Duke's Movies- Blu-Ray/DVD Releases

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  • Found some interesting info on some upcoming releases. The first part is new western's that MGM has coming out. The second part is a re-release of 2 Duke movies with some added commentary and extras that some might be interested in. THese were found on digitalbits.com :

    MGM has announced three westerns and two war films for release on May 12th. It's a sign of the times, I guess; this is a substantial reduction in numbers from MGM spring western and war promotions of the past. Instead, the studio has also announced a number of repackagings of past releases in various multi-packs (such as a 3-disc Cowboy Collection and a 20-disc Ultimate Westerns Collection). As there are no new titles involved and no new transfers mentioned, I'm not reporting on them in detail here. As for the five new releases, they are The King and Four Queens (1956, with Clark Gable), Doc (1971, with Stacy Keach), Young Billy Young (1969, with Robert Mitchum), Time Limit (1957, with Richard Widmark), and North West Frontier (aka Flame Over India, 1959, with Lauren Bacall and Kenneth More). MGM will also release The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966, with Clint Eastwood) on Blu-ray on May 12th.

    Paramount continues with Hawaii Five-O delivering the Sixth Season on April 21st. April 28th brings Mission Impossible: The Sixth Season. The studio is also adding to its Centennial Collection with May 19th releases of two John Wayne westerns - El Dorado (1967) and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962). Extras on the former will be audio commentary by filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich; Ride, Boldly Ride: The Journey to El Dorado; audio commentary with critic and film historian Richard Schickel featuring actor Ed Asner and author Todd McCarthy; The Artist and the American West (1967) - vintage featurette: Behind the Gates: AC Remembers John Wayne; original theatrical trailer; and galleries. Liberty Valance will offer The Size of Legends, The Soul of Myth featurettes; audio commentary by filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich along with his archival recordings with John Ford, John Wayne, and James Stewart; selected scene commentary with intro by Dan Ford along with his archival recordings with John Ford; galleries; and the original theatrical trailer.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • hi all

    I pre ordered these from Amazon.com and heard on Monday of this week that they have now been shipped so I should have them next week.

    I only ordered them for the extras as I already have both films on DVD.

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • Give us a rundown of the extras Elly when you receive DVD. Like most of us, I already have DVD. Could you also compare prints and sound quality to see if there is any significant differences.


    Will do. Like you I have them already but am a sucker for the extras and of course better quality. Always get the extras but the quality does not always improve.

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • Give us a rundown of the extras Elly when you receive DVD. Like most of us, I already have DVD. Could you also compare prints and sound quality to see if there is any significant differences.


    Hello Mike

    Well they finally arrived and having watched them back to back I can say they are both well worth the money I paid.

    Not only is the qualty of the print far superior to the copies i had I would have paid this just for the extras.

    if only all DVDs were up to this standard

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • Like you, we already have both films on DVD, so we would be especially interested in your thoughts on the extras, because that would be the only reason we would purchase the titles again.

    Well they finally arrived and having watched them back to back I can say they are both well worth the money I paid.

    Not only is the quality of the print far superior to the copies I had I would have paid this just for the extras.

    Wow! Now I'll have to get them, after your good report.

    FWIW, Amazon has them at a better price than Deep Discount DVD at this time, each title around $15.

  • Thanks for update Elly.

    I wonder will these editions be issued in Region 2 as well?


    Hi Mike

    Have you tried making your DVD player region free as I have so that it does not matter where you buy them from they will still play?

    Usually it is a matter of entering a code via the remote control. PM me if you want some help with it


    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • Quote

    Lt. Brannigan;88116]I had hoped I found something of exciting dramatic and profound value and something rare that no one had knew about but upon searching the forums I discover it is indeed known. Anyway way here is a new John Wayne release on DVD


    It will be interesting to know, what this is,
    new or a retitled and re-issue, which so often happens!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Jim,
    It will be interesting to know, what this is,
    new or a retitled and re-issue, which so often happens!![/quote]


    Guns and ammo can provide their share of fun and enjoyment for the recreational sportsman, but they also come with their own set of very real dangers, as this John Wayne-narrated safety documentary ably explains. Cowboy actor Wayne knew a thing or two about guns in his day, and as such, this 40-year-old educational film is as relevant now as it was when it was first produced by the Arizona Game and Fish Department.

    That is the synopsis.

  • Wow! Sounds like a DVD I wouldn't mind owning, with a couple of young teenagers around. The price is reasonable, too!

    Thanks, you guys, for doing the research to let us know what it's all about.

    Kind of like No Substitute for Victory, the documentary around the time of the Vietnam War, which Duke narrated.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Glad to be of service.

  • According to my list of movies that John Wayne made from 1939 and on that are not out on DVD/Blu-Ray in the Region 1 are:
    (Theatrical Release Date)
    1. Wheel of Fortune (3/14/1941)
    2. Lady from Louisiana (4/22/1941)
    3. Lady for a Night (12/29/1941)
    4. War of the Wildcats (10/25/1943)
    5. I Married a Woman (5/23/1958) cameo appearance
    6. The Barbarian and the Geisha (9/30/1958)
    7. Circus World (6/24/1964)

    Can anyone confirm that these titles are not released yet? I actually have all the others.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Best place on the web for info on what has been released to DVD


    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • Thanks Elly, that was a big help. I think it is confirmed that I am right except to add Cancel My Reservations, another cameo appearance.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Anyone have any idea when Paramount will start issuing Duke films on Blu-Ray? I have the Warner releases of Cowboys, Rio Bravo, and The Searchers---and they are gorgeous.

    Paramount is sitting on a treasure. I will buy several. Anyone heard anything?

  • There is also The Green Berets and How the West was Won on Blu-Ray.

    Not sure what Paramount is issuing. They seem to hold back. They did that with DVD at the beginning.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote