New in town

There are 10 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 5,603 times. The latest Post () was by SXViper.

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  • I have been a big JW fan for many years, but only recently found this forum.

    I 'grew up' with JW around because my late father was a huge western fan, and we often went to the cinema to see them before we got TV. There was always a JW film on.

    Then I started buying the small western comics, Buck Jones, Kit Carson, and JW of course. Wish I had kept them all now.

    There have been many great people over the years, most before my life time, and most have been politicians, leaders or scientists. JW is certainly the one great person so far in my life time and it is interesting to see from the poll elsewhere in this forum that the generation after mine shows a huge interest in him.


  • Bob,

    WELCOME to the Original John Wayne Message Board! You have joined one of the friendliest, most knowledgeable groups of John Wayne fans anywhere on the 'net! We have quite a few members from the United Kingdom, and others from all around the world - a really great group!

    We hope you will take the time to check out the different forums, especially regarding Duke's movies. Moderator ethanedwards (Keith) has put in probably thousands of hours organizing movies and co-stars and other important 'players' in the film industry, like directors and composers. There is a vast store of information there!

    We look forward to getting to know you better in the days and weeks to come - don't be a stranger!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Welcome to the board, Bob. It's a pleasure having another Duke fan join in. Take a look around and feel free to jump in anywhere.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "