When Were You Born?

There are 350 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 227,503 times. The latest Post () was by MichaelHarrison.

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  • On the list I'm 21 ( from the top that is ). For a man who is closing in on 50 it's nice to be 21 somewhere.:wink_smile:

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Well I can only hope to get somewhere in the middle... 1953 April so I have a birthday coming up!

    I won't be wronged-I won"t be insulted-I won't be laid a hand on. :cowboy:

  • put me in with the over 60 group may 22 1947.I only feel old when i have to do anything. other than that i fell pretty young.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • As we have a few new members,
    with one or two discusssing their respective ages,
    in other threads, thought it might be good,
    if you could join in here!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • It is great to see all ages loving John Wayne !

    They do, believe me they do.

    I've stood in line at theaters to see Wayne movies a number of times. Those lines contained everything from gray-headed old geezers through long-haired hippie types to young kids, all patiently waiting to see their favorite movie star. Warmed the cockles of my heart. :teeth_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • hello,
    it Is Very Nice To Find A Group Of Older Individuals Who Have Grown Up Watching And Enjoying The Duke. I Was Born On The 30th Of December In 1949 And Have Been A Great John Wayne Fan All My
    life. My 30 Year Old Son Feels The Same Way As I Do About Mr. Wayne. My Wife, On The Other Hand, Does Not Understand At All Why We Feel As We Do. We Went Food Shopping Today And I Found One Of My All Time Favorite Movies Of The Duke's. The Movie Is Eldorado And Like Most Of His Movies My Son And I Know Almost All The Diologue. I Want To Say Hi To Everyone Here And It Would Be Nice To Talk To Everyone About The Duke.
    captain Dan

  • Thanks to Jacob and Dan, for joining us here.
    Well Jacob, is now the second youngest on the board,
    just 6 months older than Bek.
    As said before, it is fantastic that the younger ones,
    are great fans, and that they can carry the legacy
    of Duke far on into the future, then some of us can!
    It's a stange feeling that this board can still exist,
    run by all the younger members!!

    Captain Dan, thanks, but don't worry
    there's one or two of us older than you!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England