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  • i want to thank you all for sending
    me notices of singers and stars who have passed away, it has been so hot here i have not been on my pc much.
    and i am still taking care of my mom she is still having trouble.
    and i had to go and have a sonogram done on my liver my liver test were not good will not know what shows for a few days if there is something wrong then they my want to do a biosopys of my liver. as some of you know i have what they call chronic hepatitis and i have to go for monthly blood work and checkups and when the liver test are not good i have to go and have more testing i have been in remisson since 1996 i got real sick in oct 1994 was in the hospitals for 9 days for testing was real close to dieing.
    so i have to watch the heat as it can case me alot of trouble, i also have alot of breathing problems in the spring and fall. i just take one day at a time. there are alot of things i can not take as everything you take and eats goes throu your liver.
    they also check my gallbladder. sorry if i miss spill words never was good at spilling.
    it has been cool here for a few days got very little rain. now going back up in the 80s for a few days. hope nomore of tr digts. i also go for my yearly eye check up and i know i need new glasses for sure.
    but my daughter talked me into going with her bowling and i was suprise i could still bowl i had not been bowling since 1993. wow sofar my score has been 168 we bowl and lunch. it has help me alot with my pain.

  • i got some bad news today from my eye doctor i have in my right eye retianl detachment. as of now there is no way i can have the surgery for it. as i have to take care of my mom, i have no one to help me after the surg. cause after the surg is done i have to keep my head down forward 24/7 for alot of months. no new glassed. it is only in my right eye. i do not know what to do i can go to the specilist and see what he says i my tell dr. marks that i would like to go and see the specialist and see what he has to say.
    i have not told mom about this or the other test i had done monday. as it would upset her to much and she can not be upset or she will be sick.
    i do not know about my sonogram on my liver and gallbadder yet.
    i do not know what to do.

  • Linda, my daughter-in-law had a detached retina about 5 yrs ago. She had the surgery to reattache it but, it didn't work so, now, she can't see out of her left eye. When she had the surgery, though, she only had to keep her head down like that for a couple of days. But, if you have the surgery, it could very well be successful and you'll be fine. Good luck and all the best to you in the future.

  • Good luck with your surgery. Also, a Gallbladder operation is nothing. I had one about 18 months ago and the surgery itself only took about 45 minutes. I felt great starting almost immediately after the surgery. One day after being released from the hospital-though I wasnt supposed to yet-I was already doing my 30 minute walks and had no probs at all.

    Anyway, hope the eye surgery works ou for you.

    Take care--Carl.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Good luck with your surgery. Also, a Gallbladder operation is nothing. I had one about 18 months ago and the surgery itself only took about 45 minutes. I felt great starting almost immediately after the surgery. One day after being released from the hospital-though I wasnt supposed to yet-I was already doing my 30 minute walks and had no probs at all.

    Anyway, hope the eye surgery works ou for you.

    Take care--Carl.

    i got back with my eye doctor today. and i was wrong about the detached retianl. it is a membran over it and i have time to have it checked out before i go ahead with any surg. i do not about my sonogram yet i will know something next weds

  • i got back with my eye doctor today. and i was wrong about the detached retianl. it is a membran over it and i have time to have it checked out before i go ahead with any surg. he said it could clear up on its own also
    i do not know about my sonogram yet.

  • I passed out one day from lower abdominal pain. I woke up in a screaming pain on a gurney in the hospital hallway. I was left twitching and jerking in front of the door that said "UltraSound." About an hour later the UltraSound specialist came back from lunch. I remember she was licking her fingers. She picked up my chart and read it and said okay let's see your gallblatter. She admonished me for not laying still on the gurney. I said I have no control over the twitching and jerking because of the pain. She did the UltraSound on my gallblatter and said it would have to be removed. I remember there was food stuck to her teeth as she faded away. I woke up in a hospital room weak as a drowned cat still in a screaming pain. But my life was saved and the gallblatter was gone. Later I had a talk with the surgeon, who didn't look old enough to vote. I told him there was no damn justification on this earth for leaving someone in that kind of pain. He'd obviously heard this point of view before. He smirked and shrugged and said in the most condescending tone that he had given me the minimum recommended dosage decreed by the Board of Health and that his conscience was clear. I told him if I slap his head through the wall my conscience would be clear because he had driven me insane by not sedating me adequately before, during and after surgery. I wanted to kill him, and would have if I had the strength.

    People who have no empathy for others should stay out of medicine.

    Anyhow ... call your church and tell them your situation. Perhaps they could send over some good member to look after your mom while you recover from the retina correction. I had the same thing done before cataract surgery. It's easy and painless. And the improvement in one's eyesight is truly astonishing.


  • People who have no empathy for others should stay out of medicine. AMEN to that and ill add this, people working in any profession that deals with the public-IF they cant be "correct" towards said people, then they need to find another job!!! I get that from time to time with arrogant busdrivers--just like this morning.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • i found out about my last scan on my gallbladder.
    i go and see my docs brother who is a specialitis with the gallbladder. i see him on the 8th and on the 9th i have my other eye done. my right eye is doing good.

  • my left eye is sore and hurts and stings after i got home i just slept alot of and on all day and night , this morning it feels better today. all that stuff they put into my eyes went down in my tear ducts and down my throat. which made me feel sick so i slepted alot. now if everything goes good on the 17th for my gallbadder. it is called a Dyskinesia problem it was working only at 4% they will try to remove it Laparoscopic surgery but if they have trouble cause of my liver problems then they will have remove it the old way open surgery.