YouTube Tributes to Duke

There are 94 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 46,453 times. The latest Post () was by dukefan1.

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  • Here is a little Tribute to Duke and about the way He thought about the U.S.A. in The Good Old Days, to bad that we will Not See it that way again in my life time !!!



  • I got this on a E-mail over on my Site at YouTube from The Man that Did The Video, and I do not know if it has been Put Up here before or not, but it is a Very Good Tibute To John Wayne and Very Well Done !



  • Bill-Hey that light blue scarf you are wearing in the intro, is that a JW scarf? What movie is it from? Your youtube is great, some great action, is it safe to assume that Yakima Cannutt was doing the majority of those stunts?

    :film: " When the legend becomes fact print the legend"

  • I got this on a E-mail over on my Site at YouTube from The Man that Did The Video, and I do not know if it has been Put Up here before or not, but it is a Very Good Tibute To John Wayne and Very Well Done !



    Wow! What an incredible tribute! Very well done - I really liked how it starts out with Duke walking towards the camera in so many shots from his films, then some great shooting and fighting action, mixed with some great romantic shots, and then ending with him literally 'riding off into the sunset.'

    Thanks for sharing, Bill!!

  • That was a very good tribute. Lots of pics and video footage. Thanks for sharing that. And also, welcome to the forum. Feel free to make yourself at home.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "