Last Non Western You Watched

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  • Saw a couple of pretty good films the last few days. Two nights ago, my wife and I watched 9. It was produced by Tim Burton who makes some off the wall animated movies that are usually pretty good. This was no exception. It takes place in the future and is about a scientist who created these small creatures to help change a destroyed world. I liked it, my wife didn't so much. She found it hard to follow. Some might want to give a shot. You also might like it.

    The second movie was yesterday. My grandsons and I watched Battleship. I know it got slammed by the critics but, I enjoyed it very much. Another what if tale about an alien invasion of the world that begins in Hawaii. Alot of good action and special effects with the battleship U.S.S. Missouri appearing in the climax of the film.

  • Watched Rain Man for the first time, it was fantastic, i'm not a big Cruise fan but he was excellent in this and it's easy to see why Hoffman got so much praise. Moving film.

    Ironically, I watched this one last week,
    but had to turn it off.
    Not only was his brother getting on Tom Cruise's nerves,
    but he was getting on mine too lol

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Watched Rain Man for the first time, it was fantastic, i'm not a big Cruise fan but he was excellent in this and it's easy to see why Hoffman got so much praise. Moving film IRISH DUKE

    Ironically, I watched this one last week,
    but had to turn it off.
    Not only was his brother getting on Tom Cruise's nerves,
    but he was getting on mine too lol

    WOW,this is one movie I don't tire of watching. Excellent performances by both leading men. Besides the 4 Oscars it won, there were multitudes of other awards and nomimations. This movie was way ahead of its time. Yet it was accepted immediately when released. Out of almost 200,000 reviews it garnished an 8 out of a possible 10! Last I saw, it had grossed over $325,000,000 more than it cost to make.
    Apparently, Dustin Hoffman spent over a year working with autistic men and their families to prepare himself for the role.....nothing new for a most fantastic actor. Autism is not pleasant, but it is real. With patience, understanding and a lot of research, more autistics are able to lead closer to normal lives. This movie went a long way toward helping to reach that goal. Imagine how horrible it must be to be in a way "locked" inside of yourself and no one understands you!
    Glad you liked it Irish Duke and posted it so I could air my opinion, LOL. Now, I think I will go an watch it has been a while. The OTHER KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well, I obviously haven't mastered the two quote thing. Got one from one post and one from another.

    Just wanted to know if folks thought Young Lions was worthy for the List. I KNOW that Rain Man is.

    Yound Lions is def worthy:wink_smile:

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Well, I obviously haven't mastered the two quote thing. Got one from one post and one from another.

    Just wanted to know if folks thought Young Lions was worthy for the List. I KNOW that Rain Man is.

    Young Lions is a fairly good movie. Is the Marlon Brando, Dean Martin, Monty Clift, Maximilian Schell the one your talking about?

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Young Lions is a fairly good movie. Is the Marlon Brando, Dean Martin, Monty Clift, Maximilian Schell the one your talking about?

    Yep, RK, the one that Arthurarnell said he watched a few posts back. Seems as if enough folks liked it to put it on the list. Thanks, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Yep, RK, the one that Arthurarnell said he watched a few posts back. Seems as if enough folks liked it to put it on the list. Thanks, KEITH

    Thanks. I just checked and saw I missed it by not looking back far enough. :lol:Lol:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • "Cobra" Starring Sylvester Stallone, Andrew Robinson, and the always awesome Brian Thompson.

    Classic slice of 80s action cheese!

    I still remember the supermarket shoot out clearly.

    "Crime is a disease. Meet the cure" priceless!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"