The Quiet Man (1952)

There are 470 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 405,861 times. The latest Post () was by Tbone.

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  • Richard Brody writes about the new Quiet Man DVD and links it to Donovan's Reef in the Jan. 28, 2013 issue of The New Yorker. Brody also wrote a very nice capsule review of Wagon Master a little over a year ago when Wagon Master screened at the Museum of Modern Art. He must be quite the Ford fan. ;)

  • Have a notice today that my pre-order new "Quiet Man" blue ray is on its way.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • Quote from Paula;124748

    Robert Harris, film historian and preservationist, has had a look at the Olive blu-ray of The Quiet Man and finds it somewhat lacking, although a huge improvement over past DVDs.…-the-quiet-man-in-blu-ray

    This is sort of disappointing if accurate. Hopefully, I'll not be disappointed.

    Sent from my Galaxy S III using Forum Runner

  • Well, I respect Robert Harris, but I viewed "The Quiet Man" today when it arrived, and to my untrained eyes, this is a remarkable improvement and one of the best Blues I've ever seen. It's on the same level of excellence as "Zulu" and "The Magnificent Seven".
    The landscape is almost as much of a star as Duke and Maureen. Details really pop and the clarity is astounding. Instead of a blurry, green-like filter, the reds, blues and yellows compete for color dominance. It was like seeing the film for the first time.
    To those of you who are still awaiting your copies, when they arrive take the day off from work, make some popcorn and feast your eyes.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • I don't know what Robert Harris would consider perfect, but to my eyes (with lens replacement surgery less than 6 months ago) this version looks glorious. Viewed on a calibrated 46" Sony 1080 HD TV, it is spectacular. Colors are realistic and brilliant without being oversaturated as they were in previous home video versions. Detail is stunning: The wrinkles and beads of sweat on the faces, and the tweed in the clothing are clearly visible.

    One thing I realized after I watched the blu-ray: the horrible quality of the film before made it a chore to watch and interfered with my enjoyment of the film. Now my brain is not so busy trying to see through all the glaringly off-kilter colors and the smeary image, I enjoy The Quiet Man SO much more it's almost like watching a different movie!

  • :rant: TCM didn't show the blu-ray version Sunday night. They used the copy they've been using for years where anything black is so dark you can't see any details.

    Ah, well, maybe next year. :rant:

  • Finally watched the blue ray last night. I meant to do it on Sunday but my family is watching "The Bible" every Sunday night and I couldn't. Anyway, the blue ray is an obvious step up from the Special Edition DVD I have but after reading everything here I guess my expectations were too high. I only have about 10 BluRay's and most of teh others have been hugely better than the DVD. This one was better and I'm glad I did it but again, slightly disappointed.

  • The last time I will pre-order. They gave some break off the initial price,but it will come down. Haven't watched it yet, but I have been in Cong in my mind many times since going there in 2007.
    The posts on here that some of you have done have been wonderful. Especially with the music.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • the blueray "The Quiet Man" for the first time in blue ray. I had trouble getting it to work. I tried it twice, didn't work.
    Then I tried 3 other blue rays, they came up fine. I cleaned the disc and it worked. It did not work out of the box new, though.
    We enjoyed it, the quality is all excellent.
    The Video was better then the DVD.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • As long as we're talking about Ward Bond...does anyone know if any of the footage still exists of Father Lonaghin's conversation with Michelien Flynn that was cut from very early in The Quiet Man. I know teh scene was cut because it was a discussion of the Padre's gambling debts but I wondered if anyone had ever seen it or at least the script for dialogue.

  • As long as we're talking about Ward Bond...does anyone know if any of the footage still exists of Father Lonaghin's conversation with Michelien Flynn that was cut from very early in The Quiet Man. I know teh scene was cut because it was a discussion of the Padre's gambling debts but I wondered if anyone had ever seen it or at least the script for dialogue.

    Batjac, this was posted in our thread
    The Quiet Man

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • To return to the quality of Blu-Ray movie, it should make an image in the standard format and the other in the Blu-Ray format seeking the same subject and making photos in the proposed maximum size. By comparing the two images, should see a difference or not. The judgment would be final.

    Unconditional's Maureen O'Hara !
    French-English translation: poor !!!

  • I recently saw the Blu-Ray version. I have to admit: it is noticably better than the usual DVD. You can see the background in the church where Sean is at Mass. And all the colors are brighter than the DVD.

  • I've never understood that last bit. "Other things, Michaleen" Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?