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  • Sat through the remake of "The Mechanic" all the time wishing that Charles Bronson were still alive. Why do a remake only to not top the original?
    Cleared my head with a double feature of "Dirty Harry" and "Magnum Force".

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Almost done with the 89 season of M.I. and soon as its done, ill be watching that new Sean Bean war movie about the Nr 30 Commando Group that Ian Fleming was in with or in charge of in WWII. Hang my towel as I cant remember its name. I just bought it at Wallace-World and cant think of the title off hand?

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Many episodes of two TV-Shows from Donald Bellisario: Quantum Leap and JAG (one of my all-time favourite shows!).

    Yesterday I watched Hawaii Five-0 (the new series) on TV. It is not so popular here in Germany, but I love it! The cast is great and these cops are funny.

    "Never apologize. It´s a sign of weakness."

  • Finished my five movie Dirty Harry marathon with "The Dead Pool". I noticed that the actor who plays the first bank robber in "Dirty Harry" (Albert Popwell) plays different characters in four of the series. He's the guy who Harry wounds while munching on his hot dog and asks if he feels lucky.
    Also picked up that a semi nude Suzanne Somers gets shot in the pool, of all places, in "Magnum Force" and that Jim Carrey, of all people, is in Dead Pool.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Finished my five movie Dirty Harry marathon with "The Dead Pool". I noticed that the actor who plays the first bank robber in "Dirty Harry" (Albert Popwell) plays different characters in four of the series. He's the guy who Harry wounds while munching on his hot dog and asks if he feels lucky.
    Also picked up that a semi nude Suzanne Somers gets shot in the pool, of all places, in "Magnum Force" and that Jim Carrey, of all people, is in Dead Pool.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Speaking of Albert Popwell, sadly, he passed away a number of years ago. I thought he was great as "Big Ed Mustafa" as well as in the few other roles ive seen him in.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Forgot to mention, just watched Sean Bean in Age of Heroes. It was a pretty good movie though the ending wasnt "all that" and kinda left things unexplained. Still, its a good one to add to a dvd library.

    Ill be starting Whispering Smith TV series (w/ Audie Murphy) tonight. Ive been looking forwards to seeing it since I heard of its DvD release.

    Also, IF anyone here wants to get the series? MAKE SURE, you get the newer printed run of it because the last one omitted an episode and the new version has a yellow starlike symbol on the box. It will say: All 26 episodes including the long lost episode: "The Interpreter."

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • "The Deadly Mantis" (1957)
    -Craig Stevens

    Plot: IMDB
    A giant prehistoric praying mantis, recently freed from the Arctic ice, voraciously preys on American military at the Dew Line and works its way south.

    Phantom's Review: Wonderfully corny, 1950's monster movie. Decent FX, plenty of stock footage to pad out the film and a monster that sounds just like "Spot" from "The Munsters". A total blast.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • "Psycho" (1960)
    -Anthony Perkins

    Plot: IMDB
    Phoenix officeworker Marion Crane is fed up with the way life has treated her. She has to meet her lover Sam in lunch breaks and they cannot get married because Sam has to give most of his money away in alimony. One Friday Marion is trusted to bank $40,000 by her employer. Seeing the opportunity to take the money and start a new life, Marion leaves town and heads towards Sam's California store. Tired after the long drive and caught in a storm, she gets off the main highway and pulls into The Bates Motel. The motel is managed by a quiet young man called Norman who seems to be dominated by his mother.

    Phantom's Review: Screenwriter Joseph Stefano and Director Alfred Hitchcock take Robert Bloch's novel and create what is arguably the greatest suspense thriller of all time. Perfectly cast, acted and filmed. this movie is damn near perfect. The last shot of Anthony Perkins staring at you is still terrifying. Very few films are truly worthy of the label "Classic", but this is a true classic from start to finish.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town