True Grit (2010)

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  • The nomination for Hallie Steinfeld as Supporting Actress brings a question quickly to mind. If the Cohn brothers claim they made the film more closely to the book where it will be told through Mattie, wouldn't that make her the lead actress, not a supporting roll?


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Lead and supporting actors get twisted around come award time. It's her first movie, she'll be a supporting actress.

    SAG Nominations Analyzed…rd-noms-hammond-analyzes/

    The Supporting Actress field offered up no shockers with True Grit’s Hailee Steinfeld , obstensibly a lead but entered in the supporting category, grabbing a nomination even though the size of her role dwarfs the competition. Two years ago Kate Winslet won in this category for The Reader but was later nominated for – and won – the leading actress Oscar in the same film. Rules differ between the two orgs. With SAG, actors are entered into specific categories. With Oscar it’s up to the Actors branch to decide where they belong. Just based on the weight of her role Steinfeld could be a major contender to take this prize at SAG, particularly if The Fighter’s nominated co-stars Melissa Leo and Amy Adams split their vote.

  • So it seems that a lot of you are planning to see this movie when released. You go in with an open mind, mainly to be entertained, which is the main objective. Are most of you are saying that you are really seeing this movie because how well you liked the book? It is hard to not see this movie and not compare if you seen the earlier version. I mean, watch Jeff ride a horse versus Duke's riding. Shooting a gun or just plain dialog. I can't help it because it is my nature to compare movies. Or even still compare movie versus book.

    I have read the book many years ago. I don't remember a lot of it. I think I saw the movie before I read the book. I was only 8 years old when the movie was released. I don't have a copy of it, but I think I'll just have to purchase it and reread it again.

    I've seen the trailer of the new "True Grit". It looks more dramatic than the '69 version (sorry it's in my nature). I am more opened minded to see this myself, but my main concern is the Colen Brothers. They make weird movies. They will literally destroy a story to put in their twisted mind set in their movies. I guess it may be the movies they choose. With True Grit they may behave themselves since we are more familiar with this story.

    Most of the reviews I've read is how much a better actor Jeff Bridges is than John Wayne. Opinions vary, and as long as we have the political left and right, I guess that will hold true to any really opinion as to what people prefer. People need to get past that and I mean all people on the left and right (sorry it's in my nature). I actually like Jeff in some movies (note I said "some"). To see him play Rooster Cogburn will be really hard for me because I am use to seeing John Wayne as the one and only Rooster.

    Will I go see it? I thing I will. I may need to see it before you give your reviews here, so I don't loose my perspective of this movie. But I will again be open minded. As most reviewers in newspapers, magazines, and blogs have shown their liberal opinions in their articles.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

    Edited 2 times, last by Hondo Duke Lane: Grammer Mistake ().

  • Hondo, you can still get the book on ebay really cheap. There is always a copy or two going off each week. I loved the book and have read it several times.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Quote

    HONDO: It is hard to not see this movie and not compare if you seen the earlier version.

    Very true, especially If you're like me and the Original True Grit (I'll call OTG because I'm too lazy to keep typing it out!) is your favorite movie. Comparisons are to be expected.

    The only thing that’s bugging me about the hype of the new film is the actors and director’s keep saying, “It’s not like the John Wayne Movie, we’re taking the dialog straight from the original novel…”
    Well, at least 90 percent of the dialog in the OTG is also directly from the novel! Plus some of what was narration in the novel was turned into dialog. (And a few things that Roberts left out of the screenplay found it’s way into “Rooster Cogburn and the Lady”.)

    IMO, In a few places, screenwriter Margurite Robert's actually improved on the dialog by adding a few punch lines that Charles Portis didn’t think of! To tell the truth, I think Marguerite Robert’s “True Grit” has a little more wit than Charles Portis’ “True Grit”. Now, I’m curious about the Cohen Brothers version.
    That being said, I’m still looking forward to this new version, simply because I like the story, and I haven’t seen a good Western on the big screen in a while. I’m not a Coen Brothers, fan, but I will give it a chance.

  • Hondo, you can still get the book on ebay really cheap. There is always a copy or two going off each week. I loved the book and have read it several times.


    Thanks Mark. I will purchase this and get paid for shopping on my site through ebay.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • By the way, I just ran across True Grit on Blue Ray. I purchased it at Walmart for $15. Couldn't help it. Just have to see this on Blue Ray. That is the original version.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • may2, thanks for your many interesting contributions (links) in this thread - some real good reading.

    We noticed that True Grit is on the marquee at the local movie theater, and we expect we'll go see it fairly soon.

    As others have mentioned, seeing this doesn't take away from the OTG's place in our heart (thanks, ZSMaverick, for the OTG in place of Original True Grit :wink_smile:).

    We look forward to seeing what everybody thinks. I haven't read the book, but Mrs. C has, and she echoed a previous post, in that many lines in OTG came directly from the Charles Portis novel, not sure how much closer the Coen brothers can come.

    I guess we'll find out!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Frenzy On The Wall: No Country For The Coens’ True Grit Remake…e-coens-true-grit-remake/

    This guy sounds like one of those self-important film critics who think their judgement outweighs everyone else's. Instead of just enjoying a good story, he feels it's his obligation to pick it to pieces for the edification of us mere mortals. I don't like film critics per se and Forrest only reinforces that feeling.

    I'm also not a big fan of the Coens and Forrest obviously thinks they're the best thing to come along since sliced bread.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • My wife and I sat down last night to watch the original. She wanted to see the JW version before we went to the new one. I am very reluctant to go to the new one as I am not a fan of the Coen's either, especially the way they made us Minnesotan's look in Fargo. I will let you know what I think after we see it.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne