I'm new at this, and wanted to share more, but I can only load one picture per page. This is a wonderful picture of my Dad as Best Man holding both my Mom and Dad's hands, but you can't see my Dad in this shot. I do love the look on his face as he really loved my parents and he pushed for my Dad to marry here.
How Did You Become A John Wayne Fan?
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Very cool photos @chickiverson love seeing Duke in casual photos!!
How did I become a John Wayne fan? My dad was a fan as I was growing up in the 60's and 70's so I guess it came naturally. I started collecting films on VHS in my early teens and saved and bought my first book "The Films of John Wayne" probably in 1979 since that is the printing date in the book. The poor book is all marked up by me marking the movies I had seen on TV, those that I had bought and those that were not included in the book. It is now worn and tattered and I'm still trying to find the remaining films to complete my school kid obsession, which is how I stumbled upon JWMB. I now have an excel spreadsheet and retired the book to light duty. I guess it still makes me feel like a kid sometimes. If the gifts that the family give you on birthdays and Christmas are any indicator that your a John Wayne fan then yes I am. I strayed for a while as life was busy and I had watched all there was to watch many times. Now that I am retired I'm finding my way back and enjoying them all over again and finding the new movies that are now available and other new young Duke discoveries on new found films. So much has changed in this new digital age.
I got into John Wayne movies when I was 8 years old. One of my favorites is Rio Grande
Welcome to the JWMB @DukeFan#1 glad you found is! My favorite Duke movie is The Searchers.
Hi All,
Happy to be here, and I would love to share a couple of pictures from back in the day. The first is one of my Dad and Uncle DukeI love this photo! Duke looks cramped in the VW.
Tell us how you became a John Wayne fan!!
I can't remember ever not being a John Wayne fan!
At first when I was 14 I thought Wayne's films were a bit silly. I preferred historical epics with Charlton Heston.
However when I saw "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" before going to a party one Saturday I realised Wayne was a good actor.
My Dad took me to see True Grit and I was hooked. When TV started running westerns, we always made a point of watching them together
My Dad took me to see True Grit and I was hooked. When TV started running westerns, we always made a point of watching them together
Same with me. My dad introduced me to westerns JW westerns to be exact.
That's why Dad's are so special. Mine taught me cooking and cleaning wasn't just for women as well as a good cowboy or war flick every week plus Gunsmoke and Wagon Train through the week rounded out my domestic education! Oh and Bugs Bunny Saturday mornings.
Those where the good ol' days.
I wonder how many parents would let their children watch westerns now? All of the old westerns are shown with warnings here.
I wonder how many parents would let their children watch westerns now? All of the old westerns are shown with warnings here.
Movies today come with warning that it depicts people...smoking! Of all dastardly things to warn people about.
Movies today come with warning that it depicts people...smoking! Of all dastardly things to warn people about.
Many of the old stars died from smoking, including John Wayne.
Many of the old stars died from smoking, including John Wayne.
No question...I'm not discounting the known dangers of smoking but smoking was very common and in movies that are about a historical event...depicting smoking is historically accurate.
By putting such disclaimers alongside warnings of violence and sexual content it seems to add into the wussification of the culture.
Hi I am new here. My dad was a fan from 50s and 60s as a kid.
Hello and welcome to the forum, saperry50! I'm guessing that you became a fan because your dad had great taste in actors? A well spent youth, watching Duke films.