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  • he kept tabs on all the unsavouries most of whom lived on Capital Hill.

    They still do, Mike.

    I've read several news stories about the felonies committed by current members of Congress. Yet the doofus voters keep returning the sorry SOBs to office.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I keep thinking of that comedy with Eddie Murphy and James Garner "Distinquished Gentleman" about Murphy running as a Congressman.

    Worth watching one of Murphy's better and funny movies.


  • All politicians are hypocrites!!!

    Hi Todd, its a VERY rare time when I do not fully agree with you on everything and in fact, I have only disagreed with you one thing (I shant mention Kevin Costners name) and I definately agree with you 100% on this one ;-D

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • All politicians are hypocrites!!!

    And until we live in a country where you can actually speak your views and stand by them without being labeled "closed minded" and the ever reliable "out of touch", the politicians have no choice but to flip-flop to remain elected. As long as we have a media that spoon feeds the bull%)&* that passes as news and the average voter knows more than the damn sound byte from the previous nights newscast then you can bet that all politicians will be stuck in the ebb and flow of American ignorance.
    And to add to this, the American voter is as much as an hypocrite. We hold candidates from opposing parties and view points to a much tougher standard than the ones that follow our own party lines. Where the hell is the real men in this world???

  • Hi Todd, its a VERY rare time when I do not fully agree with you on everything and in fact, I have only disagreed with you one thing (I shant mention Kevin Costners name) and I definately agree with you 100% on this one ;-D

    Ringo, we are all different and cannot agree on everything(even if you are wrong about Kevin!!!:sport_box: :laugh: ) that's what makes life the journey that it is!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Ringo, we are all different and cannot agree on everything(even if you are wrong about Kevin!!!:sport_box: :laugh: ) that's what makes life the journey that it is!!!

    Hi Todd, Did I mention Costner's name? -- Just kidding. Actually, to give him a bit of credit, I did like him in: "The Untouchables." I guess what I can't really stand about him is that he reminds me too much of Francis Ford Coppola's Nephew (I can never think of his name.)

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hi Todd, Did I mention Costner's name? -- Just kidding. Actually, to give him a bit of credit, I did like him in: "The Untouchables." I guess what I can't really stand about him is that he reminds me too much of Francis Ford Coppola's Nephew (I can never think of his name.)

    Ringo, I think you are talking about Nicholas Cage. That you mentioned him is funny as my unit recieved some new drysuits from USIA and as they are new to us, the owner sent some of his pros down to help us out. As we were talking to him, one of the guys recieved a call from Jerry Bruckheimer about a drysuit they are making from Nicholas Cage for his new movie National Treasure 2. I thought it was cool, but the guy told me they do a lot of work for Hollywood and that they had supplied recently for Tom Cruise. No word about Costner though.Bo

  • Ringo, I think you are talking about Nicholas Cage. That you mentioned him is funny as my unit recieved some new drysuits from USIA and as they are new to us, the owner sent some of his pros down to help us out. As we were talking to him, one of the guys recieved a call from Jerry Bruckheimer about a drysuit they are making from Nicholas Cage for his new movie National Treasure 2. I thought it was cool, but the guy told me they do a lot of work for Hollywood and that they had supplied recently for Tom Cruise. No word about Costner though.Bo

    Hi Bo, Mr. Cage is the guy I am talking about. I don't know what it is about Cage that I cannot stand--but never have been a fan of his acting style. I admit that I kinda liked him in: The Rock w/ Sean Connery.

    Todd, yup I did like that movie but......... ;-D

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hi all,

    Carl, I agree with you when it comes to
    Nicholas Cage, I just don't like his acting.
    There is not one of his movies that I would
    sit and watch. Sometimes it helps to come
    from a famous family, and it has worked for him.


    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Hi Emmanuel, thank you and just for some reason, I just cannot enjoy a movie like i should, if Nicholas Cage is in it. I don't hate him but just cannot stand him though.

    I like war movies and such and watched Wintalkers with him in it. The whole time I sat watching it, I never could get over it with him as a hero and Sergeant in the USMC. Thats almost like placing Bob Hope or Don Knotts in a like kind of movie--and I do like both of them.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I would actually watch Kevin Costner than Nicholas Cage and coming from me that is some statement!!

    Cage to me is expressive as a plank of wood.

    His best movie was Moonstruck with Cher when he was unable to speak. Things have been downhill since.

    Speaking of Coppola apart from The Godfather & Godfather II what else did Francis ever do?


  • Hi Mike, the only movie that Coppola ever made (and Co-made at that!) that I liked was: Patton w/ George C. Scott, Karl Malden, Siegfried Rauch and Richard Muench.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Speaking of commemorative statues, here's a perfect example of the kind of politically-correct, wimpish thought that motivates way too many Americans nowadays.

    "Ohhh, this statue shows a weapon and that just won't do......it might traumatize our poor little dears".

    Sure glad we didn't have these kind of people around during earlier, critical periods of American history.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Speaking of commemorative statues, here's a perfect example of the kind of politically-correct, wimpish thought that motivates way too many Americans nowadays.

    "Ohhh, this statue shows a weapon and that just won't do......it might traumatize our poor little dears".

    Sure glad we didn't have these kind of people around during earlier, critical periods of American history.

    What is wrong with those people? How do they think war is fought? Playing tiddly winks??


    But a group of parents wants the city to recast the statue or place it elsewhere, arguing that the site, near three elementary schools and two parks, is a hub for young children who could find the weapon disturbing.


    "While our hearts go out to the family of this brave young man, we have serious concerns regarding the graphic and violent detail the statue portrays," stated a flier distributed recently in a nearby neighborhood.

    That just about explains the mentallity of these people. The quotes above......

    I don't mean to sound abrasive but these kind of people make me almost sick to be called an American right along side of them. They should be celebrating what that man stood for instead they get offended by the gun he is carrying??? I think those same people should go back in there houses and look at the video games that some of there kids are playing. I bet there more viloent then any statue could ever be. I hope they stick to there "guns" (pun intended) and leave that statue right where it was intended.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne