johnson requesting military assistance for his pro-war film about Vietnam. Jack Valenti told the President, "Wayne's politics are wrong, but if he makes this film he will be helping us." Wayne got enough firepower to make The Green Berets (1968), which became one of the most controversial movies of all time.

    Warner Bros. were concerned about letting John Wayne direct the movie because of the fact that his previous directorial effort, The Alamo (1960), had been an expensive flop. They therefore only agreed to let him do the film if he agreed to co-direct with a more experienced director, and Wayne chose Ray Kellogg who, despite having only ever directed B-movies, the studio accepted due to his track record as a second unit director on a number of major studio releases.

    The defensive battle that takes place during the second half of the movie is very loosely based on the Battle of Nam Dong, during which two Viet Cong battalions attacked a small outpost in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam which was defended by a mixed force of Americans, Australians and South Vietnamese troops on July 6, 1964. After the successful defense of the outpost, the commanding officer, CPT Roger Donlon, was awarded the Medal of Honor.

    The character Colonel Mike Kirby is based on the real life person Lauri Törni, who later on called himself Larry Thorne. Lauri Törni was a Finnish Army captain who fought in the Second World War during the Winter War (1939-40) and Continuation War (1941-44) against the Soviet Union. He emigrated to the USA in the late 1940s, and in 1954 joined the US Army, and in November 1963 he joined the Special Forces unit A-734 in Vietnam and fought in the Mekong Delta. He disappeared during a mission in 1965 and was reported MIA (Missing In Action). Larry Thorne's remains were found in 1999, and formally identified in 2003.

    The three leads, John Wayne, David Janssen, and Jim Hutton, all died within slightly over eight months of one another: Hutton on June 2, 1979, Wayne on June 11, 1979, and Janssen on February 13, 1980.

    Most colonels were only in their late twenties or early thirties during the Vietnam War. John Wayne was 60 when this film was made and Bruce Cabot was 63.

    * Revealing mistakes: The M-16 that Col. Kirby smashes against a tree is a toy gun made by Mattel in the 1960s. You can see tell by the speaker holes in the magazine (which is also much larger than a real M-16 magazine).

    * Revealing mistakes: Col. Kirby uses a "fatal hookup" when rappelling from the mansion's balcony. He is clearly shown wrapping the rope the wrong way through the karabiner. As soon as weight is put on it, the karabiner opens and the rappeller falls free. U.S. Army karabiners in 1968 were non-locking, and were called "snap links" because of it.

    * Revealing mistakes: When Kirby's helicopter crashes in a ball of fire the rigging cables used to suspend it are visible.

    * Revealing mistakes: During the night attack on the base, a medium shot of the attacking "Vietcong" clearly shows that, although dressed in the traditional VC black pajamas and conical straw hats, most, if not all, of them are Caucasians (the film was shot at Fort Benning, Georgia, and many soldiers were hired as extras).

    * Factual errors: The mortar tube that the crew is using in the pit is a 4.2 inch (diameter) mortar. Yet they are dropping 81mm rounds down the tube. Also, when a round is fired out of a mortar, it sounds like an explosion, not like a small "poof".

    * Continuity: Before they all leave for Vietnam, Sgt. Muldoon wakes everybody up and turns to Petersen's place and the top of an open guitar case can be seen with a guitar in it. Then we get a look at the place from Muldoon's point of view. The next shot shows Muldoon again, but the guitar is now out of the case and leaning against the wall.

    * Errors in geography: The movie supposedly takes place in Vietnam. Besides the southern yellow pines that make up 95% of the forests, there is an obvious lack of palm trees and other tropical plants. In addition, in the beginning of the movie they walk past a water tower with a red and white checkered paint scheme. This is how water towers are painted on U.S. military bases in the United States. Forward operation posts do not build water towers like this.

    * Factual errors: Kirby arrives in Vietnam on an airfield where the airfield operations do not make any sense. For some reason there are troops marching around in circles on the tarmac and one version of every single type of aircraft the army owns sitting right next to each other. In addition, there are jeeps driving all around the tarmac with troops with loaded guns. This is a very dangerous and improbable use of an airfield.

    * Factual errors: The helicopter Kirby is in does not react correctly in terms of aerodynamics after it is hit and catches fire. The helicopter would have swung violently around, speeded up as it fell, and would have crashed extremely hard, easily killing everyone on board.

    * Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): In the opening scene of the film, Sgt. Muldoon states that the founding fathers of the United States began writing the constitution after the revolutionary war was over "from 1776 to 1783". The Revolutionary War in fact ended with the treaty of Paris in November of 1783.

    * Continuity: In the scene where John Wayne tells Provo to set up a .30 caliber weapon to support the .50 caliber weapon, "Provo" reacts to being shot before the VC actually shoots him.

    * Revealing mistakes: When the tower that John Wayne is standing on gets hit by enemy fire and begins to fall, the people in the tower shown falling are clearly dummies, not human.

    * Continuity: In the final scene with Kirby and Hamchuck on the beach, it is clearly around noon or so when the conversation starts, but just a few frames later the sun is setting.

    * Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): After the Americans arrive at the base camp, John Wayne/Col Kirby introduces David Janssen to the camp commander by pointing his weapon at him and waving it. As a soldier, his character should know better: you treat your weapon as though it is loaded and never point the muzzle at something unless it is a target.

    * Factual errors: When the AC-47 was firing on the camp, it is impossible for the rounds to strike in a straight line. This is because the aircraft fires while in a bank.

    * Revealing mistakes: During the rainstorm, it is obvious that characters in the background of the scene are not subject to the rain. The ground in the background is a lighter colour than the ground in the foreground. Also it is apparent that the sun is shining in that area

    * Continuity: In one of the scenes showing the helicopters leaving the camp, as Tran and Beckworth discuss them it shows a helicopter leaving with the number 4 on it's nose. The scene cuts to Tran and Beckworth discussing two helicopters going on patrol and then cuts back to the helicopter with '4' on its nose taking off again albeit shot from a different angle

    * Factual errors: One scene shows several helicopters touching down in a landing zone (LZ) near the base camp. Simultaneously (and well before all the helicopters have completed their landing) at least 1 jeep is shown driving out into the LZ, approaching a helicopter from its rear and crowding alongside it's spinning tail rotor. This is extremely dangerous and people have literally lost their heads because of this. Safety mandates that everyone stays clear of all helicopter spinning tail rotors at all times and an LZ should be kept clear of all non-emergency vehicles.

    * Continuity: At (01:31) A small group of soldiers is gathered with Colonel Kirby (John Wayne) as the "Mike force" is landing in helicopters. Sgt. Provo (Luke Askew) loses his boonie hat as the second chopper in the stick touches down. The cover is seen to fly straight up and is presumably pushed a distance away from the rotor wash. Provo remains without a hat until a closeup scene a few seconds later when he is miraculously wearing it again though he hasn't left the group.

    * Revealing mistakes: Although hard to spot in the film, still photographs taken on location reveal Colonel Kirby and Captain MacDaniel to be wearing highly polished, standard combat boots - not paratrooper's jump boots - with their tan Class A uniforms in their scenes at Ft. Bragg. Special Forces soldiers, all qualified paratroopers, wore jump boots with both their dress and fatigue uniforms.

    * Incorrectly regarded as goofs: The famous supposed-goof at the end of the movie where the characters watch the sun set over the ocean in the east is not necessarily impossible. Since no previous scenes take place on the coast, this scene could have taken place anywhere in Vietnam. Vietnam does have a west coast - albeit a short one.

    * Continuity: At the start of the movie, the orientation team is a part of the 3rd Special Forces Group. Muldoon and McGee are wearing 3rd Group flashes on their berets. The next time we see them, they are with Col. Kirby watching Peterson. They are then wearing 5th Group flashes.

    Memorable Quotes

    Filming Locations
    Fort Benning, Georgia, USA
    Stage 25, Warner Brothers Burbank Studios - 4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, California, USA

    Watch the Trailer



    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 18 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • The Green Berets is a 1968 American war film featuring John Wayne,
    George Takei, David Janssen, Jim Hutto
    n and Aldo Ray,
    nominally based on the eponymous 1965 book by Robin Moore, t
    hough the screenplay has little relation to the book.

    Thematically, The Green Berets is strongly anti-communist and pro-Saigon.
    It was produced in 1968, at the height of American involvement in the Vietnam War,
    the same year as the Tet offensive against the largest cities in South Vietnam.
    John Wayne was prompted by the anti-war atmosphere and social discontent in the U.S.
    to make this film in countering that.
    He requested and obtained full military co-operation and matériel from President Johnson.
    To please the Pentagon who were attempting to prosecute Robin Moore
    for revealing classified information, Wayne bought Moore out for $35,000
    and 5 percent of undefined profits of the film.

