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  • Not to irritate ya or really make fun on him but--it appears that his career was here and gone in: 60 seconds.

    He's had more than enough stinkers lately, but producers are still paying big bucks to get him. Hope he can turn things around with something really good.

  • He's had more than enough stinkers lately, but producers are still paying big bucks to get him. Hope he can turn things around with something really good.

    The guy can turn it on if he wants to. Unfortunately has almost become a caricature of himself and goes through the motions all too often. I don't think he's the only actor who has fallen into this rut either.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • He's had more than enough stinkers lately, but producers are still paying big bucks to get him. Hope he can turn things around with something really good.

    Looks like he shares that with some I like like: Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson, and a few others. I guess everybody has to have an "The Conqueror" in their careers. I dont dislike this movie because of two things--Duke and it has great battle scenes.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Forgot to mention, just watched 2 more eps of The Walking Dead. Looking forward to the rest of season 2 so I cna make sense of season 3.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Good grief Carl, here I am fixing to go to sleep and I see you talking about the WALKING DEAD. Bet I have Zombie Nightmares, LOL. OK, using The Ringo Kid. But if it asks for a real name will say Carl Ringo.....don't know your last name,LOL.

    I watched They Were Expendable....notice a little something different every time I see it that Pappy did for Ward Bond, since he could still barely walk on the once nearly severed leg and wore a stiff, heavy leg brace. This time, it was that Ward's face was the last one seen looking up at the plane....last face on the film. Of course, Pappy tried to get him into every scene possible if he didn't have to walk, because he still couldn't without a crutch. What a threesome......Pappy Ford, Ward Bond and Duke. And, although Mulcahey, (Ward), was on Brick's crew, notice the goodbye he got from Brick and the one from Rusty,(Duke). Boy, you had to be blind not to know that they were very close in real life! Keith .

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Good grief Carl, here I am fixing to go to sleep and I see you talking about the WALKING DEAD. Bet I have Zombie Nightmares, LOL. OK, using The Ringo Kid. But if it asks for a real name will say Carl Ringo.....don't know your last name,LOL.

    I watched They Were Expendable....notice a little something different every time I see it that Pappy did for Ward Bond, since he could still barely walk on the once nearly severed leg and wore a stiff, heavy leg brace. This time, it was that Ward's face was the last one seen looking up at the plane....last face on the film. Of course, Pappy tried to get him into every scene possible if he didn't have to walk, because he still couldn't without a crutch. What a threesome......Pappy Ford, Ward Bond and Duke. And, although Mulcahey, (Ward), was on Brick's crew, notice the goodbye he got from Brick and the one from Rusty,(Duke). Boy, you had to be blind not to know that they were very close in real life! Keith .

    One admires that about them, the genuine love and admiration they had for one another, the respect and friendship, the bromance, if you'll allow me that newly coined and stupid word. I read Dobe Carey's autobiography and in it he states the sole reason that Ward Bond kept his leg is that John Wayne absolutely refused to allow the doctors to amputate* it. He used the strong force of his personality and when John Wayne stands in your way and tells you, 'Hell, no, you will not' by God, you listen to him.

    It's a miracle it didn't kill Bond. Clearly God listened to John Wayne. :heart: Well, wouldn't you? I know my father did and he ruled my world.

    Sometimes I wonder now why we don't have many actors who work together. There are many UK actor/director teams who work together again and again and the films are the better for it: Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry with Emma Thompson and sometimes Hugh Grant, Merchant/Ivory directing. Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh still work together as a couple although they're divorced and Sir Derek Jacobi will join them. Do we have any American actor teams other than the combo of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon?

    Will we never have that again in American film? :sad: Still, we must be grateful that it's preserved and for what we have, I must say. The magnificence of the past is there for us to view. I hope most of it will be preserved for us. Fingers crossed.

    *I'd love to see those radiographs. They must be fascinating.

    We're burning moonlight.

    Edited 2 times, last by Peridot ().

  • [quote='arthurarnell','']Hi

    Tomorrow Never Dies



    Is this in light of the new film coming out in a matter of day?

    Tomorrow never dies had one of the least convincing villains for me in Jonathan Price out of the whole series.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Good grief Carl, here I am fixing to go to sleep and I see you talking about the WALKING DEAD. Bet I have Zombie Nightmares, LOL. OK, using The Ringo Kid. But if it asks for a real name will say Carl Ringo.....don't know your last name,LOL.

    I watched They Were Expendable....notice a little something different every time I see it that Pappy did for Ward Bond, since he could still barely walk on the once nearly severed leg and wore a stiff, heavy leg brace. This time, it was that Ward's face was the last one seen looking up at the plane....last face on the film. Of course, Pappy tried to get him into every scene possible if he didn't have to walk, because he still couldn't without a crutch. What a threesome......Pappy Ford, Ward Bond and Duke. And, although Mulcahey, (Ward), was on Brick's crew, notice the goodbye he got from Brick and the one from Rusty,(Duke). Boy, you had to be blind not to know that they were very close in real life! Keith .

    I admit they aint my usual cup of tea but-when i saw the first episode I ever watched--which was episode Nr 2 in season 1, I was intrigued and decided that I needed to find out what happened to cause it all? Im into season 3 and STILL dont have a clue what apparently started it all? The only thing I really dont like about the series is they have too many storylines going on at the same time and is very hard to connect. I just watched 2 more eps today and saw hoe the Winnebago-driver died as well as Shane-the other Deputy. Still have one more disc of episodes to watch--then ill be watching the 5 WB MOD movies I just got in starting with one ive never seen which is an earlier role for Gary Cooper who pplays a Confederate Captain who falls in love with a Yank Spy. This one is called: Operator 13.

    Oh and--I still do detest almost every newer horror movie ever made-starting with that trash series called: Friday the 13th--I hate those with a purple passion.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Imagine Ward, Duke, and RB making, we would have really had something there!

    Hugh still my heart. Only saw him in House, and have never seen them all. You know he really does play the piano as he did in the series! How can somebody like him go from looking like an ugly bum to one of the most attractive, alluring men you know?? It just crept up on me!
    With my nursing background, I particularly enjoyed him in the holier than thou hospital scenes.....would like to see him in other masculine type roles....are there any? I haven't a clue.
    As for Ward and Duke.....don't think there will EVER be a combination like them again. Keith

    E=Peridot;118947]One admires that about them, the genuine love and admiration they had for one another, the respect and friendship, the bromance, if you'll allow me that newly coined and stupid word. I read Dobe Carey's autobiography and in it he states the sole reason that Ward Bond kept his leg is that John Wayne absolutely refused to allow the doctors to amputate* it. He used the strong force of his personality and when John Wayne stands in your way and tells you, 'Hell, no, you will not' by God, you listen to him.

    It's a miracle it didn't kill Bond. Clearly God listened to John Wayne. :heart: Well, wouldn't you? I know my father did and he ruled my world.

    Sometimes I wonder now why we don't have many actors who work together. There are many UK actor/director teams who work together again and again and the films are the better for it: Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry with Emma Thompson and sometimes Hugh Grant, Merchant/Ivory directing. Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh still work together as a couple although they're divorced and Sir Derek Jacobi will join them. Do we have any American actor teams other than the combo of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon?

    Will we never have that again in American film? :sad: Still, we must be grateful that it's preserved and for what we have, I must say. The magnificence of the past is there for us to view. I hope most of it will be preserved for us. Fingers crossed.

    *I'd love to see those radiographs. They must be fascinating.[/QUOTE]

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Gentlemen Jim. Great old fight movie. Ward looked bad in the ring,but he sure gave a super "loser's" speech at the end! KEITH

    I totally missed this post. I absolutely LOVE this film!
    In fact it was through this film that I discovered Ward Bond as John L Sullivan, before seeing him with Duke. I think this is one of the best performance of his career and the scene at the end in the crowded bar after he as lost is a true classic.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I totally missed this post. I absolutely LOVE this film!
    In fact it was through this film that I discovered Ward Bond as John L Sullivan, before seeing him with Duke. I think this is one of the best performance of his career and the scene at the end in the crowded bar after he as lost is a true classic.

    Boy, that gave me goose bumps Peter. Thought no one liked that. So nice to see how much you appreciated it. By the way.......LIST....I borrowed it, LOL.

    I memorized that little speech he gave. I have had several of my Irish friends say that his accent was DEAD ON. Of course, he has used it in other movies also. I WILL have to say though, he didn't entirely steal that
    moment. Errol Flynn's humbled reaction was a surprise....I thought he played that excellently.

    As for Ward, of course, I think he is great in lots of things. But one of his best performances, along with Frank McGrath and Terry Wilson, was in Wagon Train The Weight of of the very best.

    Oh young! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • .
    Sometimes I wonder now why we don't have many actors who work together. There are many UK actor/director teams who work together again and again and the films are the better for it: Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry with Emma Thompson and sometimes Hugh Grant, Merchant/Ivory directing. Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh still work together as a couple although they're divorced and Sir Derek Jacobi will join them. Do we have any American actor teams other than the combo of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon?

    Will we never have that again in American film?


    I think that maybe the only current star that has a "stock company", is Adam Sandler. He uses many of the same people in all his films. His films may not be the height of film art, but his heart seems to be in the right place as far as friendship.