The Quiet Man (1952)

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  • The story in The Quiet Man is happen some of the first year after the Black and Tan War in Ireland, who ended in 1920 – 1921. So the movies story can be in 1922 – 1923, some people are telling that year was 1923.

    Okay, I had no idea the movie was set that far back. I thought people were just dressing 30 years out of date to give it a quaint look. Perhaps those hayburning contraptions were no longer in use by the '50s, so that scene, which was original to the story, would not have worked?

    Couple thoughts: I noticed the photographic equipment used to take the wedding portrait was antiquated, probably even for the 1920s, but just figured it was a poor country where not everything was state of the art. How about the boxing match scene? Anyone know the vintage of the cameras?

    Also, when Sean reads that the Reverend Mr. Playfair was a boxer in "nineteen hundred and--" I always assumed it could be up to 40 years earlier, but if it takes place in the early 1920s could not be more than just slightly over 20 years previously at most.

    Kewl, here's the story!

    Fight scene's a lot shorter, ain't it?

  • A wonderful strong scene is there Michaeleen sitting whit White O’Morn and been asked for saddle up Sean’s horse and he say. Saddle his horse? I´ll have no part in helping you to put more shame on her. Saddle his horse... Dam da dam da, diddle de da...

    Dam da dam da, diddle de da... aka The Rakes of Mallow



  • I was thinking about my favorite movie last night and wondering if anyone ever came up with a translation for the Gaelic dialogue in the movie.

    I'm particularly interested in the conversation between Mary Kate and Fr. Lonergan.

    Would any of our friends over in Ireland be able to translate it?

    This question was asked sometime ago,
    and to my knowledge never fully answered
    Now with thanks to Johanna Ní Mháille
    of Save The Quiet Man Cottage
    We have a full translation:-

    Apparently Johanna also read this


    If you want to talk to a priest, it is better to talk to him in Gaelic.
    It's the only language that god can not understand.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 9 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Further to the above translation,
    Johanna added this:-


    At the opening of The Quiet Man Festival in Cong on Friday evening,
    you'll be interested to know that Maureen O'Hara recounted this scene
    we were discussing the(Irish dialogue in the film) word for word,
    the scene where she has to tell the priest her husband slept
    in a “mála codlata”, a sleeping bag, on the night of their wedding etc.
    Amazing...she remembered every word of it!


    I was delighted to hear her speaking Irish & amazed
    she remembered every word...talented lady!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited once, last by ethanedwards ().

  • :wink_smile:

    I leave it to Maureen O'Hara care to elaborate a little, knowing that his favorite movie, that for which it has invested the most. At the top of her art, she wanted the studios offered him roles with the same height, same power ..

    Maureen wrote:

    We are June 3, 1951 - "The cares of the world seemed to vanish overnight and a feeling of peace and serenity took me over as my plane reached the coast of Ireland and closed in on Shannon Airport. ..

    ... I saw her sprawling central plain again, surrounded by mountainous hues that varied from lush emerald green to the deep purple of heather to the solemn richness of her dark black blogs. I have never seen her more majestic than she was that summer of 1951 ...

    ... this would be the first time she was ever captured in Technicolor, and I knew before our wheels ever touched the ground that the real star of The Quiet Man would be Ireland herself ...

    ... Ford purchased the motion-picture rights to the story from Walsh in 1936 for only $ 10 ... then spent the next fifteen years working on developing the story into a screenplay that he could get financed.

    ... Most of the work we did on the "Araner" involved removing thepolitics from the story and focusing it on romance and comedy. It was screenwriter Frank Nugent, who later masterfully fleshed out the plot and characters with Mr. Ford, and who brought to the film its whimsical humor.

    ... John Ford chose the lovely little village of Cong, in County Mayo, as the village of Innisfree. All of the exterior sequences for The Quiet Man were filmed in Cong, surrounding areas within County Mayo, and a few in nearby County Galway and County Clare.

    ... Of course, the principal players in the picture were Duke, myself, Victor McLaglen, Mildred Natwick, Ward Bond, Francis Ford, and Barry Fitzgerald. We were the only Hollywood actors who filmed in Ireland. The other characters credited in the film as the "Irish Players" were cast from local Irish talent, and many of them were members of the Abbey Theater.

    ... One of the most specialthings about making "The Quiet Man" is that it truly was a family affair. Many family members of the principal cast and crew were a part in this picture.