    I like this film, and I'm not too bothered
    what the critics said.
    The film was not a documentary, and so to that extent,
    it was viewed and criticized too harshly.
    It should be accepted for what it is, a Hollywood war film.!
    It was a well acted, solid, film, and kept me
    interested from beginning to end.
    Apart from all the protests,
    the film was successful at the box office.

    Ironically, Duke's depiction of communist dominance,
    was laughed at at the time, but nowadays, his vision is sadly true.

    User Review

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 2 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Good reviews, Keith. On all the new ones you put in here. By the way, do you think Waynes Col. Mike Kirby in The Green Berets is related to his Maj. Dan Kirby in The Flying Leathernecks? Just curious, lol. Glad to see you back, where ever you were.

  • I would agree that this is a solid, well-acted movie, and the heck with the critics!

    While many people in the United States felt we were doing the right thing going into Vietnam, and helping them combat Communism, not many realized how much effort was really made by our military to help the Vietnamese and not just kill them. John Wayne did his best in this movie to try to convey that message.

    Chester :newyear:

    P.S. Available at, among other places,

    Deep Discount DVD (cheaper again!! :lol: )

  • Hi Keith, well done my friend, VERY well done!! :-)) I agree with you all in syaing, the heck with what the critics say about the film. I like it as much as I did the first time I saw it way back when I was a yonker--meaning when I was a toddler. ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Just watched this one. I had to tape it from television because I had to work, so the picture quality wasn't as good as on DVD. I thought it was pretty or maybe even very good. I love when the duke says to the newspaper guy "Tell it to Captain Coleman, and shout it loud, cause Arlington Cemetary is a long way from here."

    I thought that maybe they tried to do too much in the film though. It should have ended after they all survive the attack on the camp, instead of continuing on until they capture the head honcho guy. But I enjoyed it nevertheless.

    [SIZE=3]That'll Be The Day[/SIZE]

  • Have to admit I always liked this movie and thought it worked well.

    On the DVD front it is the only one that I have that is printed on both sides that you have to switch it to see the other half of the movie. Why they did it this way is anyone's guess as it is not that long a movie.

    If it is released in this UK John Wayne magazine I will buy it to have a one sided disc.


  • Hi Senta

    All releases be it video or DVD depend on the master material being used.

    I think the film companies like us all to but at least 4 copies of each DVD.

    First the DVD release with any print or sound faults, :cry2:

    Then the restored version with the sound and print faults fixed, :)

    Then the collectors edition with all the extras. :stunned:

    and Then Finally The Directors Cut sold in a big metal tin like a reel of film with restored scenes and even more extras that also falls off the shelf every 5 minutes. :fear2:


  • Hi Mike,
    Thats the problem. I have some of my beloved Duke films in a number of DVD copies. The last is the best quality as always. And I also can't go away when I see new Russian release of his movie, it is interesting to check out how is the quality and translation.

  • I spent 12 years in our military and love this film. I could care less what the critics say. Unless you experience the military life and daily routine and deal with the hardships they have no right talk against what we do and the perfect answer was in the film. We don't get into politics, we go where we're told and do the job we are trained to do. We don't get issued a political handbook just a seabag and orders. Excellent review!

  • [quote='DakotaSurfer','']I spent 12 years in our military and love this film. I could care less what the critics say. Unless you experience the military life and daily routine and deal with the hardships they have no right talk against what we do and the perfect answer was in the film. We don't get into politics, we go where we're told and do the job we are trained to do. We don't get issued a political handbook just a seabag and orders. Excellent review![/quote ]

    Amen to that, DakotaSurfer. Duke was very staunch to do this film with the political climate the way it was at that time. Despite the critics, as you say, this was an excellent film (although I didn't like Jim Hutton getting his demise near the end). And the nitpickers be damned!
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • The US version is a flip disc but what I see is that they used a single layer double sided disc, if they would have used a double layer, they would have gotten everything on one side and could have made a decent label for the other side. It came out on DVD in 1996 so if I remember they did a lot of flip discs back then. Double layer technology may not have been around yet. My source says double layer DVD's was developed in 2003 and came out on the market in 2005. DVD-R's didn't come out until 1997.

  • Hi Dakota Surfer

    Thanks for the information. The Green Berets is being released again in UK with John Wayne Collector magazine so that why I was wondering whether this release would be single sided.

