
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 996,138 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Thank you Bill and well said, I feel exactly the same way. One slight case in point--when michael jackson died--I did the Christian thing and said a prayer--but--I felt no loss with his passing and Farrah Fawcetts passing was one that hit hard.

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  • Shades of the Sheriff in The Shootist.......love it, MB! KEITH
    Just watched the new True Grit........what a massive waste of time......especially the last 15 minutes or so. Hope I can get the mess out of my mind, LOL! I am a PURIST....JW as Rooster all the way!

    I still have not watched the remake--nor do I ever intend doing so. Somehow--I just can't disrespect Duke--nor myself--in doing so.

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  • I still have not watched the remake--nor do I ever intend doing so. Somehow--I just can't disrespect Duke--nor myself--in doing so.

    I have seen a lot of remakes. In fact, Ford did a lot of his own, like Rio Bravo and El Dorado....one other with them. Have nothing against them.

    But this just seemed to be disjointed, oh, never mind........very disappointing. And I like the people who were in it. Also, I was told it stays much more true to the book except for Mattie. Well, I sure will never look for the book, LOL! Duke's was funny, something always going, kept you on your toes, and sentimental. This was like a history. Nuff said. I know some really liked it. Glad they did. Just have to erase it from my memory now. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • I have seen a lot of remakes. In fact, Ford did a lot of his own, like Rio Bravo and El Dorado....one other with them. Have nothing against them.

    But this just seemed to be disjointed, oh, never mind........very disappointing. And I like the people who were in it. Also, I was told it stays much more true to the book except for Mattie. Well, I sure will never look for the book, LOL! Duke's was funny, something always going, kept you on your toes, and sentimental. This was like a history. Nuff said. I know some really liked it. Glad they did. Just have to erase it from my memory now. KEITH

    Same here, seen loads of remakes and some I actually like better than the originals like: Three Godfathers, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers etx--but this one as well as Inglorious Bast---- and such--I aint wasting my time on them. :lol:

    PS, thanks for the postings reminder--I posted in the threads ;-))


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  • Well, like they say, to each his own. I personally enjoyed Django and Inglorius Basterds. As as side note, I think Keith meant Howard Hawks, not Ford, for Rio Bravo and El Dorado.

  • We appear to have drifted completely off-topic here!

    Not exactly and here's how. I cant stand tarantino partly BECAUSE of his politics but also because hes trying to out-do Sam Peckinpah and he aint no Sam Peckinpah. Alos, he's a bigger drug user than ozzy osbourne could have ever dreamed of.

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  • BREAKING NEWS--not political so please leave as a seperate topic.

    Win TWO for "We the People" and the 2nd Amendment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The harry reid--moron crowd have lost two of God knows how many rounds of Gun issues.

    The Senate today--voted on the Expanded background checks BALONEY--has been DEFEATED by 6 votes of a 54 to 46 margin.

    The ""Assault Weapons"" ban was defeated by 20 in a 40 to 60 vote.

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    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Hi Jim, I loathe harry reid too and his crowd. But--he did vote for the bans. He made it know yesterday that he would be voting for more gun control issues especially this one. The NRA had given him a weak "B" rating because of him voting against other gun control issues in the past.

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  • Due to members complaints,
    we have have had no alternative
    but to move this post.

    My I suggest that in future, any issues
    of a sensitive political nature
    be confined to this thread.

    Keith, here is a simple solution, why not create a Gun thread? Use the word in the thread title that way if there is someone who hates them? they will see the word they hate-and then--not look in the thread. I made it a seperate thread BECAUSE--there are more pro gun people here than anti--I know because ive been in touh with many over the years both openly as well as by email, phone and snail mail.

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    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Due to members complaints,
    we have have had no alternative
    but to move this post.

    My I suggest that in future, any issues
    of a sensitive political nature
    be confined to this thread.

    Im going to start a new thread on guns-when I see more of what becomes of the ongoing gun ban garbage. In the title of the thread--im going to say something like: Gun ban news--DONT read if you dont like guns.

    Im NOT--going to be hushed up by liberals.

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    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • I don't think anyone's trying to silence you Ringo although I do think it would be better if those who had a problem with your posts said so to your face rather than going behind your back, even if I myself don't share your views.

    Hi Irish--they are and this is the 2nd time in recent months. I asked Keith to start a thread strictly for the purpose for Gun news--and I was ignored again.

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  • Well hopefully they'll see this and acknowledge your request. I actually enjoy learning about the different types and such and you've posted some nice pictures to go with the info.

    Hi Irish and many thanks. My main thing is-is that im posting news and one person seems to deem its all political even when it aint. The ONLY thing political about my last post on guns-was the fact that I named names--which is part of the news, otherwise--I would not list names since I cant stand political stuff. ;-))

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  • No one is, and no statement is being ignored.
    We are are discussing this and will make a decision accordingly

    I didnt say my statement was ignored-I said my request was ignored (not in these exact words of course) and also, I never have liked "blanket statements" when they are also not the truth and without going into it-I know you KNOW exactly what I mean.

    The gun news I post is because there are also many here who want to be in the know in case they aint in the know. Im not posting stuff on guns to tick off gun-haters or those who do not wish to own guns.

    And IF--there is a complainer? that complainer should NOT read something they know they will meow about. If I dont think a thread is interesting? I DONT LOOK at it--simple as that. These gun issues are most important to most folks and is also why im posting what I see and hear.

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    Edited 2 times, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • I couldn't agree more.

    I've been a Republican voter since 1960 and I personally think both Bushes were total disasters as presidents. In fact, IMO the old U.S. of A. hasn't had a decent president (or even a decent candidate) since Reagan left office.

    De gustibus non est disputandum