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  • Im not offended, if your info is more accurate than mine is-more power to the Dynamic Duo ;-))

    One thing I might add is that a car that was the exact year and model as the Batmobile used in the serials, was in my hometown of Kingsville, Texas and had been just sitting by the side of someones house for many years-starting to rust away. Their car was a car used in races which still had its number painted on the doors--Nr 29 to be exact. For many years I tried to get them to sell the car to me as I KNEW exactly what it was based on the Batman serials and I had had in mind to fix it up, paint it like the Batmobile in the series and even getting a friend to make the mobiles face mask that was mounted on the front of the car.

    Sadly, the S.A's who owned it, sent it to the junk yard scrapping.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • tommorow the war began, a good movie follows the book very well though it is set in australia it could really be anywhere

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • One thing I might add is that a car that was the exact year and model as the Batmobile used in the serials, was in my hometown of Kingsville, Texas and had been just sitting by the side of someones house for many years-starting to rust away.

    I haven't seen the serials in ages, but was the car used an approx 1949 Merc convertible (at least the Lowery serial)?

  • I haven't seen the serials in ages, but was the car used an approx 1949 Merc convertible (at least the Lowery serial)?

    Me either. Last time I saw them was about 1994ish. I THINK that was the exact make? cant remember now since its been so long.

    Forgot to mention TCM this eve-watched: My Darling Clementine yup I know tis a western but I just dont feel like going to the westerns thread after also posting these seen: Pride of the Yankees and Sergeant York ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Unstoppable. with Denzel Washington. You are on the right track if you see this movie. (sorry about the pun but Ive been trained that way)

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • You've got that right-great action-suspenser! I also caught The Tourist. ex-Bond Timoth Dalton makes an appearance and looks great still. Other than eye-candy tho and Venice backdrops, It just didn't cut it. Now, if it had had Cary Grant & Audrey Hepurn...

  • The Indestructible Man-1955 Lon Chaney Jr. horror film on VHS. It was part of a set of remastered horror films with intros by Tony Curtis from 1998. GAWD Curtis was TERRIBLE!

    Edited once, last by alamo221 ().

  • rented A Team with the family the other night it's a great movie loved it though my dad was telling me that some of the actors didn't do as good of a job as the originals from the show :)

    [COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="2"]"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life..." ~John Wayne~[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]