Operation Pacific (1951)

There are 69 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 159,896 times. The latest Post () was by MichaelHarrison.

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  • Funny, since we were posting on Operation Pacific, I looked back for pics of Ward. I got here and found a pic from They Were Expendable. It shows Jack Pennick, Duke, Robert Montgomery and Ward. Notice the bandage on Duke's hand...........what kept him in sick bay. Wasn't looking for it..........just know that picture well. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well spotted Keith thanks,
    I have now removed it from the opening post!

    Strangely when Googling,the movie Operation Pacific,
    that photo was quite high up in the images!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Your welcome Keith. I can understand. I have changed a great many wrong things on the Net about Ward Bond, his roles, and episodes of Wagon Train....still keep finding more....I will check OP. As you know......I have researched him for quite some time. You have many to copy and write about. My MAIN one is Ward, and I have the time to research rather than just trust Wikipedia, IMDB, etc. If ever I can help you with him, just let me know. KP LOL, I haven't read the text.........should I?

    Well spotted Keith thanks,
    I have now removed it from the opening post!

    Strangely when Googling,the movie Operation Pacific,
    that photo was quite high up in the images!!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Hi WJ, I can get NOTHING on my TV where I am located. Thanks and Sure hope lots of folks got to see it though. Funny having Ward Duke's boss and Duke's name is DUKE! Luckily, I have all the movies myself Have a good one, KEITH

    Tomorrow night on The Military Channel, they will be showing Operation Pacific on their Officer And A Movie series at 8pm est

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Watched this movie again recently, enjoyed a lot, but had a strange feeling that I detest Patricia Neal in this move, almost everything... After rereading this tread understand why.

  • Just watched this movie for the first time this morning- Loved it! Very good. I really enjoy all of John Wayne's Navy type pictures. All of his characters are so interesting- this was no exception! I watched this for fun- but also for research on a project I have in an American History class. We are doing a project on different wars that America was involved in- my group has the Pacific Theater in WW2. My part in the project is to dress up as and do a presentation in the part of a generic American soldier in the war. Watching a LOT of these movies for inspiration! :D what a fun project! (and a fun bunch of movies!!!)