    .... There is only one fitting way to end our discussion of "The Quiet Man", and that's with a whisper. No matter what part of the world I'm in, the question I am always asked is "What did you whisper into John Wayne's ear at the end of The Quiet Man?" It was John Ford's idea; it was the ending he wanted. I was told by Mr. Ford exactly what I was to say. At first I refused. I said, "No, I can't. I can't say that to Duke. "But Mr. Ford wanted avery shocked reaction from Duke, and he said,''I'm telling you, you are to say it." I had no choice, and so I agreed, but with a catch: "I'll say it on one condition-that it is never ever repeated or revealed to anyone." So we made a deal. After the scene was over, we told Duke about our agreement and the three of us made a pact. There are those who claim that they where told and know what I said. They don't and are lying. John Ford took it to his grave - so did Duke - and the answer will die with me ... "

    A reminder of useful links ...

    Original trailer

    Small clip

    Tell me if you have problems to read

    Unconditional's Maureen O'Hara !
    French-English translation: poor !!!

    Edited 8 times, last by Romy ().

  • :wink_smile:

    .................... The pictures from the film .......................

    Unconditional's Maureen O'Hara !
    French-English translation: poor !!!

    Edited once, last by Romy ().

  • Featured in the Kerry Film Festival

    Dreaming the Quiet Man

    There are cinematic milestones that have left a marked impression on the landscapes in which they were filmed. John Ford's take on his idealized vision of Ireland, 'The Quiet Man', is one such film. When it was released 'The Quiet Man' became a monster hit all across the world and won Oscars for Best Director and Best Cinematography. Its impact went way beyond the Irish Diaspora and it still resonates with international audiences almost 60 years later. This documentary delves into the psyche of John Ford and his twenty year struggle to bring his homage to his parent’s homeland to the screen. The film features contributions from commentators and film makers including Peter Bogdanovich, Martin Scorsese, Jim Sheridan and, exclusively, Maureen O' Hara

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • MartyB2, do you know if there is any plans on releasing a better version of "The Quiet Man" on DVD or I could only hope, on Blu-Ray??

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Thank you for this informations that should be included in the section "Maureen O'Hara" ...:thumbs_up:

    Unconditional's Maureen O'Hara !
    French-English translation: poor !!!

  • MartyB2, do you know if there is any plans on releasing a better version of "The Quiet Man" on DVD or I could only hope, on Blu-Ray??

    I've looked all over and there seems to be no plans to release 'The Quiet Man' on Blu-Ray at this time...I'm sure that it will come out sometime down the road...

    I can see no plans for a new DVD coming out either. However, there are two different editions of 'The Quiet Man' DVD that have been released. They have almost identical packaging.

    The first is the "John Wayne Collection" edition (ISBN 0-7820-1057-1, ASIN: B00000I1KV). It has "John Wayne Collection" printed on a green band at the top. Its special features include "The Making of the Quiet Man" documentary & the theatrical trailer. Critics say that the sound is decent, but the picture is blurry and full of splotches.

    Then there is the "Collector's Edition" (ASIN: B00006JMRD)... - this is the one I have, it has gotten better reviews, particularly as to the sound and picture quality. The special features include Commentary by Maureen O'Hara, the theatrical trailer, "The Joy of Ireland" documentary with Maureen O'Hara, "Remembering The Quiet Man" Montage, and "The Making of The Quiet Man."

    Edited once, last by MartyB2 ().

  • I have the DVD "Collector's Edition" and I regret that the image quality is not at the top. :vomit:
    I hope that before the success of the cult film, a publisher will release a DVD with images correct.

    Unconditional's Maureen O'Hara !
    French-English translation: poor !!!

  • Ethanedwards- thank you for the videos they are beautiful with pleasant memories and
    the Music enhances the mood. Where can I get a copy of that music?
    I have a desire to go back to Ireland sometime and go to Cong.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • Ethanedwards- thank you for the videos they are beautiful with pleasant memories and
    the Music enhances the mood. Where can I get a copy of that music?
    I have a desire to go back to Ireland sometime and go to Cong.

    Although off topic, there is more information on the score here:-
    The Quiet Man Music
    and there is a CD available, but is is not the original sound track
    However as it is by performed by the Dublin Screen Orchestra,
    it is probably as good as it gets.
    Music from The Quiet Man


    Young conducted excerpts from the score for a 10" LP issued at the time of the film's release, but this 1995 recording by the newly formed Dublin Screen Orchestra under the direction of Kenneth Alwyn is the "first complete recording," as a banner on the cover proclaims. Along with Young's music, it contains vocal performances of "The Isle of Innisfree," "The Wild Colonial Boy," and "Galway Bay," songs performed in the film. The result is a long-overdue treatment of one of Young's best scores. ~ William Ruhlmann

    Also see:-
    Composers Of The Saddle- Victor Young

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 5 times, last by ethanedwards ().