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  • Well Stumpy, who do you reckon the contenders are going for 2008 race.

    Currently, there's nota single candidate being mentioned that I would vote for, especially John McCain. And I'd cut off my right arm before I'd vote for any Democrat.

    The only politician for whom I'd vote for president has not been mentioned as a candidate and probably wouldn't get the nomination even if he decided to run because he has principles and fights for them. Not only that but he has made a lot of other politicians mad by trying to stop all the wasteful spending that goes on in Washington. His name is Tom Coburn and he's a senator from Oklahoma.

    Fiscal responsibility is my "hot-button" issue - in fact, it trumps all others. And over the past six or seven years, I've been unable to tell Republicans from Democrats when it comes to spending foolishly. Furthermore, Bush has not vetoed a single spending bill since he's been in office, which ticks me off no end.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Stumpy

    I know what you mean the amount of money wasted on "crap" is unbelievable.
    No one takes responsibility and it will all end in tears.

    On a purely economic basis it is only a matter of time before the amount of debt they are amassing is going to come crashing down on us all.

    I havent heard of Tom Coburn I will keep a look out for news on him.


  • Howdy All,
    How does one describe a wedgie other than uncomfortable? Maybe a better description would be a Pelosi. In fact, I would like to ask for a vote among a members of this prestigious forum, that we, from this point on, refer to a wedgie as a "Pelosi." All in favor say "aye", all opposed, stand to the left.
    Colorado Bob

    Hi Colorado Bob, I think that is cool, you have my vote on it. ################################################# ###################### #####.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Jay, you hit the nail on the head with your last posting :-)) I fully agree that both pelosi and she-clinton are evil beings.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Stumpy

    Overall I have lost faith in politicians on this side of the pond, one good thing they have done is to introduce the smoking ban which comes into effect from April onwards. This makes it illegal for people to smoke inside public buildings such as bars and retaurants as well as at places of work. I don't smoke and it will be nice to go into pubs etc which have very poor ventilation in general and not come out gasping for air or smelling of smoke. Even many smokers I have talked to think its a good idea as its an extra incentive for them to give up.



  • Hi Robbie

    Looking forward to April and smoking ban long overdue.

    How come smokers when they finish a meal have to light up (and I dont mean like Christmas trees) it really annoys me no end. If I wanted to smoke I would have taken it up myself.

    Mind you since the smoke ban affecting most work places its amazing how many you meet at lunchtime walking around outside using their ciggies like Darth Vadar light sabres!!!

    Guess the smokers will be getting to enjoy our inclement weather hope they bring their umbrellas!!!


  • Hi Mike

    I agree completely but its been years since the Irish government implemented it in the Republic and even Scotland have had the ban imposed for some time now, as usual Northern Ireland is lagging behind.

    I was talking to a pub owner in the Republic about the smoking ban and how if has effected trade. He told me that there really isnt much difference and in addition to this his cleaning and decorating bills are down dramatically as the walls are not as black (from the smoke) as they once were.



  • Hi Robbie

    I went down for a shopping trip to Dublin awhile back and it is noticable the difference in pubs and restaurants.

    One of my first jobs was in a confectionary /tobacco wholesalers and I shared a room with a boss who chained smoke.

    George owned the business and went through 200 cigareetes every two days. I tried my best to be elsewhere and only when I was on the phone with orders I exposed big time to the smoke. Needless to say my clothes smelt like a smoker but I can only imagine what it would have been like to my health if had stayed there longtime.


  • Mike

    I can relate to that type of a workplace but thankfully it will occur no longer.

    I also remember walking into a pub in Dublin, not realising there was a smloking ban and being struck by how clear the air was inside the pub and how the smell was much better, I then remembered about the ban and longed for a time when it would come North.



  • Recommended Reading: Mark Steyn's "America Alone"

    I don't know how many of you are familiar with Mark Steyn but he's one of my favorite writers, mostly because his conservative ideology agrees with my own. In "America Alone", he makes a very convincing and well-researched case that all Europeans west of the Caucasus had better:

    (a) Begin having lots more children, or

    (b) Think about immigrating to America, or

    (c) Begin studying the Koran.

    Steyn's thesis is that within 25 or 30 years, because of comparative birthrates, almost all of Europe will be under Islamic control and that European "infidels" who refuse to convert to Islam will be mercilessly killed. He goes on to say that America is the last, best hope for continuance of what has always been thought of as "Western" values but that if the Democratic Party regains total dominance in American politics, even that hope may vanish.

    If Steyn is right (and I have no reason to doubt his views), those of us who aren't Islamic face a scary future.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Stumpy

    If it is going to be made compulsory can I volunteer for lots of (a) if its a civic duty LOL.

    In regard to our Islamic brothers & sisters they have tried to come before see Charlemagne El Cid etc and in a straight fight I wouldn't place much betting money on them winning.


  • In regard to our Islamic brothers & sisters they have tried to come before see Charlemagne El Cid etc and in a straight fight I wouldn't place much betting money on them winning.

    Read the book, Mike....it may change your mind. Steyn says the birthrate for practically all Europeans is far below replacement level, whereas Muslims are multiplying like rabbits. In the end, numbers win.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Stumpy

    Sure according to the scientists we are all going to be under water or have wet feet in Europe very soon or at least have our own supply of ice cubes.

    So the islamics better bring a few good plumbers with them. Not a skill associated with them unless they have a few Polish pilgrims.

    Best hope is spot a new planet, develop nuclear fusion, build space rockets, take our John Wayne collection with us and drop a few unwanted nuclear warheads on the "unfriendlies" on the way out and book an appointment to come back to Earth in 97 years.


  • According to Steyn, a huge problem is the number of politically-correct wimps running things in Europe, not only the so-called leaders in the separate countries but especially those in Brussels. Apparently every time an ayatollah says "jump", the European politicians say "how high?" So I wouldn't place much faith in those clowns having the cojones to vigorously resist the Islamization of the Continent.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Read the book, Mike....it may change your mind. Steyn says the birthrate for practically all Europeans is far below replacement level, whereas Muslims are multiplying like rabbits. In the end, numbers win.

    Yeah but Stumpy, if they cannot stop killing each other it doesn't really matter how many keep "showing up". I understand I am just a midwestern "kid" who knows nothing of world affairs and religion. But in my mind, the Muslim's, especially the radicals who kill in the name of allah or whoever, are the most lost and misinformed people on this planet. I think we should be more scared if they start getting along and making treaties with each other.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Yeah but Stumpy, if they cannot stop killing each other it doesn't really matter how many keep "showing up". I understand I am jst a midwestern "kid" who knows nothing of world affairs and religion. But in my mind, the Muslim's, especially the radicals who kill in the name of allah or whoever, are the most lost and misinformed people on this planet. I think we should be more scared if they start getting along and making treaties with each other.

    Apparently you're thinking only of the Sunnis and Shiites who are killing each other in Iraq. They're but a small percentage of the total population of Muslims, all of whom want to kill infidels (folks who don't subscribe to the Islamic religion.)

    Steyn's book says one of the main reasons the Islamists hate us so is our cultural rot (and I can more-or-less agree with that assessment...however, I'm a hell of a lot more tolerant than most Muslims. I believe in live-and-let-live.)

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Stumpy

    Relax, if the floating ice cubes from the Artic dont get us bird flu will proberable do the trick.

    By the way Shia And Sunni hate each other bit like the Ian Paisley and the Pope having a group hug (Mind you everything is possible these days)

    Sunni are descended from Turks while Shia originate from Gengis Khan empire.

    The Shia's regard the Sunni's as infidels and not real Moslems.

    The only one's who have their heads screwed on properly are the Kurds who should be given their own country out of Iraq.

    In regard to Islam rising as one nation forget it you have more chance of every strand of Christianity coming together and agreeing on doctrine.

    The religious fanatics are bred on poverty ignorance and suppression a regular
    event in most of the Islamic states which only really exist because of the need and power of oil. Get a replacement for oil and they are history back to the old Lawrence of Arabia days. Check that film out for how fellow Arabs got on and also check on excellent Khartoum film with a story about the Mardi.



  • Well without sounding to mean, we should just pull out of every country, stop giving our money to everyone, take care of our own, lock down our borders, drill in Alaska till we find a alternative fuel, and let the rest of the world rot if we are such a bad infulence. And if that doesn't work then just start bombing, everything!!!!

    *That was all said tongue in cheek and was not meant to make the people in the countries that hold the same ideals as the US upset or angry*

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Nobody is attacking the US. Just blasting an hornet's nest with a baseball bat aint good sense unless you want stung!!

    Study history and there are numerous examples were the bigger opponent lost but shouldnt have.

    Alexander the Great couldnt totally control what is now modern Aghanistan.

    The British got butchered there in the 19th Century and withdrew.

    The Russians bombed the hell out of Aghanistan and were not any further forward when they left.

    The British lost the War of Independence because they used miltary force
    and couldnt cope with an foe who wouldnt fight by the standard rules.

    Hitler would have won WW2 if he had left it to his Generals but made simple basic mistakes that a child could have seen.

    Im not saying the war in Iraq is wrong. The problem is Plan A is not working there needs to be a Plan B.

    The only way to win in Iraq (which an artifical country set up after WW1) is either to divide the country into three bits Kurds Sunni and Shias or look for another strong leader to keep them in order. To be honest any other option isnt going to work and all that will happen is more Allied soldiers will end up dead and wounded and more volunteers for the terrorists.

    Once the heat is taken out of Iraq the plan should be follow the money and you would soon track down the terrorists who have carried out 9/11 and all the other attacks.