The Fighting Kentuckian (1949)

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    Photo with the courtesy of lasbugas


    Plot Summary
    In Alabama in 1818, Kentucky militiaman John Breen falls in love with a French exile
    and discovers a plot to steal the land her fellow exiles plan to settle on.
    Summary written by Jim Beaver

    Full Cast
    John Wayne .... John Breen
    Vera Ralston .... Fleurette De Marchand
    Philip Dorn .... Col. Georges Geraud
    Oliver Hardy .... Willie Paine
    Marie Windsor .... Ann Logan
    John Howard .... Blake Randolph
    Hugo Haas .... Gen. Paul De Marchand
    Grant Withers .... George Hayden
    Odette Myrtil .... Madame De Marchand
    Paul Fix .... Beau Merritt
    Mae Marsh .... Sister Hattie
    Jack Pennick .... Capt. Dan Carroll
    Mickey Simpson .... Jacques (wrestler/Marie's father)
    Fred Graham .... Carter Ward
    Mabelle Koenig .... Marie
    Shy Waggner .... Friend
    Crystal White .... Friend
    Fred Aldrich .... Townsman (uncredited)
    Richard Alexander .... Militiaman at festival (uncredited)
    Dave Anderson .... Giles (uncredited)
    Charles Andre .... DeMarchand's servant (uncredited)
    Hank Bell .... Militiaman at festival (uncredited)
    Ralph Bucko .... Buck (uncredited)
    Charles Cane .... Knox Brown (head fiddler) (uncredited)
    Tex Cooper .... Man leaning against tree (uncredited)
    Gino Corrado .... French soldier (uncredited)
    Steve Darrell .... Gen. Jackson (uncredited)
    Ralph Dunn .... River man (uncredited)
    Franklyn Farnum .... DeMarchand party guest (uncredited)
    Billy Green .... Bartender (uncredited)
    William Hawes .... Bit part (uncredited)
    Fred Libby .... Bit part (uncredited)
    Cliff Lyons .... Kentuckian driver (uncredited)
    Alberto Morin .... Pierre Le Brun (uncredited)
    Al Murphy .... Buckskin (uncredited)
    Jack O'Shea .... Militiaman (uncredited)
    Jack Perry .... Demopolis citizen at festival (uncredited)
    Chuck Roberson .... Militiaman (uncredited)
    Michael Ross .... Sheriff (uncredited)
    David Sharpe .... French soldier with Run (uncredited)
    Brick Sullivan .... Militiaman at festival (uncredited)
    Tony Travers .... Frenchman (uncredited)
    Dale Van Sickel .... Brawler (uncredited)
    Blackie Whiteford .... Demopolis citizen at festival (uncredited)
    Bud Wolfe .... Militiaman at festival (uncredited)
    Hank Worden .... Abner Todd (militiaman announcing wrestling) (uncredited)

    Jerry Brown .... stunts (uncredited)
    Bob Bryant .... stunts (uncredited)
    Roydon Clark .... stunts (uncredited)
    Fred Graham .... stunts (uncredited)
    Chuck Hayward .... stunts (uncredited)
    John Hudkins .... stunts (uncredited)
    Cliff Lyons .... stunt coordinator (uncredited)
    Cliff Lyons .... stunts (uncredited)
    Bob Morgan .... stunts (uncredited)
    Chuck Roberson .... stunts (uncredited)
    David Sharpe .... stunts (uncredited)
    Henry Wills .... stunts (uncredited)
    Bud Wolfe .... stunts (uncredited)

    Original Music
    George Antheil

    Lee Garmes

    Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
    Lee Lukather .... assistant director (uncredited)
    Robert E. Morrison .... assistant director (uncredited)

    Although Oliver Hardy was a good friend of John Wayne's,
    he initially balked at acting in this movie, for fear that it would make people
    think that he and Stan Laurel had broken up as a team.
    When Laurel insisted that Hardy take the role, he acquiesced.

    John Wayne later blamed the failure of the movie on co-star Vera Ralston.

    One of two movies that Oliver Hardy acted in during the 23 year period
    he made comedies with his partner Stan Laurel.

    * Anachronisms: Auto tire tracks visible in dust during wagon and horse chase scene.

    * Anachronisms: After Oliver Hardy sits down on and flattens his trumpet making it useless,
    the final scene shows him walking away with the rest of the happy group
    and a brand new trumpet on his back. Where did he get it?

    * Anachronisms: The "2nd Kentucky Regiment" is shown marching in step.
    Frontier militia units of that day were rarely trained in formal marching,
    being raised in response to a specific, short-term need, and disbanded
    as soon as possible to save money.
    Also, no unit would march in step unnecessarily, as it was tiring to the men.

    * Anachronisms: Willie talks of Kentucky and says
    "Ma is baking bread and you can smell it all through the house."
    He is referencing an early-to-mid 20th Century stereotype.
    At that time of the movie the typical house in Kentucky would have had only one or two rooms
    with an exterior kitchen under a lean-to. As almost all work was done outside the house,
    the smell in the house would not have been noticed.

    * Anachronisms: A number of times the background music uses pieces of "La Marseillaise".
    Although associated with revolutionary and modern France, the song was banned by Emperor Napoleon.

    * Continuity: At the beginning of the final battle, Fleurette runs out to give a weapon to John Breen.
    She brings neither a shot pouch or powder horn.
    Breen is also carrying neither of these items.
    However, he is somehow able to reload and fire the musket a number of times thereafter.

    Memorable Quotes

    Filming Location[/U][/B]
    CBS Studio Center - 4024 Radford Avenue, Studio City, Los Angeles, California, USA

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 11 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • The Fighting Kentuckian (1949) is an American comedy action film starring John Wayne and Oliver Hardy.
    The movie was written and directed by George Waggner and made by Republic Pictures.

    I really like this film, and found it great fun and entertainment.
    Duke played well, and was side-kicked by a rare appearance of Oliver Hardy,
    who acted exactly the same, as he did, only without Stan.
    He was funny, if not convincing in his role.

    Jack Pennick, played a much bigger role for him,
    and for members, who can't place him, this is a good movie, to see him.
    Duke had some friends in support including his brother Bob, Chuck, Paul Fix and Grant Withers.

    This was the first film Chuck Roberson, ,was to double for Duke,
    a decision, that was to change Chuck's life, forever.

    The weakest casting was that of Vera Hruba Ralston, the Czech skater,,
    who's only claim to fame, is that she was the Republic bosses, moll!!!
    She had trouble speaking English, and couldn't act, to save the ice melting!!
    She made 12 films for Republic and the only ones that made a profit,
    were, the ones she made with, Duke.

    Duke said,


    Yates made me use Vera Hruba,...I've always been mad at Yates about this,
    because we lost the chance to have one damn fine movie.

    I agree with the above,however, Duke was unhappy about the mediocrity of the film,
    it suffered from a convoluted plot,bad acting and weak comic relief, just everything about it was forgettable,
    but nevertheless, it made money at the box office.

    A previous thread:-

    What Do You Think Of The Fighting Kentuckian

    User Review

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 4 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Hi

    This was one of the first John Wayne films I ever remember seeing I must have been about eight or nine when it came second time around at the Shaftsbury our local 'flea pit' (although thats not quite as bad as that but they never showed new pictures only second or third time around films).

    Mostly I remember the finale with all the Kentuckians in the wagons coming to the aid of the homesteaders and Oliver Hardy and his trumpet. It was and still is a great film.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Mike

    Hope this answers it

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Mike,

    He sure did!!
    They married in March 1952,
    and it lasted until February 1966 (His death)

    She was obviously a better wife than
    she was an actress, and if you read on,
    she wasn't stupid either!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • I just like the song, my best friend bob and I used to walk around the halls in High school singing (very badly)only 600 miles more to go, more to go....

    "John Wayne is not just an actor and a very fine actor,John Wayne is the United States of America."

  • Watching Fighting Kentuckian it only good moments are the Oliver Hardy scenes.

    The scenes with Vera Ralston are dire she cant act, you can hardly make out what she is saying and she is not to good looking either!! Honestly a tree would have had provided more response. She must have been the worst leading lady Duke was unlucky to paired with. The guy had patience!!


  • Sipping whiskey ( as described by Mr Hardy makes me thirsty just to hear him speak ) and a great finale & a good fight scene at the soire.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Watched this tonight, at first I wasn't sure about Oliver Hardy's part, he seemed too Laurel&Hardy at times but overall I like his part. I didn't think Vera was too bad, certainly don't have the impression she ruined the movie. The violin scene is a hoot