
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 831,997 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Thought I'd lighten things up a bit by reporting that Joe Biden is appearing in an episode of TV's "Parks and Recreation". I imagine that he will play a preening, giggling psychotic with delusions of adequacy. Yes, he will be appearing as himself.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Quote

    If their erstwhile CIC doesn't uphold the Constitution, why should the military, Paula.

    Please tell me exactly how Obama has violated the Constitution. If you mean by the way he has continued and even increased the programs begun by Bush that are turning us into national security and police state and by killing American citizens overseas with drones -- well, there are a LOT of lefties that would agree with you. If you mean Obamacare, that's already been adjudicated by the Supreme Court. By the way, the military has total healthcare for soldiers and their immediate families, so if a coup got us the same healthcare program... maybe there is something to be said for a coup. :)

    Anyway, even if Obama is violating the Constitution, two wrongs don't make a right, apart from the fact that a military coup -- I can't even believe I'm talking about this -- would be a monumental disaster that would lay waste to this country. What, you want to start a second Civil War? That will REALLY help everyone out there who is in a bad way because they don't have a job or health insurance or a home due to a catastrophic weather event.

    If Obama HAS violated the Constitution, then the recourse to that is to file a lawsuit. I'm sure there are plenty of conservative legal think tanks out there that will be happy to file a lawsuit and take the issue, whatever it is, to the Supreme Court. And if the Supreme Court doesn't rule the way you want (as I assume happened with Obamacare)... well, then you initiate an amendment to the Constitution.

    We used to amend the Constitution a lot in this country but now it seems to be frozen in amber or something.

  • What, you want to start a second Civil War?

    Works for me.

    I've read innumerable polls claiming that conservatives are about 40 percent of the U.S. population, whereas liberals are 19 or 20 percent. Now who do you think would win that civil war, especially since liberals don't like guns but conservatives do.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Looks like Obobo got re-elected since Ohio has just been called. I considered posting this on the R.I.P. page because this is the death of the USA.
    I am now beginning to believe that the Mayan calendar may be correct about the end of the world in December. Think I'll hold off on my Christmas shopping.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    In full agreement. You should have heard something I heard from a VERY uneducated democrat lady--and I use the term "lady"" VERRRRRRRRY loosely. I was riding back from seeing The Great Escape--and this twit said that Romney lost because the Repubs were being racist and using the race card--and had i not completely lost my voice--I would have torn her a new sphincter muscle. This twit went on saying that since the Reps lost--that she heard they were threatening to riot--thats funny because--when certain twitter posts were read on various news shows--ONLY the dems threatened to riot had OLDD not won.

    Also, this ""lady"' went on to say other outrageous stuff that I was barely able to squeak out that "I had never heard so much TRIPE coming from an uneducated toothless Hundfott." Those near me who could hear me--all laughed at that LEMMINGS expense.

    Also, after that LEMMING said that all Repubs were racist--it went on to say in spanish (translated for me what I didnt understand by the friend who was with me) that: "I have a long bus ride and I have a black guys (ss) in my face." I KID you not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited 3 times, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • AMEN to the above. And without having a chance to read the several other pages of post yet--ill almost bet that few have the guts to post their opinions against a marxist.

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  • Afraid I will have to go with Gorch here........my Lordy, the man has almost destroyed us already...how could anyone....oops, never mind....just opinions.

    Good GRIEF.....we are a nation of nincompoops! I considered this to be an absolute impossibility.


    VERY well said maam. Cant agree more.

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  • I personally was never in favor of this thread, just too open to arguments and name calling. Politics is NEVER a fun subject, and has destroyed many relationships, it's just too volatile an area. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail.

    And this is yet a closet way to keep others with differing opinions from being heard. No disrespect meant for a Duke Wayne member.

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  • I would say this time both candidates would not have been the perfect choice... I always feel, that America as the leading nation in the world should find another president like Ronald Reagan or JFK. But it is the benefit of a democracy that people have the right to choose their rulers. Sometimes it seems, a democracy is not the perfect kind of a state, but it is the best kind of a state we have!

    Agree here as well. Ill even add that it scared the heck out of me to "see" all those who were running as Republicans--TRYING their best to be Ronald Reagans--and not a one of them could come anywhere close to being him. I think Romney should have played it safe and pick Marco Rubio for Vice Pres. Even if for the wrong reason--he would have won over many more hispanics had he done so and we now would not be facing 4 more years of someone accomplishing NOTHING.

    Im consoled in the thought that OLDD cannot ever be pres again after this next four LONG years and that joe (TEETH) biden aint popular enough to win. Trouble is--is that slick willy while campaigning for the dems--also went around paving the way for his wife to run in 2016 >:-((

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  • Dang it, I just can't help it. We KNOW how horrible Obama is....he has just about destroyed our country already. OK, I almost had a heart attack when we got Romney to oppose him, BUT, we don't KNOW that he would be horrible. We already KNOW that Obama is. I am STILL in a state of shock. Anyone can look at the things he has done and just freak out. It is incomprehensible that he could be allowed to continue on with the devastation. But, I predict, if he keeps on his present track, he WILL be impeached. And you can take THAT to the bank! KEITH

    One can only hope OLDD will be impeached. And I HOPE--its because he allowed four great Americans to be MURDERED in Libya.

    I was a bit surprised Romney lost but--as much as about 5 or so months ago--I said I still believe that OLDD would win. Wellllll??????

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  • republican is not rich corporations, Im not saying it doesn't include those but it also is working class folks, Its a principal. I find it amusing how so many include wall street or rich but they never say anything about hollywood. Look at Joe Bidens donations to charities and look at romneys. Ill say this the churches do more for poor and helping their fellow man than any other entity. The majority of churches are conservative in their beleifs. The democrats kicked God out of their platform. Obama says we can't go back but for over 200 years this nation has prospered and became the greatest country, what destoryed Bush was he spent or allowed them to spend way too much. Obama has tripled that , Nothing wrong with capitalism we have used that model for a long time. I suggest people read alinskies rules for radicals a sublect Obama taught. Alisnky says ridicule is the most powerful weapon, he holds up Lucipher, some of the 13 rules of Alinsky is pick a target,freeze the target. anything look familar? wall street, Insurance companies, Banks, energy sector. Alinsky says it doesnt matter if you lie,cheat as long as the agenda is met. If caught in a lie deny and deny and deny. read the book and everytime they speak you'll understand what they are doing. Get ready folks it may be tough road to hold not for me but for my children. God Bless America!!!

    Goood post.

    GOD Bless the USA and all I can add is--that its going to get interesting to see if OLDD will still blame George Bush for the next four years for everything that goes wrong or is still wrong. Hmmmmmm.........

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  • Same here. I couldn't believe we once more didn't have a good choice for president. Figured might as well give Romney a chance....couldn't do worse than Obama.....don't think anyone could. Just wonder when the puppeteers will start showing up. Probably out there already and we just don't know who they are yet.
    If they get strong enough......wouldn't be surprised if a third term gets worked into there somehow. Scary, KEITH

    Same here on why I voted for Romney. I was one of the first in line to vote on the first day of early voting.

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