The Quiet Man (1952)

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  • Hi

    When Ford was told by Herb Yates to make his cuts one of the first casualties was at the very begining of the picture when Thonton is arriving on the train. In the opening sequence of the film he is seen getting out of the carriage holding an apple and talking to someone inside. Apparently he was given the apple by a child with the parent after some dialogue but that was cut. he still retained the apple and that part where he says goodbye to the passengers in his carriage.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Robbie

    There was so much going on at the wedding scene I can't remember if it did or not. Certainly in Des Mchales book he do's'nt mention it.

    But I'm glad you're following it.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur. I saw you were written about Pat Cohan Bar for some few year ago. I have some information about that bar. If you look in the film can you see Michaeleen and Sean are going to a door on right side of the store and there was a bar in that building when the movie recording started up in June 6, 1951. I will give one quote from the book The Complete Guide to The Quiet Man.
    The jaunting car now pulls up in the front of The Sarfield Arms, the local inn. This name was intended to play a major role in the movie but is never mentioned in the final cut although the sharp-eyed may be to read the name from the swinging sign over the door in the close-up of Sean Thornton. Perhaps this is just another example of Ford’s pruning all political and nationalistic elements from the movie, because Patrick Sarfield was a legendary Irish patriot whose name would have been well known among Irish-Americans. In the move the inn goes by the name PAT COHAN BAR as the sign over the door indicates.

  • Hi Len

    hanks for that. I must say I hadn't heard of Sarfeld but I do now. It's amazing what changes Ford made from the original story and the concept, and the buildings which changed from a grocers to a bar.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur, I can also tell that first pint have not been served in the Cohan Bar yet. One man from The Quiet Man Movie Club toke a ride from Dublin to the city of Cong in last autumn and saw that the windows was painted in white color so maybe the bar will be reopened to June 6 who is a saintly date for a TQM Maniac’s as me.

