Great one Bill.
I watched The Mentalist here in Spain,
El Mentalista, as it's called.
Patrick Janes dubbed voice, just isn't right.
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Great one Bill.
I watched The Mentalist here in Spain,
El Mentalista, as it's called.
Patrick Janes dubbed voice, just isn't right.
Desperado, Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek
This is the end, very funny comedy despite most of the cast not being too my taste.
The Expendables 2" (2012)
-Stallone,Schwarzenegger,Norris,Statham,Van Damme,Willis
Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.
Phantom's Review: Ultra violent,mindless,gory and almost totally plotless.....I LOVED IT!
Let's face it, you don't see an "Expendables" movie for it's scintillating dialogue and award winning acting, you wanna see them blow shit up! And that's what you get.
This movie delivers exactly what it promises. ACTION! and plenty of self deprecating humor. A complete and total popcorn movie.
A total blast.
Breathless The original Godard film with Belmondo and Seberg not the dreadful Richard Gere remake.
Mission Impossible TV
How did you find the first expendables phantom if you saw it? I found the 2nd one much better myself.
I also just saw Expendables 2 on the movie network. Enjoyed it - and the first one - very much. Filming on the third installment is supposed to begin in Los Angeles next month.
My last Spanish Mission Impossible hoorah!!
One For The Money 2012, Unemployed and newly-divorced Stephanie Plum lands a job at her cousin's bail-bond business, where her first assignment puts her on the trail of a wanted local cop from her romantic past. Starring Katherine Heigl, Jason O'Mara, Daniel Sunjata and Debbie Reynolds as Grandma Mazur, I first listened to this on an audiobook.
How did you find the first expendables phantom if you saw it? I found the 2nd one much better myself.
Loved them both. Looking forward to part 3
Thanks for getting back to me. Been watching The Sopranos lately, a very good show, pity it took me this long to get round to it.
Demolition Man starring Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes & Sondra Bullock.
Watched Cobra last night Sylvester Stallone, not around this weekend going down to Oxford tonight for, Blenheim Palace Summer Picnic Proms – Oxfordshire.
Two nights ago, watched Zero Dark Thirty. About the hunting and eventual killing of Osama Bin Laden. Pretty good movie, little bit long, but it was worth it for the last half hour, when the Seals accomplish their mission.
Leon Morin, Priest Jean-Paul Belmondo and Emanuella Riva directed by Jean-Pierre Melville
Crazy stupid love The title sums it up
Watched Rio Lobo on TCM yesterday
Hawkins Death and the Maiden, nice vehicle for the aging Stewart this, very similar to Columbo or Matlock but the performances of Stewart and Martin with some decent supporting actors elevate it beyond just another crime show.
"Army Of Darkness" (1993)
-Bruce Campbell
Plot: IMDB
A man is accidentally transported to 1300 A.D., where he must battle an army of the dead and retrieve the Necronomicon
Phantom's Review:Third film in the "Evil Dead" franchise and Probably my favorite horror comedy(Along with "Ghostbusters and "Young Frankenstein"). Goofy as hell, but with a few good BOO! scenes. Bruce Campbell is perfect as the arrogant, but clues less Ash.Fun, cheesy special FX and a good story. This film is a blast if you can put your tongue firmly in cheek.