Maureen O'Hara- Biography & Discussion

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  • Hi

    This was taken at Harrods a couple of years ago when Maureen O'Hara came on her European tour to attend book signings for her autobiography.

    I had recently joined the Maureen O'Hara fan club and heard about the forthcoming event and arranged to go up to London and meet some of the people who would also be attending.

    Getting there early I met a lady from Dallas who was well up in the society a lad from Norway who gave me an Irish magazine about Maureen O'Hara, Also a man and his wife great fans who came from Havant which is the first stop on the line from Portsmouth and who I later found out some time earlier had worked in the same building as I did.

    There was a large crowd gathered in the book shop and after about two hours it was announced that Miss O'hara would be along but as she was unwell she would restrict her signing to one book only. I had a slight scare as I had previously bought the book in America and there was doubt that she would sign it.

    On her arrival in a wheel chair she signed and spoke to everyone it was brilliant to meet a legend even better to be photographed with her.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Kieth

    it was a pity about the green bag, especially when all I had in it was a newspaper that I'd already read on the train going up, and of course her book.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    Looking through the book this is the photograph I took up to London with me hoping that she would sign it but at the last moment I bottled out of asking her.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • The news story about the Newport Beach Film Festival has a lot of content. The part on John Wayne’s 100th has generated some great interviews.

    What naughty thing did Maureen O’Hara whisper in John Wayne’s ear in “The Quiet Man” to get the reaction he gave. My fiend’s daughter said that John Ford had asked the Duke to ask it and Maureen has said she will never tell. Mrs. Blair would not tell me buther answer is classic.

    What would you ask Maureen O’Hara if you were me? Here is her answer.

    Visit My Entertainment News John Wayne Party to see the video of John Wayne’s birthday party with Maureen O'Hara interview talking about the John Wayne birthday celebration.

  • She starred with some of the most desirable leading men in her career:

    Tyrone Power, John Payne, Rex Harrison, James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Brian Keith, Sir Alec Guinness and, John Wayne.

    Of those 8 men, does anything stick out that she remembers about each of them. Which was the most difficult to work worth and most fun to work with.

    Also if she had the chance and circumstances would have been different, would she have married The Duke?

  • datagrant,

    First of all great job on the work you've done so far! I watched the clips you linked for us and really enjoyed them! Thanks!

    Regarding your question, the roles were actually reversed. It was O'Hara, not John Wayne who did the whispering. I don't think your're going to get too far with the question as she has kept it a secret this long and I expect she will to the end; but I'd love to know myself what she whispered to the Duke too!

    I have always had the impression that her relationship with John Wayne was special. They seemed to have a deep and genuine friendship.

    I think Dakota has some good stuff for you there and I don't know as I could improve on his suggestion.

    As a fellow Catholic though, I would very much like to know how her Catholic faith has informed her life and influenced her career.

    Thanks again!


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Hi datagrant:

    As Tbone has indicated, I wouldn't waste my time asking her about the secret whisper. It'd be so lovely to know, but she's been asked many many times and sworn up and down just as many times that she's taking it to the grave. It was something special between she and Duke & Pappy Ford and she feels it's the only thing left in the entire film that really belongs to her and her alone. I kind of like it that way myself and would be somewhat disappointed if she ever spilled the beans - even as a part of me is terribly curious.

    Being of the feminine and somewhat romantic persuasion, I'd want to ask her about her favorite & least favorite cinematic kisses. Those kinds of stories can be fun to hear. Clark Gable, one of the all-time great sex symbols, supposedly had horribly bad breath. Kathryn Grayson said that kissing Frank Sinatra was like kissing a monkey. The two kisses Maureen shares with Duke in The Quiet Man are some of my all-time favorites. I like DakotaSurfer's question as well.

    You might also ask her what her most treasured memory is from all her years in film.

    But you must be a pro and therefore have some good ideas of your own!

  • Her recent book covered a lot of ground but she always seem to duck against certain questions including The Quiet Man whisper. Poor Gerry Kelly when he interviewed her did not get much joy she will want to stick very much to script with no surprises.

    Ford is a touchy subject with her but you may get results. Also, not getting an Academy Award may produce a interesting line of conversation.

    She was not too inspired with Jimmy Stewart

    You could ask her what roles she regrets not getting and would she do more theatre. Would she do things differently.

    Being Charles Laughton protege could open up an interesting conversation.

    Good Luck on your interview


  • Hi Gerry

    To help you in your interview with Maureen

    Some questions come to mind to ask Maureen about John Wayne

    Where there any other John Wayne /Maureen O Hara films planned that did not come to fruitition for some reason.

    She also mentions in her book that she thought Big Jake would be a better movie than than it panned out to be. She says footage was cut from this movie becuse of it length. Can she give any insight to what was shot or deleted from the final cut of the movie.

    Also, I have always thought that her movie with Brian Keith The Parent Trap that Brian had similarities in style to the Duke. Was it something she was aware of. Could she see John Wayne doing a movie like Parent Trap.

    What was her favourite movie to act in ?

    If she hadnt been an actress what career path would she have taken?

    Finally, without asking what she whispered in John Wayne's ear. Was in Gaelic or English? And if it was Gaelic did John Wayne understand what being said?

    Hope this helps


  • Mike,

    Thanks for bringing up the Brian Keith discussion! I'd like to hear answers to the questions you brought up on that subject too. I think Duke would have done great in that film myself and would be interested to know her thoughts regarding Keith and the Duke.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Wow, what a great opportunity to suggest questions that would get asked of Maureen O'Hara. I would recommend that you ask which film starring John Wayne that she was not a part of does she look back and wish she had starred opposite Wayne. Hondo? Rio Bravo?

    Also, I wouldn't give up on the question as to what she whispered to Duke at the end of Quiet Man. But here is how you do it....ask all your questions, wait until the end of the interview, when she is comfortable with you, and you are wrapping it up, then say, "one final question..." I know you have never wanted to answer this before..." (she will know where you are going) and then ask "is there anything you can tell us about what was whispered to John Wayne at the end of the Quiet Man?" Maybe she won't say what it was, but maybe she will at least say something about it, that would be a good capstone to your interview. Good luck!

    "...all of this and General Price that baby sister makes it back to Yell county" --Rooster Cogburn, True Grit.

  • Judging from the last interview I saw her give with Gerry Kelly I think she may not like interviews too much.

    GSP I never thought of Maureen in Hondo or Rio Bravo but reckon she could have improved Rooster Cogburn instead of Kate Hepburn and would have added the final cherry
    if she had starred in The Shootist instead of Betty Bacall.

    Anyway Gerry charm her as best you can. Hopefully you have Irish ancestry mention the success of the Irish cricketers in the West Indies and find out as much as you can for us.

    This could be one of her last interviews.


  • I would also find it surprising. I've never heard anything negative about Jimmy Stewart - not even one word. I haven't spent a lot of time studying him, but you get ideas about people from seeing them on screen, and when those ideas are largely borne out by what you hear over the years you sort of form a pretty solid opinion of a person. I thought everyone liked him.

    Of course, it's hard to tell what you mean by Jimmy Stewart not being inspiring to her. Please clarify, and give us some facts, if you can. :smile:

  • I would also find it surprising. I've never heard anything negative about Jimmy Stewart - not even one word. I haven't spent a lot of time studying him, but you get ideas about people from seeing them on screen, and when those ideas are largely borne out by what you hear over the years you sort of form a pretty solid opinion of a person. I thought everyone liked him.

    Of course, it's hard to tell what you mean by Jimmy Stewart not being inspiring to her. Please clarify, and give us some facts, if you can. :smile:

    According to her autobiography, Stewart was a bit of a "ham" who wasn't too keen on 'sharing" scenes with her.

    She also talked about Brian Kieth in her bio, and one of the things she mentioned was that he had an acting style that was very similar to Duke.

    If I remember right, Tycoon and The Long Gray Line were both supposed to have been Wayne-O’Hara vehicles, but both were made with others, for various reasons.

    As far as the original question, I would agree with DukePilgrim's suggestions, particularly about the deleted scenes from Big Jake.


    "I am not intoxicated - yet." McLintock!

  • Hi All

    In Maureen's book she says that Ford tried to get her sacked from Mr Hobbs takes a Vacation as somebody who was difficult and that after that was cleared up she was left under no illusions that:-

    "I discovered that in a Jimmy Stewart movie that every scenes revolves around Jimmy Stewart. I was never allowed to really play out a single scene in the picture. He is a remarkable actor but not a generous one"

    Later when she starred in The Rare Breed with Jimmy Stewart and when she stole a scene from him. Later in the day Stewart suddenly became unwell with a mysterious illness and went home.

    "When I showed up for work the next day to finish the scene, new pages of script were handed out. The scene had been completely rewritten overnight and was now impossible for me to steal."

    She regarded Rare Breed as a total flop and only praised Brian Keith who also starred in the movie.

    The only other fact that I know about Stewart was that he parted company pretty disgracefully with director Anthony Mann after a dispute with how much credit Mann was getting for invigorating Stewart's career with the westerns he made with him in the 1950s. Ironically after the rift neither of them enjoyed the success they had when they worked as a team.

    Jimmy was a good western star but I can't rate him in the same league as the Duke. I know John Wayne was loyal to his directors and actors who he worked with and I dont believe I have ever heard of him asking for a scene to be rewritten to give him a more dominant role.
