The Sea Chase (1955)

There are 93 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 102,926 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.

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    Photo with the courtesy of lasbugas


    Plot Summary
    As the Second World War breaks out, German freighter captain Karl Ehrlich is about to leave Sydney, Australia with his vessel, the Ergenstrasse. Ehrlich, an anti-Nazi but proud German, hopes to outrun or out-maneuver the British warship pursuing him. Aboard his vessel is Elsa Keller, a woman Ehrlich has been ordered to return to Germany safely along with whatever secrets she carries. When Ehrlich's fiercely Nazi chief officer Kirchner commits an atrocity, the British pursuit becomes deadly.
    Written by Jim Beaver

    Full Cast
    John Wayne .... Capt. Karl Ehrlich
    Lana Turner .... Elsa Keller
    David Farrar .... Cmd. Jeff Napier
    Lyle Bettger .... Chief Officer Kirchner
    Tab Hunter .... Cadet Wesser
    James Arness .... Schlieter
    Richard Davalos .... Cadet Walter Stemme
    John Qualen .... Chief Engineer Schmitt
    Paul Fix .... Max Heinz
    Lowell Gilmore .... Capt. Evans
    Luis Van Rooten .... Matz
    Alan Hale Jr. .... Wentz
    Wilton Graff .... Counsel General Hepke
    Peter Whitney .... Bachman
    Claude Akins .... Winkler
    John Doucette .... Bos'n
    Alan Lee .... Brounck
    Adam Williams .... Kruger, wireless operator
    James O'Hara .... British officer
    Gavin Muir .... British officer
    Anthony Eustrel .... British high official
    Tudor Owen .... Trawler survivor
    Jean De Briac .... French governor
    Patrick O'Moore .... Warship officer
    John Sheffield
    Gail Robinson
    Gil Perkins
    Gloria Dea .... Spanish Girl (uncredited)
    Renate Hoy .... (uncredited)

    Writing Credits
    James Warner Bellah
    Andrew Geer novel
    John Twist

    Original Music
    Roy Webb

    William H. Clothier

    Fred Stromsoe .... stunts (uncredited)

    * Prior to the start of filming in Hawaii, John Wayne went scuba diving and developed an ear infection.
    As a result, he was in severe pain for much of shooting.
    Many of Wayne's scenes could be shot only on his "good" side, since the infected ear was so swollen,
    and between takes he had to go lie down to rest from the pain.

    * Errors in geography: When David Farrar talks about Ehrlich's course options, he says they can rule out the vast Pacific to the west and the Indian Ocean to the east. Sailing from Sydney Australia, the Pacific would be to the East and the Indian Ocean to the West.

    * Factual errors: The aircraft used to fly Cdr. Napier out of Valparaiso, was a DC-3 type aircraft with American markings.

    Memorable Quotes

    Filming Locations
    Hawaii, USA
    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    Watch this Trailer



    Previous discussion:-
    The Sea Chase

  • The Sea Chase is a 1955 World War II drama film starring John Wayne and Lana Turner.
    It was directed by John Farrow and written by James Warner Bellah.
    The plot is a nautical cat and mouse game, with Wayne determined
    to get his German freighter home during the first few months of the war,
    all the while being chased by British and Australian naval ships.

    This is a film, that is hard to place, as I am not sure as to whether it was good,
    or am I missing something, and it was really bad!!
    I enjoyed the film, and although it is difficult to accept Duke as a German,
    it was more acceptable than say, Ghengis Kahn, or a Swede.
    The difference being, that no one attempted an accent, and in good old Americana,
    it made the part more credible.

    Lana Turner, seemed to have zero personality, and there was
    an obvious lack of chemistry,

    It was good to see a couple of Duke's pals, mainly Paul Fix,
    and John Qualen around, and his then, protege, James Arness.
    Interesting also, to see, Tab Hunter, the then pop singer.
    The film suffered, because of hostilities between Lana Turner
    and the director, and as
    The New Yorker film critic said,


    The novel by Mr, Geer, was an exciting, straightforward piece of work,
    you'd never guess it, from this interpretaion.

    Duke got married to Pilar, whilst making this film in Hawaii.

    User Review

  • Hi

    The novel was good but would have been unacceptable for many of Dukes fans for Karl Earlich in the book was nowhere as reasonable as Duke was in the film.

    In the book the captain is a ruthless man who will stop at nothing to achieve his aim, and is quite ruthless.



  • This movie is one we hadn't seen until the past year, when it became available on DVD and came to us as part of a boxed set, the John Wayne Legendary Heroes Collection. BTW, it is available from Deep Discount DVD, individually and as part of different sized sets.

    It was different in that JW was sort of the bad guy, if you know what I mean.

    I agree with Keith, in that the lack of accent for some reason seemed to be more believable.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hi all,
    I've seen this movie yesterday evening for the first time. Enjoyed it, but have very strange impression. I agree with Keith - it is hard to beleive that Duke is German.

    Lana Terner seems to be suitable for this part and I can't say thet there was no chemistry at all between them.
    When I watched the trailer long before I\ve got the film, I thought that she was really awful in the part, but when I saw the whole movie - changed my mind.

    Ending was dissapointing - I don't like Duke's heroes to diy that way, even that it was open final with the hope that they escaped.

    It would be really intersting to read the novel.


  • Hi Vera

    The novel is different from the book, the John Wayne character has very little sympathy and is very harsh and ruthless vastly different from the way he is played in the film.



  • I thought the Sea Chase was pretty good. Maybe not an absolute classic, but well done. I agreed that it is hard to beleive that John is a German. But the only accents in the movie are the British characters. I thought the music was great. It did a great job underscoring the race that they were making and added to the excitement.

    [SIZE=3]That'll Be The Day[/SIZE]

  • Not a bad film I think.Duke as a German?Hmmm...don't know but found it good that they didn't attempt the German accent as that would have been a let down.There was maybe not as much chemistry between Duke and Lana Turner as with other actresses but she was allright to me.

  • I have to amend my statement for the "Big Jake" topic, Mark. You have several other covers reflecting even earlier publications, including this one for 25 cents. Did you find these in your own collection or turn them up elsewhere?
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hello Jay. Every book that I am putting up in these threads are part of my collection that I have gathered over the years. Some are earlier editions (befor the movie was made) and some are after movie prints. Ebay has been very helpfull in finding copies of these books. I just love to see how close or how far off the movie version is from the book.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • I've always enjoyed this film which is a different vehicle for the Duke in his career. Perhaps it was the unique locations, from Australia across the Pacific to Chilie then ultimately to the North Sea, or perhaps it was the fact you might think the role he was playing was a bad guy, but clearly he played it to anything but a bad guy role. In any case, I enjoy watching these films of John Wayne that are different, varied from the roles we so often associate him with.

  • I got this movie yesterday as a birthday gift and I am looking forward to seeing it - for the very first time. How exciting!! I'll let you know what I think once I have watched it. I know how excited you are too... LOL!

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."

  • Okay, so I went home last night, made a big ole bowl of popcorn and sat down and watched The Sea Chase. I liked it. It was a little hard trying to imagine that he was actually supposed to be playing a german (as were all the others), but getting past that, I thought the story moved along well and I liked the progression of the romance between him and Lana. I enjoyed seeing Alan Hale, who has always been another actor I like. And, of course, my three dogs just HAD to go outside everytime the action was getting good. LOL! All in all, I enjoyed the film, not my favorite by far, but entertaining and I can NEVER get tired of watching him on screen. I also got Blood Alley for my birthday, so I'll be watching that one next. :thumbs_up:

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."

  • I loved The Sea Chase. It is one I watch on a semi regular basis. Remember, Ladybug, while Duke played a German, he gave no leanings to the Nazi Party. So, that is only half as bad. lol


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • From my first post, I thought it was better the way Duke played the part.


    I enjoyed the film, and although it is difficult to accept
    Duke as a German!
    It was more acceptable than say, Ghengis Kahn, or a Swede.
    The difference being, that no one attempted an accent,
    and in good old Americana, it made the part more credible.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • hehehehe. I am quite sure I will be watching it again myself.

    I loved The Sea Chase. It is one I watch on a semi regular basis. Remember, Ladybug, while Duke played a German, he gave no leanings to the Nazi Party. So, that is only half as bad. lol


    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."