
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 911,091 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Here is Somthing That Might Make The Hair On The Back Of Your Neck Stand Up !!!

    To add to what Bill said, here is an email I recently received:

    "While having little interest in getting in the middle of the Obama birth issue, Paul Hollrah over at FSM did so yesterday and believes the issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple question: What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi ?

    How did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later? And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi , what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration? The American people not only deserve to have answers to these questions, they must have answers. It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather short and simple one.

    Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?

    A: Yes, by his own admission.

    Q: What passport did he travel under?

    A: There are only three possibilities: he traveled with a U.S. passport, a British passport, or with an Indonesian passport.

    Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. passport in 1981?

    A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981.

    Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.

    If he was traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims. And if h e was traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.

    Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008. Given the destructive nature of his plans for America - as illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending plan he has presented to Congress - the sooner we learn the truth of all this, the better.

    Count me in as one of those inquiring minds who'd at least like to know the answers to these easily answered (by Obama) questions.

    ( I believe that the records show that the first U.S passport Obama was issued was after he was elected to office in Illinois. Another question is, what birth certificate did he use at that time ? Oh I forgot , anything goes in Chicago !!)"

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • What? Nothing on Mark Sanford? The guy with those "conservative, family values" "vanishes" around Father's Day because he was down in Argentina having a sinful tryst with his mistress? I thought everyone here would be up in arms about this, especially since he was a possible candidate for POTUS...The state of South Carolina mourns...unless they, too haven't mentioned this...

    "Day off?"
    "Off day."

  • I Agree, This is Very Bad For His Family and He Will Pay For It ! Do You Remember "Bill Clinton" ? He was After some other Woman for Years !
    And How about Barny Franks the Fagget and he is not after a Woman but a Man !!
    But because This Site is About "John Wayne" Duke Had 3 Wives and Many Other Woman !!!
    What is it with You ? With the Name You Go By "Cole Thornton," I think Duke is Turning Over in His Grave in Newport Beach as Duke was So Conservative That He Sweeked and let everyone know He Was, What are You Trying to Do, or are You Just One of Those People that Loves to Make Trouble ?

  • As A friend of mine says, it's another example of America right down the crapper. I will not refer to him as Pres and I refer to the present majority party as The National Socialist Party. Do you wonder if any of them are familiar or have ever read The U S Constitution.

    Hondo Howard

  • [/align]

    I'm beginning to strongly suspect that he's a liberal troll, Bill.

    Based on what? That I disagree with you on some issues? Check my posts through the years, I've discussed Duke films and have never caused any trouble. If you take issue with my views, fine, but don't make accusations. Duke was all for vigorous debate, and so am I. I have nothing personal against anyone here, and I have not made any personal attacks. If you start a thread about politics, expect some people to disagree with you.

    "Day off?"
    "Off day."

  • Well I was Brought up in the The Good Old Days "When You Call A Spade A Spade," and before all the Political Correctness That The Liberals in some parts of this Country want us to live by, and some day if You Live Long Enough You will Pay For it.
    I have Lived Long Enough to have Lived the Bigger Part of my life in the South West where we Lived By The Constitution of The U.S.A. and Not By a Bunch of Liberal Politicians in Washington want us To Live By !!!

  • Well I was Brought up in the The Good Old Days "When You Call A Spade A Spade," and before all the Political Correctness That The Liberals in some parts of this Country want us to live by, and some day if You Live Long Enough You will Pay For it.

    I'd love to know which period of US history you'd call "the good old days"...please be specific...which decade or years were they?

    "Day off?"
    "Off day."

  • Well I am almost 79 Years Old and lived though the Bad Times in The 1930s, W.W. 2, Korea War where I was in B-29s, The Vietnam War the First and Second Wars in the 1990s and The Early 2000.
    By The Way When Were You Born Young Man ?
    Stumpy Just What Is A
    "Troll" ?

  • Well I for one have to say that I enjoy to debate and some times I even pick a point of view I don't agree with, just to have a debate.

    I have to disagree with Cole being a troll... none of the comments have been, off topic, off the mark, personal attacks, or stated in such a way as to elicit an emotional response. It seems to me that he was only trying to point out what he feels is a hypocritical view point. I don't agree with him on that point, but did not feel that it was a personal attack in anyway.

    The thing that made this Country great was the fact that not only could we all hold different opinions, we where able to respect the other side. This is no longer true, for the most part.
    People take the stance now that if you don't agree with my side, then you are wrong. They try to point out all the reasons and facts of why they are wrong and when those fail, they resort to name calling and other strong arm tactics. It's all really kind of sad, no longer can there be a free exchange of ideas and that is why our Country is doomed...

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Well I for one have to say that I enjoy to debate and some times I even pick a point of view I don't agree with, just to have a debate.

    I have to disagree with Cole being a troll... none of the comments have been, off topic, off the mark, personal attacks, or stated in such a way as to elicit an emotional response. It seems to me that he was only trying to point out what he feels is a hypocritical view point. I don't agree with him on that point, but did not feel that it was a personal attack in anyway.

    The thing that made this Country great was the fact that not only could we all hold different opinions, we where able to respect the other side. This is no longer true, for the most part.
    People take the stance now that if you don't agree with my side, then you are wrong. They try to point out all the reasons and facts of why they are wrong and when those fail, they resort to name calling and other strong arm tactics. It's all really kind of sad, no longer can there be a free exchange of ideas and that is why our Country is doomed...

    It seems to me that he makes a special, gleeful point of attacking Republicans, mostly for their hypocrisy, and I'll agree that both parties are definitely guilty of it. However, GOPers are much less guilty of wrongdoing than the Dems and he knows it.

    Forgot to add, wonder if he's noticed that every single time a Republican has been found to be committing a political, or moral outrage, such GOPer has resigned whatever position of party influence they may happen to hold. At that same time, I've never seen a stinkin' Dummicrat resign for anything.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

    Edited once, last by Stumpy ().

  • It seems to me that he makes a special, gleeful point of attacking Republicans, mostly for their hypocrisy, and I'll agree that both parties are definitely guilty of it. However, GOPers are much less guilty of wrongdoing than the Dems and he knows it.

    Forgot to add, wonder if he's noticed that every single time a Republican has been found to be committing a political, or moral outrage, such GOPer has resigned whatever position of party influence they may happen to hold. At that same time, I've never seen a stinkin' Dummicrat resign for anything.

    150+ pages of this thread have gone the other way in its attacks--why not some "fair and balanced" response? By your logic, then you, yourself are a "conservative troll", right?

    And when a Dem makes a blunder--I'll be there to give them both barrels, too.

    I'm still waiting for anyone here to justify Dick Cheney's Vietnam-era draft dodging and for ChiliBill to tell me which decade or years he considers "the good old days." Getting you two to answer a straight, direct question is like nailing Jello to a wall! Come on, straight shooters--shoot straight. Your continued silence on the Cheney issue only confirms what I already know--unless you prove otherwise.

    "Day off?"
    "Off day."

  • The Libs have been attacking Cheney ever since Dubya was elected. Halliburton, He staged the War in Iraq, Shady business dealings, now Viet Nam-era Draft Dodging? Wow, what's next... Is he the reason The Beatles broke up too?

    The only Presidents and/ or Vice Presidents I know about as far as draft dodging goes were Slick Willy Clinton (We could go on for days about his shady dealings.), and now our current President that may or may not even be an American citizen. (We will probably never knoww if Nobama ever even registered with the Selective Service.) Wasn't he too busy hanging with Terrorist William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright?

    "Monseur, you are a LuLu!" (The Comancheros)

  • The Libs have been attacking Cheney ever since Dubya was elected. Halliburton, He staged the War in Iraq, Shady business dealings, now Viet Nam-era Draft Dodging? Wow, what's next... Is he the reason The Beatles broke up too?

    The only Presidents and/ or Vice Presidents I know about as far as draft dodging goes were Slick Willy Clinton (We could go on for days about his shady dealings.), and now our current President that may or may not even be an American citizen. (We will probably never knoww if Nobama ever even registered with the Selective Service.) Wasn't he too busy hanging with Terrorist William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright?

    Don't know about the Beatles breakup, ;) but you forgot to mention the shooting incident when Cheney shot Harry Whittington and didn't immediately inform the President of the United States! :D

    If you're unaware of Dick Cheney's draft-dodging past, I have a lot to teach you.

    Another "tell it like it is" conservative NOT answering the question!

    Draft-dodger Cheney's so good with guns! The USMC could've used his deadly skills at Khe Sanh...but those "other priorities" must've been more important.

    So do you condone Cheney's draft dodging, too? Everyone here makes counter accusations and attacks on the liberals-- everything but answer the question!

    I noticed Stumpy won't respond to the question I've been asking, nor will ChilliBill.

    Let's try this again, for any "straight shooters":

    Since Dick Cheney is a conservative, do you condone his Vietnam-era draft dodging?

    "Day off?"
    "Off day."

  • The Libs have been attacking Cheney ever since Dubya was elected. Halliburton, He staged the War in Iraq, Shady business dealings, now Viet Nam-era Draft Dodging? Wow, what's next... Is he the reason The Beatles broke up too?

    The only Presidents and/ or Vice Presidents I know about as far as draft dodging goes were Slick Willy Clinton (We could go on for days about his shady dealings.), and now our current President that may or may not even be an American citizen. (We will probably never knoww if Nobama ever even registered with the Selective Service.) Wasn't he too busy hanging with Terrorist William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright?

    CT is a typical Cheney-hater who vociferously condemns the former VP's avoidance of the draft while studiously ignoring the fact that hundreds of thousands of other "Americans", including one of the left's icons named Clinton, committed the very same act by arranging college deferments or fleeing to Canada and Sweden. His irrationality and hypocrisy in this matter has convinced me that despite his protestations to the contrary, he's not a conservative but is in fact a liberal troll. For that reason, I've placed him on my "ignore" list and will no longer read or respond to his rants.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • CT is a typical Cheney-hater who vociferously condemns the former VP's avoidance of the draft while studiously ignoring the fact that hundreds of thousands of other "Americans", including one of the left's icons named Clinton, committed the very same act by arranging college deferments or fleeing to Canada and Sweden. His irrationality and hypocrisy in this matter has convinced me that despite his protestations to the contrary, he's not a conservative but is in fact a liberal troll. For that reason, I've placed him on my "ignore" list and will no longer read or respond to his rants.

    There you go again, attacking the liberals but conveniently forgetting that your own ilk are guilty of the same behavior.

    Your "head in the sand" tactics used to ignore the facts are laughable. If you thought that this thread would merely serve as one long, Neo-Con rant, you were mistaken. You can't handle honest, rigorous debate. I've said nothing personal about anyone here, and you know it. Label me a "troll" all you want, but remember that you won't answer a simple, direct question.

    So much for "walking the walk."

    "Day off?"
    "Off day."