Does anyone here also like Hogan's Heroes?

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  • If so, you should enjoy this.

    I had just bought season 2 of the series and was watching an episode on disc 1 and it had this:

    After Sergeant Kinchloe handed Col. Hogan the message he had just written down after recieving it by radio.

    Colonel Hogan: "Those guys in London gotta be kidding....snatch four prisoners from the Germans."

    Sgt. Kinchloe: "And it's gotta be done tonight."

    Col. Hogan: "Who do they think I am? John Wayne?"

    Sgt. Kinchloe: "That's about the size of it. The underground radio will transmit the plans in five minutes."

    I know, it really aint that all funny but, just thought i'd mention this mentioning of the Duke.

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  • C'mon!, I can't believe that I am THE ONLY person here who likes Hogan's Heroes?

    You good folks are missing out. "Mmmmmhh"

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  • I have Season One of Hogan's Heroes. I think it is a great program. It has great lines and the timing Bob Crane is timesless. The others are also great. Hope to get the other 5 seasons someday. The first season is great. I watched it when I was little. And Shultz is a riot!

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Ah, glad some of you liked it and or watched it. I have the first two seasons of the show now and plan to get the rest at somepoint. I think there were 167 episodes.

    Sgt Schultz was great as well as all the rest. "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing." John Banner was my favorite from that show.

    GT, get on board sir--and buy at least season 1. Col klink: "Mmmmhhh, AND thats an order!!"

    Been awhile since I last watched season one but, I think there is an episode with Colonel Crittenden in it. I always did like Bernard Fox. Just saw a 2-part episode on disk 2 with John Dehner. This guy was in many-a-Western and-TV-show.

    Oh and BTW, Leon Askin-who played General der Infanterie Burkhalter--recently passed away.

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  • Yep, Fox played the bumbling Colonel, Col. Crittenden. He sure was great there and I do remember him in Bewitched--where I thought he was great as well. Speaking of... I miss Paul Lynde--he sure was great for a laugh no matter what show he was on. Do you remember him in a Western w/ Kirk Douglas, Arnold Schwarzenegger called: The Villain? Lynde played the part of an Indian Chief and was absolutely hilarious. BTW, that movie is on DvD and is one I want to get-but keep forgetting about every time I place an order.

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  • Hi GT, I had never heard of that movie either until it was shown on WTBS station about 15 or so years ago. I happen to be flipping through the channels trying to find a place to stop when I first encountered this movie. I was highly surprised to see the Terminator ina movie w/ Kirk Douglas--and in a Western at that. This first time seeing it, I only cought the last half of the movie. Next time it came on, I got to see it all.

    Anyway, Kirk Douglas is dressed in black and is The Villain. Ann Margaret is The Beauty and Schwarzenegger is sorta-her bodyguard. Anyway, being familiar with Warner Brothers cartoons--you see alot of live-action scenes that are similar to what you might see in a Roadrunner Wiley E. Coyote cartoon. It definately is worth watching.

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  • It just occurred to me, that Colonel Hogan's mention of John Wayne in this fashion is really an anachronism. When they filmed that episode (60s?) John Wayne's exploits in war films were well known. However, they were portraying 1943-1944 in a German prison camp. At that time, the only war film that Wayne had starred in was the Flying Tigers. The Fighting Seabees may have been in production by then, but certainly would not have been common knowledge to any POW.


    "...all of this and General Price that baby sister makes it back to Yell county" --Rooster Cogburn, True Grit.

  • Hi GT, I had never heard of that movie either until it was shown on WTBS station about 15 or so years ago. I happen to be flipping through the channels trying to find a place to stop when I first encountered this movie. I was highly surprised to see the Terminator ina movie w/ Kirk Douglas--and in a Western at that. This first time seeing it, I only cought the last half of the movie. Next time it came on, I got to see it all.

    Anyway, Kirk Douglas is dressed in black and is The Villain. Ann Margaret is The Beauty and Schwarzenegger is sorta-her bodyguard. Anyway, being familiar with Warner Brothers cartoons--you see alot of live-action scenes that are similar to what you might see in a Roadrunner Wiley E. Coyote cartoon. It definately is worth watching.

    Carl - this is a funny movie. I have a VHS of it I bought years ago, but haven't watched it recently. If I remember correctly, Schwarzenegger's character only had the name of Handsome Stranger!
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hi Jay, I think your correct on his characters name. Im planning on buying the dvd soon- along with some of the newly released classics.

    Oh and for one more mentioning from me on Hogan's Heroes. I was watching a great episode on disk 5 and found this exchange a very good one.

    An RAf sergeant was an escape artist having escaped from several pow camps in the past. He was being taken to Stalag 13 and was going to be placed into Klink's custody. On arrival, he got out of his chains-chaining up Sgt. Schultz and was heard trying to steal a staff car he was brought into the camp in. Sgt Flood was then thrown into solitary confinement aka "The Cooler" and was discovered to have escaped when Col. Hogan went into the cell to chat w/ him. Soon after, he was found in Hogans quarters shaving--was ordered not to escape again by Hogan, and escaped by tricking Sgt. Carter w/ one of his tricks. Later that evening, Hogan was leaving Col. Klinks office building when he saw Sgt. Schultz and Sgt. Flood.

    Col Hogan - frowning: "Ah...Sergeant Flood."

    Sergeant Flood: "Evenin' Colonel."

    Sgt. Schultz - smiling: "I captured him myself riiiight outside the gate. He was trying to get away."

    Sgt. Flood - with an innocent look: "I wasn't trying to get away, I was trying to get back in."

    Sgt. Schultz - smiling: "Sure, sure, people always are trying to break in here. That's why we have to lock the gate."

    Sgt. Flood - still with the innocent look on his face: "That's the truth colonel. I guess you can say I had a, change-of-heart; about a few things. You know what I mean?"

    Col. Hogan: "Yeah, I know what you mean."

    Sgt. Schultz - angrily: "Alright!! Lets go and no tricks; or i'll shoot!"

    Sgt. Flood: "Schultz, you don't have a gun."

    Sgt. Schultz - smiling: "I can always go get one."

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