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There are 1,696 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 679,947 times. The latest Post () was by FanoftheDuke67.

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  • WELCOME, RJCogburn, to the best site on the internet! You'll find everyone here friendly and forthcoming. Lots of discussions on a friendly level, too!
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Wow, this is a great site.

    I like the westerns most, and True Grit (of course) my favorite...at least my favorite character.

    Found this place via the youtube True Grit offering.


    I've been out of town for a few days, but sure would like to chime in with all the others in welcoming you to the John Wayne Message Board!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Howdy Folks! :beer: I'm right in the mist of doing something, when this e-mail came in from www.dukewayne.com which says it was Dec. '06 when I
    first somehow logged in. I'm 79 now and you must take into consideration my age and forgetting how to reciprocate when asked "where you been George"!
    Well, for one thing I've been a John Wayne "sidekick" for many years...been to Monument Valley, Utah where many of the best western films have been made and those were all the John Wayne movies. Well, not all were filmed there, but who cares, any movie with him were the greatest. I think I've every movie the Duke was ever in.
    Well, I'm a little winded here --- got that from the Duke and too, I've been a photo/journalist for many years as well and did photo work for a couple Hollywood productions as well. But the scenes in Monument Valley were breathless --- go there if you never have and you'll see what I mean.
    Well, gotta run --- I hear the Duke calling me --- that is Ermal Williamson (John Wayne look-alike) now with his show at the Owens Theater, Branson, MO with his sidekick, America's Yodeling Sweetheart Paula Cravens.
    It's been a joy to leave this message.
    George Cates
    Bergman, Arkansas

  • Howdy George,

    Welcome back!! I guess the email reminder worked. :shades_smile:

    All the best to you, and hope to see ya around more often!


  • Kevin, I have seen more people here tonight that are members, but haven't been here in a while. You have anything to do with this? If so, then I look forward to many more posts!!!:hyper:

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Quote

    Mein englisch ist nicht so gut

    Hopefully either I can learn German, you can lean better English, or we can somehow come to a mutual understanding of sorts. But in any case, WELCOME TO THE BEST JOHN WAYNE BOARD OF ALL TIME!.

    I hope this translation works out well, as I used a free translator

    Hoffentlich entweder ich kann Deutsch, Sie können lehnen besseres Englisch lernen, oder wir können irgendwie zu einem gegenseitigen Verständnis der Sorten kommen. Aber WILLKOMMEN Sie auf jeden Fall HEISST ZUM BESTEN JOHN WAYNE AUSSCHUSS ALLER ZEITEN!.

  • Hallo, ihr lieben,
    ich hoffe es gibt auch der ein oder andere der deutsch (german) schreiben kann. Mein englisch ist nicht so gut .Bin aber ein großer John Wayne Fan.
    MfG cobra

    In so many words, he/she says their English is not so good but that they're a big John Wayne fan. That's good enough for me.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • This is my first post and I want to say hi! to all the folks here. So far, lurking and reading are all I do here - great info and fascinating points of view.

    I found this site while googling John Wayne one night . . . I was looking for others out there with similar interests and I sure found them.

    My favourite John Wayne movies are the westerns... but I'll watch the others if I get the chance. For instance this morning I watched most of the 'Tycoon' on TV.

    Why do I like John Wayne and his movies? Mostly because of his no nonsense approach to things...and he's entertaining!

    BTW: I have a podcast site where I talk about my favourite John Wayne movies, nothing fancy but it's fun...if you get the chance check it out, I'd sure like to hear from you.

    See ya' later.