Hellfighters (1969)

There are 128 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 133,198 times. The latest Post () was by Aubrey.

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  • This has been showing on one of the Encore channels. I've watched it several times. I like the movie. I liked it better than Hatari.

    Maj. Amos Dundee: I have only three commands. When I signal you to come, you come. When I signal you to charge, you charge. And when I signal you to run - you follow me and run like *hell*!

    Major Dundee (1965)

  • Unbelievably this one has remained unwatched out of my Duke DVDs.
    I must give it a go. The soundtrack is quite cool, that's all I know!

    Oh, I LOVE this movie. Saw it when it first came out. It didn't fair well with the critics I don't think, but I think the Duke fans really like it. Just saw it not long ago. Hope you like it too! Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • This movie is just ok with me. I can watch it if it's on, but I don't seek it out. There is one line in the film that I really like, though. It's when Duke tells Jim Hutton "If you're coming to me for advice, I'm a dry hole".


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Just curious Mark, what is it about it that doesn't "turn" you on? I thought it was exciting, liked the characters and actors, and of course, if Duke gets hurt, I always pretend that I am looking after him, LOL! Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • OK Bill, so why is he not missing much? Asked Mark the same thing. Maybe this is a male/female thing? I should get Peridot and Paula in here and see what they thought. Maybe I am a nut........Oh shoot, we already knew that, didn't we? That didn't help a bit. But then, sometimes, Peter and I like movies that others are not too fond of so, maybe he will still like it...........so, WHAT Oh Peter DOOLEY? LOL. Is it a bust of was it exciting and fun. One of the parts I guess I identified with was their ability to get things done around the world with just a phone call. That was the way living with Gibbons was like. Well, yall can all send your copies to me if you would like, LOL! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • This has been showing on one of the Encore channels. I've watched it several times. I like the movie. I liked it better than Hatari.

    Oh, Hello there ND. Sorry, I missed you completely. Hope we didn't scare you off.....we didn't even welcome you, etc. So, please accept my apologies. I loved the movie as you did. You said you liked it better than Hatari. We are now having a monthly GROUP WATCH on Hatari. PLEASE join us there. We are giving away prizes, (just my sketches so far), and we would love to have some discussion about the movie instead of just questions and answers. We would love to have you join us:

    Hago, KEITH2

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • This was my original post on this film,
    and I haven't changed my view

  • Well, Keith, you and the others except for ND seem to agree. But, as for me, I love Hellfighters and will watch it whenever I get the chance. Think it is a cracerjack film, LOL! Might have a little to do with the fact that I knew a crew who did that kind of thing. They weren't famous worldwide, but they still put the dang things out. By the way, the reason they liked the movie was because they could take girls to see it and tell them that is what they did for a living, LOL! Keith2

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Hi Hawkswill! You know its funny, as you read the reviews on all the movies, you'll find that there is always someone who goes against the grain. On just about all of them, someone will come out and say: I really liked that movie! Where the majority here gave it a thumbs down. Or we all say, Thats a great movie! someone didn't care for it. You like Hellfighters. Its all about Preference! I liked the Conqueror! Most folks don't like that one!

  • It's been a long while since I've seen this film, but I remember that liked it. I was very young when I saw it, but I was very fond of Jim Hutton. I'm looking for a way to view it now.

  • FanTAStic cover Peter. Much better than the old ones. Read way on down this thread. Lots of folks don't like this movie at all. But, I found two who did beside me. I said when you got back, I thought you might be one of the ones who liked it because we USUALLY agreed. So, what is your take on this. Make sure to read on back to see why others didn't like it and why I did. Sure reminds me of those guys, and of Gibbons who once got cement shipped out of country when no one else could with one little 5 minute phone call, LOL! Keith

    Not sure if this has been posted on here yet but Hellfighters is out on blu ray on region 2!
    I quite like the cover.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • FanTAStic cover Peter. Much better than the old ones. Read way on down this thread. Lots of folks don't like this movie at all. But, I found two who did beside me. I said when you got back, I thought you might be one of the ones who liked it because we USUALLY agreed. So, what is your take on this. Make sure to read on back to see why others didn't like it and why I did. Sure reminds me of those guys, and of Gibbons who once got cement shipped out of country when no one else could with one little 5 minute phone call, LOL! Keith

    I'm going to be honest here, pretty much how I always am, I still haven't seen this one! Like The Conqueror, it has sat in my Duke box of films unwatched.I must dig it out to form an opinion on it. I do like the soundtrack however, quite a jazz little number!
    Maybe it will be in the group watch soon, lol!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Great movie, ha ha!! they couldn't even have a
    location shot from the window,
    just an endless conveyer belt of the same
    plastic cars on and on and on.... yuk!!

    Lol! I take it you don't like this one Keith?

    I read reviews on Amazon, see below, and ordered the blu ray! I'll let you know what I think when it arrives!

    One of John Waynes best films, backed by an impressive cast including Katharine Ross and Jim Hutton, enjoyable time after time, a classic.

    Altho it is not a western with John Wayne the few films that he made that were just ordinary ones this one is one of his best films very exciting.

    I saw this movie on TV years ago and it is one of John Wayne's best.This is loosly based on the life of Texan Oilwell fire expert Red Adair, who died not long ago.Jim Hutton is his sidekick, with Bruce Cabot and Vera Lynn his ex wife.I loved this movie and still play it often. The DVD edition brings a clear sharp picture and the soundtrack is great.The team travel the world putting out oil and gas fires and there are some terrific sequences, including the fire in Malasia and the final one in Venezuela.Along the way, we get to see thier life and loves, predictably with John (Chance Buckman) getting back with his ex wife.I'm sure you will enjoy it.

    P.S. don't blame me that they are illiterate, I just copy and pasted them!:wink_smile:

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"