Bonanza (1959-1973)

There are 87 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 89,348 times. The latest Post () was by dukefan1.

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  • "The three other's did make a fortune and alas Adam failed in his subsequent career."
    He was in movies and had a TV show on for several years, I don't think he was a failure and he did what he wanted to do. I remember one of the other 3 saying in Parade mag. in approx. 1965 he was giving up $500,000 a year with the advertising and salary.
    "Adam added meat to the show and it worked for the years he was there."HondoDukeLane"
    I agree with this statement, he was a fine actor. He had a manner that was more like a great Actor then a run of the mill guy. He added some class for me and I thought the show was less without him.

    I found the following two paragraphs at: ""

    "Roberts, had had high hopes for what he could contribute to Bonanza, was disappointed with the direction of the show, the limitations imposed on his Bonanza character and on his acting range. In a newspaper interview he said, "I haven't grown at all since the series began...I have an impotent role. Wherever I turn there's the father image," (This Time Pernell Won't Need a Tuba, Washington Post, May 1, 1963, Lawrence Laurent).
    Finally, after disagreements with writers and producers over the quality of the scripts, characterization, and Bonanza's refusal to allow him to perform elsewhere while on contract, Roberts "turned his back on Hollywood wisdom and well-meant advice," and left, largely to return to legitimate theater (Washington Post, January 25, 2010; New York Daily News January 26, 2010, Mike Douglas Show, 1965, 1966), Henry Darrow Archival Interview; USA Today, January 25, 2010)."
    There is much more at wikipedia, but I believe this is the essence of why he left the show.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited once, last by colkid60: add to it. ().

  • No comments on Bonanza for over four years?!? Yikes!

    I've been waychng the first six seasons of Bonanza on DVD again and am amazed all over again at the variety the program offered. No wonder it was so beloved and the biggest git of the 1960s.

    Bonanza could boast a wide variety of episodes. One week it was a social commentary episode like 12 Angry Men, the next week a "psychological" western a la a 3:10 to Yuma, a supernatural or spiritually-themed episode, an action shoot 'em up, or a slapstick comedy episode.

    Regardless of any given week's plot, what I believe people loved anout the series is that the viewer could always depend on fine performances from the four (later three) leads and a chemistry among them that is rare in telelvision.

    "Day off?"
    "Off day."

  • Loved Bonanza and the characters, it seemed as if they were all part of an extended family. The Big Valley, Rifleman, High Chaparral, Wanted Dead or alive and Wagon Train were also big hits in our family.

  • I really enjoyed watching Bonanza, The Rifleman and The Big Valley when I was young. As for the others, I never watched them. I did, from time to time, watch Bat Masterson. I was the only western lover in our family, so I watched when I could.

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "