Books on Duke- Past Discussion (Archive)

There are 467 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 226,142 times. The latest Post () was by ethanedwards.

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  • I haven't read Maurice Zolotow's book, so I can't comment on it, however, my favorite John Wayne books are "John Wayne: American" by Olson and Roberts, and "26 Bar Ranch Scrapbook" by our own Chilibill. The one I think is the worst has to be Gary Wills book, I forget the title, something about the politics of America. I tried to read it, but when I got to the parts about John Wayne hating horses because he could not ride, and about how Wayne loved to show off his feet because they were so small so he rolled up his pant cuffs to show them off, and how he was the only one who did tha. At that point I took the book back to the library and I refuse to read anything by Wills. He's so full of, well, you get the idea. At any rate, there's my 2 cents on the subject.
    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Hi

    he Gary Willis book is John Wayne The Politics of Celebrity. Most John Wayne supporters hate the book although to be honest I can take it or leave it.
    I have read Zolotows book and wasn't impressed. The John Wayne American is a good and informative book as also is the late Fred Landesman's book The John Wayne Filmography.
    If you want to get into the heart and mind of John Wayne if you were doing serious research or wanted to truly understand the man then I would recommend the following two books
    JOHN WAYNE Actor, Artist & hero by richard D.McGhee
    & JOHN WAYNE Prophet of the American Way of Life.
    Neither of them can be called rib ticklers as both men take Wayne apart and asses him his films, the times he lived in and the people he worked with. Both however are very good reading.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • I didn't like the John Wayne The Politics of Celebrity. at all,
    I thoight it biased and anti-Duke, in many ways.

    My two favourite books remain:-

    John Wayne:American and
    Duke: The Life And Image Of John Wayne

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • We have for some time had two major threads relating
    to books about Duke.
    Itdo's original thread lists these books,in great detail,
    so for the sake of continuity,I have now merged these threads,
    so that all discussion of the books is in one thread.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • I had a book, I kick myself in the head now.
    I bought it at an auction (a live auction, as there was no Ebay then) in the 1980's, at that time the book sold at auction for $350.00, a bit of money, even back then.
    It was a hard bound book that Duke had in his library. It was STAGECOACH, it have every frame of the movie and the complete dialogue of the movie. It was signed by Duke, and was certified to be one of his last signatures, and from his library. Unfortunately, my wife and I developed some serious financial troubles, the economy was like today's, we both lost our job, and had no money, so I had to sell the book. I hope today it is in good hands, I could imagine what it would sell for now.

    :film: " When the legend becomes fact print the legend"

  • I had a book, I kick myself in the head now.
    I bought it at an auction (a live auction, as there was no Ebay then) in the 1980's, at that time the book sold at auction for $350.00, a bit of money, even back then.
    It was a hard bound book that Duke had in his library. It was STAGECOACH, it have every frame of the movie and the complete dialogue of the movie. It was signed by Duke, and was certified to be one of his last signatures, and from his library. Unfortunately, my wife and I developed some serious financial troubles, the economy was like today's, we both lost our job, and had no money, so I had to sell the book. I hope today it is in good hands, I could imagine what it would sell for now.

    Wish you'd been a member of this board and offered it for sale on here, Andy. I'd give some serious money for an item like that

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I had a book, I kick myself in the head now.
    I bought it at an auction (a live auction, as there was no Ebay then) in the 1980's, at that time the book sold at auction for $350.00, a bit of money, even back then.
    It was a hard bound book that Duke had in his library. It was STAGECOACH, it have every frame of the movie and the complete dialogue of the movie. It was signed by Duke, and was certified to be one of his last signatures, and from his library. Unfortunately, my wife and I developed some serious financial troubles, the economy was like today's, we both lost our job, and had no money, so I had to sell the book. I hope today it is in good hands, I could imagine what it would sell for now.

    I have a copy of the book you are talking about ( although not the one from JW library or signed by him)! I wish it was though.

    I think I have attached a picture of the cover perhaps you can let me know if it is the same one?

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • Well, Stagecoach50, at least you can say Duke was there to help you out through a hard time. :wink_smile:

    It must have been hard to give it up, I'm sure. But stop kicking yourself. We all gotta do things we don't want to now and then. But I do understand the desire to kick. lol


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • A book I really enjoyed is John Wayne, The Man Behind The Myth by Michael Munn. I agree the Company of Heroes is a great read.

    Gary Wills is a jerk

    Hondo Howard

  • I agree with Hondo, Gary Wills is a jerk, and that's about the nicest thing I can say about him. I tried to read his book, and tossed it away in disgust. All he does is trash Duke and try his best to tear down Duke's name and image. His book is filled with distortions and outright lies.

    That being said, I also agree with Duke Pilgrim. The BFI books, although more academic than I might like, are actually pretty good.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • I just have to say how much I loved "Duke; We're glad we knew you" By Herb Fagen. It's one of my all time favorite Duke books now. I got the newest edition which was released to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Duke's passing.
    I really liked the article by Glendon Swarthout's son Miles entitled "Duke's Last Ride".
    I highly recommend this book.
    And I just ordered John Wayne: American looking forward to that one.

  • And I just ordered John Wayne: American looking forward to that one.

    You will love John Wayne: American, Lt. Brannigan. It is a very well written and thorough book on the life of John Wayne. While a little long in the tooth in an area or two, it's a book that's hard to put down.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Quote

    You will love John Wayne: American, Lt. Brannigan. It is a very well written and thorough book on the life of John Wayne. While a little long in the tooth in an area or two, it's a book that's hard to put down.

    Reading through this thread, that seems to be the general consensus. I bought it for two reasons, 1: it comes highly recommended by this board. 2: It's supposed to be over 700 pages.